Publisher, philanthropist George Delacorte dies at 97 (PBP) 5-5-9124A THE PALM BEACH POST SUNDAY, MAY 5, 1991
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,A,xeorge Delaeorte di at 97
`,'.Ihe Associated Press book to their children.
NEW YORK — George Dela- His other gifts in the park in-
c6rte, the founder of Dell Publish- cluded the Delacorte Theater,
ing Company and a philanthropist home to the summer Shakespeare
whose gifts became Central Park in the Park festival, and the ani -
landmarks, died mated Delacorte Clock at the Chil-
early Saturday dren's Zoo.
"I like whimsical things," he
at his Fifth Ave -
once said which Mr.
........ of the clock,
nue apartment.
He was 97. Delacorte recruited a sculptor
:x: :.:...:.:::.:.::..:.:::
from Italy to fashion.
Mr. Dela-
corte, who kept Ironically, he and his second
a residence in
wife Valerie were mugged during
North Palm
one of their strolls through the park
Beach, died in in 1985.
his sleep, said . .. ... ... But his philanthropy was not
his son, Albert.
limited to Central Park. Mr. Dela-
Mr. Dela- Delacorte conte also built the majestic foun-
corte grew up in New York and tains at City Hall and Columbus
.raised a family of six children, Circlie ,
along with the geyser at the
,*,developing a special attachment to tip of Roosevelt Island.
Central Park. Even in his 90s, the Mr. Delacorte, a 1913. graduate
publishing magnate liked to walk of Columbia University, also pre
the Manhattan park and visit his sented several large gifts to his
gifts. alma mater over the years. All
There was the bronze Alice in told he gave more than $4 million
Wonderland statue he donated to to establish the Delacorte Center
the city in 1959, a fixture at the for Magazine Journalism, a train-
1.north end of the Conservatory ing ground for future magazine
Pond. He intended it as a memorial writers, editors and publishers at
to his late first wife Margarita, the college.
who liked to read the Lewis Carroll__ He retired from Dell in 1976.