A Congressman Grows, Rep. Tom Lewis gains respect among knowledgable in Washington (PBP) 7-10-83kh ais been out there, he knows what life is all about anci noaoay can con nim ... fie ara drinkina it all in and you know that there are no flies on Born.' nrl 0 D2—The Post, Sundays July 10, 1983 �'- .r..' . wisFrom D1 his mouth shut"' on occasions when Reagan seems less than well pre- pared. The only person interviewed who was critical of Lewis' performance so far was Democrat Culverhouse of Fort Pierce, who Lewis beat by about 8,000 votes last November to win the District 12 seat. Most observers, including , agree that Culverhouse is itching for a reinia.tch next year. Culverhouse said he hasn't decided whether to run again. "Anything's possible," he said. Culverhouse said Lewis has "put forth an appearance of activity" as a congressman but has shown "no sub- stance" and hasn't been very effective in getting money for district projects, in part because Lewis is a member of the House Republican minority. Specifically, Culverhouse said it was he, not Lewis, who helped get $75,000 into the federal budget for engineering. design of a project to deepen the Fort Pierce port. Culver- house said he contacted Rep. Claude Pepper (D -Fla.), with whom he has a close, longstanding relationship, and that Pepper went to Rep. Bill Chappell (D -Fla.), a member of the House Ap- propriations Committee, who got the money into the budget. "It's either a situation that he (Lew- is) promised them (local officials) something and didn't follow through — and that would be a situation of office incompetency — or he decided not to throw himself into the issue," Culverhouse said, adding that this was the first time since the election he has publicly criticized Lewis' perfor- mance. "The important thing is that Tom Lewis, to my knowledge, had told the Chamber (of Commerce in Fort Pierce) that he would try to do some- thing about it and did nothing," Cul- verhouse said. Lewis acknowledges that Culver - house's call to Pepper helped get the $75,000 into the budget. But Lewis said Culverhouse does not deserve as much credit as he's taking and that Culverhouse's criticisms are "unwar- ranted." "That's a piddling amount of money and we were going to get it in there," Lewis said, adding that he was just waiting for the right moment to move. � U� Cox News Service Photo by Bud Newman 4-H meM ers -.`aria P— overs, Kayla Albritton, Kristen Madison meet with Lewis in his Washington office "The money would have been there arrival. that ... jIe is up a lot more than he is be. whether he made the phone call or ' Mrs. Lewis agrees. down." I "I thought I would have the mental not." s "He still feels a thrill when he feels When he's tired or feeling down, she challenge, yes, but I did not think I Besides, Lewis 'said''`work''bn the apart of this congressional (experi- said, Lewis can get snappy and be- would have the physical challenge," port deepening project can't start un- _ _ ence) and to know that he is working to come "a little quick to answer." he said. "It used to tire me out." til the state -iss�u cau , _ ;..' o al , shape. the future," she said. "I think it She said her husband needs to get Lewis, the former chief of jet engine permit that is stilt.peno-M- a is is fUlf illing. I think it takes a lot more back into playing golf to relax, but testing at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, is no rush to get. tho-.lesign funds. €� n, . out , of him that he thought it would." that he hasn't had time to play since no dummy and no one questions his "I'm not _going get into a verbal ` but other than the fact that Lewis coming to Congress. And she said she intellectual capacity to handle the job. battle with hinny'.' Lewis said of Cu- has: added a few pounds around the misses the 2 -mile evening walks they Yet, even he admits that the sheer verhouse. "I'm doing my job as a co - mi 'ddle and the fact that he has had to took together in North Palm Beach or volume and complexity of issues he gressman." ,Fz".0010 w switch to a wider shoe because his feet in Tallahassee during legislative ses- must deal with can be overwhelming. And so far, Lewd Y , 'likes h" hurt` from so much walking back and sions. She said her husband usually "There is more thrown at you than I new job a lot, `eves"i ith -s built -ib forth to the Capitol, Mrs. Lewis said gets home f rom the of f ice too late to f eel the most intelligent person could frustrations and limA" ion she has noticed few changes in her go for walks. comprehend," he said. "I think you'd "It's everything that I ho>ght It husband since he came to Congress. Like many newcomers, Lewis said become a raving maniac if you tried to would be," saidL$ , who��was elect- "He has had some downs," she said. the incredible pace and physical de- absorb it all." ice redden Y :` o `the '� ° fim , ed v p t. ``If he's had a hell of a da I know he's Y, mands of the job caught him b sur- J g Y Lewis said he thinks "five terms class of Republicans shortly after his had a hell of a day and he expresses prise. He said every day on Capitol would be enough" for him, if the vot- Hill is like the frenzied last few days ers approve. That would make him 68 of the Florida Legislature. when he retires from Congress in "The thing that I learned to do was 1992. say no (to all the invitations and de- As Lewis continues to adjust to life mands on his time)," Lewis said. "You as a congressman, he has credited his just have to recognize that you have to decade as a state legislator with giv- struct;are your time so that you can be ing him a big jump over other fresh - effective in those areas you want to men without similar- experience. It also gave him an understanding of the appropriations process, he said, and made issues such as agriculture, gov- ernment operations and - transporta- tion easier for him. His science back- ground helps him on the Science and Technology Committee. But he said in areas like foreign affairs, "I can only scratch the surf ace on that and I rely on the expertise of other members." To help keep in shape — and per- haps to help work out any frustrations or anxieties — Lewis has started tak- ing karate lessons twice a week in the House gymnasium. "It's good exercise," he said. "If gives you a good mental attitude." And, he noted, "you may have to wind up protecting yourself up here one day and you better be ready to do it." Fear for their safety helped con- vince the Lewis' to rent an apartment in Crystal City, a concrete canyon of apartments, condominiums and hotels along U.S. 1 in Arlington, Va., only a couple miles from the office. They originally thought about renting in Capitol Hill's residential section, but decided the integrated neighborhood's mix of high-priced, renovated town- houses and more rundown dwellings was not safe enough. Mrs. Lewis said she didn't want to live where people had iron bars on their windows and big dogs for protec- tion. Their Crystal City apartment is se- cure and close to the subway, which Lewis said he usually takes to work. Lewis said his most special moment in six months as a congressman came when he and about eight others were called to the White House to meet with Reagan prior to the House vote on funding for the controversial MX mis- sile. "The most impressive thing to me was sitting at the Cabinet table at the White House with the president and the vice president and Gen. (John) Ves- sey (chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) and the secretary of defense .. . and debating the MX, because I was an undecided vote on that," said Lew- is, who voted for MX funding. "Here I am sitting with the most powerful man in the world," Lewis said. "I wasn't overwhelmed, but I never thought I'd be here having this kind of discussion.' He said that White House visit helped convince him that "Hey, what I do here really does count.' After six months in Washington, others are beginning to notice that as well. i} " S lei .''ot-eHow Le By dud Newman 01 inued government funding of the Clinch River Cox News service Breeder Reactor nuclear project in Tennessee. The fund - WASHINGTON — During his first six months in ing was . elet . Congress, f reshman Rep. Tom Lewis has voted f or: A nucled"r freeze, which passed the House in amend- • Funding for the MX missile, which passed. ed form. ` Lewis also supported several amendments -- • Funding for the American Conservation Corps-; a- sorne�of V�hich passed, some of which did not — designed to conservation jobs program opposed by President Reagan: ; w.eaken 'alae freeze resolution during House floor debate. The bill passed. r, >• amendment requiring that 75 percent of the �> n8' 6 : • An extra $325 million to improve science and math d�scrOtM,nary finds in the jobs bill be spent in areas of high instructions in the public schools. The bill passed. unerrlpioMt The amendment passed. • The so-called Social Security rescue bill nendment to the Social Security bill to raise ensure solvency for the retirement system's trust funds by the retirement.age gradually from 65 to 67 after the year speeding up already scheduled payroll tax increases and- 2000 td delete-provisiods decreasing benefits beginning in gradually raising the retirement age to 66 after the year th'#t year and to raise payroll taxes in the year 2015. The 2000. The bill, which evolved from the recommendations. ari dm!;Rt Bass d Social Secnrit' �► A _rn it to raise the Social Security payroll of a presidentially appointed task force on oc y, r �4 Y p Y 4. lz 'a3 0 �;cet far both employers and employees, "": passed. t • The $4.6 billion emergency jobs and recession relief effective in the year 2010 instead of the long-term benefit bill, which passed. cuts and tax increases in the Social Security revision bill. • An amendment making the goal of U.S.-Soviet arms . The amendment w4s .defeated. control negotiations an agreement to scrap two existing • A bill designating 1.13 million acres of national nuclear warheads for each new one deployed instead of, . ,forest., laud: in :Oregon as federal wilderness. The bill seeking a freeze on nuclear weapons. The amendment failed. • A bill to authorize $760 million this year for a • A bill to repeal the law establishing a withholding temporary loan program to help unemployed homeowners tax on interest and dividend earnings as of July 1. The bill make their mortgage payments, plus $100 million next —a similar version of which Lewis had filed himself -- :,year for ..emergency shelter for the homeless. The bill passed. .passed: • Extra funds for meals programs for older Am6ri- Bids to provide more than $70 billion in the next cans. The funding was approved over the president's ob- federal fiscal year, beginning Oct. 1, for the Department of jections. Housing and Urbane Development and 17 independent • An amendment to prohibit the Environmental Pro agencies, for the Department of Transportation, for the tection Agency from imposing sanctions on communities National Science Foundation, for civilian research and that have failed to meet air quality standards set under the development programs at the Department of Energy and Clean Air Act. The amendment passed. for the Securities and Exchange Commission's operations. • A bill to provide $101 million in military aid and,,, A1� four bills passed. $150 million in economic aid to Lebanon and to require the.' ®;Arnnizacieit to 'increase money] for the Environ - president to seek authorization from ,Congress to extend it erAa" i Protection Agency next year by $219 million. Theo U.S. participation in the multinational peacekeeping force�ry,:: iepdrentsgassed. stationed there. The bill passed. ;A ,bill to }author°ize grants to local school district to • An amendment to delete $56 million from the help offset the costs of desegregation. The bill passed. budget for various water projects in Colorado. The amend dill t extebd the Follow Through program to z meet failed. provide-ei' ducator al, health, nutritional and social services • An amendment allowing the use of funds by the to disadvantaged,, children who previously had been en - Defense Department to manufacture components of Bina- ' 64ied in" Ttogra-n s like Head Start. The bill passed. ry chemical weapons, but barring their final assemble • .An amendment to eliminate $910,000 in office until after Oct. 1, 1985. The amendment failed. ",, expenses, ,f orl �f orm�er..Presidents Nixon, Ford and Carter • An amendment to delete $127.5 million in start up b 1vY ;them rriouey for pensions. The amendment money for the Los Angeles subway system. The amend- passed. ment failed. _ y, ,� =` A r endrhertt to' -prohibit the use of federal health 4<` • A motion to recommit the Transportation Apprd' `` e it ;pay f or, abortions unless the life of the priations bill back to committee with orders to cut all mother is endangered. The amendment passed. y programs by 4 percent. The motion failed. :' r . A a_c a .idrrie t to delete $19.4 million for procure • A bill designating 2.33 million acres of national '�rK i f", anti -satellite `missile. The amendment failed. forest land in California as wilderness area. The bill f& .An amendment to delete $6.2 billion for procure - passed. :Meat -of the P-1 bomber and another amendment to bar • Amendments to reduce Fiscal Year 1984 funds for multi --year procurement contracts for the B-1 bomber. the National Endowment for the Arts and the. National Both amendments failed. Endowment for the Humanities by $40 million, bringing'_.... • An amendment to delete $671 million for procure - them back to 1983 levels. The amendments failed. ` ``: went of Divar anti-aircraft guns. The amendment failed. • An amendment to reduce Department of the Interi An amendment to delete $432.8 million for procure - or funding by 4 percent across the board. First adopted rent of Pershing II missiles. The amendment failed. and then killed on a subsequent vote. • A bill to..cap at $720 the amount an�bne can receive During his first six months in Congress, Lewis has fi oin the 10 percent tax cut scheduled to go into effect July voted against: ; :`rhY bilfpsed but was killed by the Senate. Lewis during his karate class held in the House gymnasium 4