How 'Old Man' MacArthur bullied, bulldozed and built northern PBC (PBP) 5-15-05TS PAUM BWAQ)i zaps
John D. ack hur° .'!"�
Left his fortune and the foto ot'' Brought the world Gentle Sen,
I Founded Palm Beach Gardens northern Palm Beach County county Flipper and Treasure Isle
® Developed most of Lake Park and to a Chicago foundation N Fought with Roy Disney and the .,,:
North Palm Beach M Entertained Bob Hope, Jackie Professional Golfers' Association ...
Left thousands of acres for Gleason and Hollywood stars at his N Smoked four packs a day, drari
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Fiftyweek PaIm BeachCountYears
met the man
who would steer its future: JMacArthur.
a n
T. lac) rt] ur
George Frost was a
young engineer in the early
1960s when he and a Palm
Beach County commissioner
walked into the old man's
home for a morning meet-
John D. MacArthur stood
before them stark naked,
cooking eggs.
The billionaire, discuss-
ing plans for a turnpike inter-
change, didn't explain his
lack of clothing and the two
men didn't ask, Eventually,
MacArthur got dressed.
"A tool," Frost called it.
Just another way for the old
man to get what he wanted.
Controlled eccentricity.
John Donald MacArthur,
owner of most of northern
Palm Beach County, was a
risk -taker extraordi.naire.
Irascible, ill-mannered,
foul -tongued. A Scotch -
slinging, chain-smoking,
fanny -pinching billionaire. A
man with the contempt for
wealth found in someone
who spent most of his life
without it.
Whether he was buying
land, lending money or wan-
gling his way into a corpo-
rate board room, John D.
MacArthur had to get the
better of the deal.
He didn't do it to see his
name in lights. He once said
that if he wanted a monu-
ment, he would have called
the city he founded.
MacArthur City, not. Palm
Beach Gardens.
He didn't do it to support
a lavish life. He was so cheap
that he wouldn't buy rubber
bands, instead relying on the
ones that came with the
morning newspaper.
He did it because he
, MacArthur, who pro-
nounced his name with a
booming MACK -Arthur,
didn't make his first million
until the age of 48. He died
at 80 in 1.978, America's
second -'richest man, owner
of a $ 1 billion empire of in-
surance companies, land in
eight states, including
100,000 acres in Florida, and
investments as varied as Ala-
mo car rental and
MacArthur Scotch.
He announced his first
Palm Beach County real-.
estate deal 50 years ago this
week. Like Henry Flagler,
MacArthur proved that Flori-
da could be shaped by a sin-
gle man. Like Flagler,
MacArthur built his Florida
legacy in the last decades of
his life. But in place of Flag-
ler's gilded edge, MacArthur
brought a common touch.
He perched atop bulldoz-
ers to direct drivers around
trees, toted luggage for
guests of his hotel and spent
hours manipulating politi-
cians for sport. He wore
rumpled, worn clothing:,
lived humbly and took great
pains to avoid convention.He
put his faith in the one thing
that brought him to the tope
He used people as props.
He .divorced one woman to
marry another, refused to
help his daughter find her
missing son and took over
his son's business when it
became a success.
His best friend was a
Yet he inspired fierce loy-
alty in his sales force of thou-
sands and, even today, many
of the men and women who
worked for him in Palm
Beach County gather every
March 6 to toast him on his
He grew up in the shad-
ow of three successful broth -
Joel Engelhardt is an
editorial writer for The Palm
Beach Post. His e-mail address
is joel engelhardt@pbpost. com
Viiksge Of North pts Seach
Village Histcty
Ile wasn t
Pop. M a cA RTH U Rfirom 1E
ers: Alfred, an insurance executive;
Telfer, a publisher; and Charles,
the Pulitzer Prize-winning play-
wright. His cousin, Gen. Douglas
MacArthur, commanded U.S.
forces in the Pacific -and South Ko-
John left the fame to them. But
when it came to collecting money,
he would come out on top.
He lived like a character out of
,one of his brother's stories during
the Roaring '20s: savvy, direct,
His friends and employees
knew him as the Skipper, John Mac
or the Old Man. He did not look
rich, sitting with a slouch in a
coffee -stained shirt, Whiskers bris . -
ding, cigarette dangling.
1, He never stopped doing what
he liked best: making' money.
In death, it is what he didn't do,
however, that reverberates today.
He left his $1 billion fortune and
his stewardship over northern
Palm Beach County to a. founda-
tion. And he left the foundation no
"I'll do what I know best and
make it," he told them. "You fel-
lows will have to learn how to
spend it.'
First fight: MacArthur takes
over town hall
MacArthur spent 23 years in
Palm Beach County, manipulating
his empire to the end..
When he arrived in 1955, few
people lived in the 10 -mile swath
between the small town of Lake
Park and the even smaller town of
Jupiter. Between lay scrubland and
pine and palmetto woods and a lush
vestige of the Everglades called the
Loxahatchee Slough. Over two dec-
ades, MacArthur would come to
own just about all of it.
His arrival was heralded in the
May 18, 1955, Palm Beach Post. The
"Chicago financier19 owned 80 per-
cent of Lake Park, plus 2,200 acres
on Singer Island and land he would
name North Palm Beach. He took
the property to collect on a
$4.5 million debt. Ralph Stolkin, a
Chicago developer, gave up the
land rather than make the first
$100,000 payment.
MacArthur entered like a big -
city ruffian.
When Lake Park denied hn'n
the right to build a water and sewer
system, it denied hh-n control over
the only thing limiting the area's
growth. So, MacArthur evicted offi-
cials from town hall, a building he
now owned. Then he called for the
town's dissolution in a full-page ad-
vertisement in the Sunday Palm
Beach Post -Times. As a former news-
paperman, he had a way with
"I would feel I was doing a dis-
service to all Lake Park residents
not on the city payroll," he wrote,
"if I did anything to help you keep
your city government alive."
The town, spurred by a mayor
who took an immediate dislike to
the billionaire, would not bend.
MacArthur sued to dissolve Lake
Park, forcing a settlement that gave
him What he wanted: control. of the
water supply.
John D. MacArthur had come
to town, and town would never be
the same.
He sold off North Palm Beach
and the Lake Park lots to builders
for $5 million, retaining land on
Singer Island. He loaned the build-
ers money and pressured them to
move fast. By 1963, North Palm
Beach had 6,000 residents.
He also began amassing land
farther west that would become
Palm Beach Gardens. He bought
thousands of acres at a time, at .
prices ranging from $700 to $1,100
an acre. He hoarded land from.
Lake Park to Jupiter. He bought
the Loxahatchee Slough.
Decades later, his foundation
would sell those same parcels for
exclusive gated communities.
Frenchman's Creek, Mirasol I
BallenIsles all bore MacArthur's
stamp. In 1999, the foundation sold
the leftovers, nearly 15,000 acres in
three counties, for $228 million.
MacArthur considered land a
shrewd investment. He knew the
more he bought, the greater the
price he could command.
He told an employee: "I don't
want to buy the whole world. I just
want to own everything next to
what I already own."
A wife and partner
as frugal as he was
MacArthur awoke at 4:45 every
morning, smoked three to four
packs of cigarettes a day and drank
20 cups of coffee. He lived to be 80.
In business, MacArthur had
only one partner, his second wife,
Catherine, who shared his faith in
the value of a dollar; uttered profan-
ities to equal his own, but came to
distrust the train of personalities
who lined up to see her husband,
hands outstretched.
She shunned a social life. In-
stead, she worked. Long after they
made their fortune, Catherine
pored over employee expense *re-
ports, rejecting claims she found
They lived in Lake Park in a
home with a carport. When it
rained, Catherine would roll the
car out for a quick dousing, then
wipe it down and consider it
Catherine nagged MacArthur
when he stayed up too late playing
poker, persuaded him to give up
his pilot's- license at age 60 and pro-
tected him from showing his
coarse side in social settings.
MacArthur chased other wom-
en. Catherine left him in 1948 and a
year later sued him for half his
holdings. Her suit included allega-
tions that he spent company money
on himself, hid income from the ,
IRS and encouraged false advertis-
He responded by suing her for
divorce. She claimed they were
never legally married because he
didn't get his first wife's consent to
a mail-order Mexican divorce in
1937. The suit showed that John
and Catherine also were married
by mail.
But as insurance regulators and
tax officials hovered, hoping to find
evidence against a man who regu-
larly escaped their clutches, the
couple reconciled, and all charges
were dropped.
ITI-E PA,,4, 13r-Ats+ QS,r
5- 15-65
51UPPL-0 HERE: The center of the land ernire by Johli D. MacArthur looked like the edge of civilization in 1-982, the
year his foundation- began marketing his land. Interstate 95 stopped at PGA Boulevard, not to be extended until 1987. By
stamping out roads in the Garden Woods subdivision long before homes were built, MacArthur forced the interstate's future
path to turn precipitously west —through more of his land. Radio Corporation of America, or RCA, had abandoned its complex
in 1971, 10 years after MacArthur lured the company to provide an economic -base for his new city, Palm Beach Gardens.
SPartan billionaire: You can,tbuy
your way into heavenP
MacArthur rarely gave any-
thing away and, when he did, he
usually had an angle. Like. the time
he offered the Baptist college 200
acres, hoping to bring a university
to his vast land holdings.
When he gave money away, he
didn't want anyone to know. He
paid for the football field at Palm
Beach Gardens High School but
withdrew a donation for the swim -
Ming Pool when the principal told a
colleague of his largess.
"Every time I give somebody
something, I am besieged by a
thousand others with their hands
out," MacArthur said. "Frankly, I
don't believe you can buy your way
into heaven."
He loved children and animals,
but with men, MacArthur could be
ruthless, impatient and unforgiv-
Some attorneys complained
that he failed to pay his bills. "He
didn't like people who tried to
gouge him," said Bill Pruitt, whose
firm did business with MacArthur
for years. "He wasn't going to be a
He would offer guests a drink
at his hotel, the Colonnades on
Singer Island. After they'd had
their fill, he would remind them to
pay the bartender on the way out.
He looked for bargains every-
where. On visits to Miami, he'd
dine with developer Irving Miller.
When MacArthur paid, he chose a
place where they could eat for less
than $1.50. When it came time for
. s
Miller to buy, Miller would select a
pricier restaurant. Rather than free-
load, MacArthur would limit him-
self to soup or salad, nothing more
than $1.50.
Palm Beach Post reporter Gayle
Pallesen flew with MacArthur in
his final years — coach, always
coach, because, you see, the tail
gets there just as fast as the nose.
She liked the old man but she
LANNIS WATERS/Staff Photographer
The 43 -mile 1-95 missing link opened in December 1987, and The Gardens mail opened in October 1988. The MacArthur Foun-
dation doled out land slowly over the next decade before unloading nearly 15,000 acres, including most of the land in this pic-
ture, in one giant sale in 1999. Downtown at the Gardens, featuring a movie theater, restaurants and stores,'is rising just west
of the mail. Across PGA Bouievard, more stores and office buildings are planned. The vacant land north of PGA Boulevard is
slated to be an industrial park. And more homes are in the works to the north.
wouldn't do what he once asked,
when he nudged her and told her
to ask the stranger in the next seat
for his uneaten cake. Undeterred,
MacArthur asked on' his own,
reached over, wrapped the cake in
a napkin and stuffed it in his pock-
"Scotsmen are supposed to be
very tight," MacArthur was fond of
telling reporters. "Cheap is a better
word for it. I've never denied it. I in-
herited it. My father was a Scots-
man, even if he was born in New
York City three days after the boat
Son of a fire-and-brimstone
MacArthur's father, William
Telfer MacArthur, was -a -failed
farmer and self -ordained minister,
who traveled the country railing
against sin and damnation.
. His mother, Georgiana, tried to
shield her children from her hus-
band. She died when John, the
youngest of seven children, was
still a teen. John spent several
years with his father before he
moved to Chicago to be with his
three older brothers.
John one day would have the
money to buy anything he wanted
but, in keeping with his father's ad-
m0nitions, would spend next to
nothing on himself.
In Chicago, John worked for
brother, Alfred, the insurance exec-
utive. In 1916, at age 19, John later
bragged, he sold more than $1 mil-
lion worth of insurance. He did it
by winning the confidence of facto-
M-SuD_.ervisoTr�s� t I
gain access to
blue-collar workers.
He yearned to top his brothers,
first as a World War I flying ace
(who never saw act -ion), then as a
small businessman. He failed with
a gas station, then a bakery. He
tried newspaper work with brother
Charles, who co -wrote the 1920s
classic play The Front Page before
marrying actress Helen Hayes. But
John couldn't match Charles at the
craft, and he went back to selling
John married Louise Ingals, in
1919. They had two children, Vir-
ginia and Roderick. But the mar-
riage between two opposites — she
quiet, gentle and refined; he loud,
aggressive and coarse — didn't
last, according to William Hoff-
man's unauthorized 1969 biogra-
phy, ne Stockholder.
, John married Catherine, Al-
fred's secretary, and got a divorce
from Louise on a trip to Mexico in
1926. Louise refused to formally
grant a divorce until 1937. He dis-
played flashes of brilliance as an in-
surance executive but clashed with
his bosses, including Alfred.
In 1928, he broke out on his
own, borrowing $7,500 to buy the
failing Marquette Life Insurance
Co., even though the company's
roster of high-risk customers and
low cash reserves made it a bad
risk. He survived the Depression
by denying claims, a practice that
would make his insurance compa-
nies top performers, Hoffman
In 1935, he learned of a stable
company that would cost just
$2,500. He borrowed the money
and became the sole owner of
Bankers Life and Casualty. He es-
tablished the basis for his fortune
in 1942 when he hit on the idea of
selling insurance nsurance by mail for $1 a
month after finding the untried pro-
totype in the archives at Bankers
Life, Hoffman wrote.
7� pnLnn L3*AcH Posr
5- t5 -o5
AeG -Air aws/
MacArthur entertained Hollywood
stars at the Colonnades Beach Hotel
on Singer Island and named a suite
for one of his favorite guests,
comedian and fashion plate Bob
Hope (taking a call while MacArthur
pours in 1974).
MacArthur made his home at the
Colonnades (left) because he liked
having a hotel -staff at his beck and
call. The hotel was demolished in
1990 to make way for a Marriott
VINo,ge of North pakn 8001
VIROge Hl"
MacArthur bought a $50 ad in a
Chicago newspaper and couldn't
believe the response: more than
1,000 requests, according to Hoff-
offman. A second ad did the sante.
The era of mail-order insurance
was born.
MacArthur foresaw the day
when regulators would intervene.
So he built a nationwide sales force.
By 1948, he could send a salesman
to the door of any customer who re-
quested a brochure. Mail-order
gave MacArthur his first $1 million.
But $1 million would not be
"The only reason I own 100 per-
cent of the stock of my empire is
that no one with $100 would invest
in an impossible undertaking," he
told a reporter three years before
his death. "My own brother spent
hundreds of hours giving me valid
reasons why I had attempted an im-
possibility. By all the rules of the
game, Bankers Life and Casualty
Co. should have gone down the
drain 40 years ago. The only expla-
nation I can offer is luck."
In three years, the company's
premium income quadrupled. By
1956, Bankers took in $120 million.
MacArthur was ready to soak up
the sun.
Starting a city,
with orwithout Disney
Shortly after MacArthur found-
ed Palm Beach Gardens in June
1959, Walt Disney slipped unno-
ticed into the city. The creator of
Mickey Mouse and Disneyland
dressed down to avoid publicity as
he met with MacArthur and offi-
cials of the Radio Corporation of
America, owners of the burgeoning i
NBC television network. RCA want-
anted Disney on its network.
MacArthur wanted a Disney theme
park on his land.
MacArthur and Disney got
along famously, two creative men
in a world of suits. They shook
hands on a deal: Disney would pro-
vide the entertainment, NBC the
programming, MacArthur the land
and financing.
It would be at least a year until
the news seeped out. But by then
the deal would be dead, killed by a
moment of anger in the penthouse
of the Palm Beach Towers condo-
minium. MacArthur's wrath would
fall on Roy Disney, Walt's brother,
who ran the company's business
The group gathered to draft the
agreement, which would have put
Disney on 320 acres along PGA
Boulevard. Roy was there; Walt
was not. Experts from the Universi-
ty of Southern California had con-
cluded that a theme park east of
the Mississippi River would not
drain business from Disneyland. In
fact, they said, it promised to be a
bigger hit.
Shortly before lunch, Roy Dis-
ney spoke the words that killed the
deal, said Jerome Kelly, Mac -
Arthur's real-estate adviser, who at-
ttended the meeting. Kelly died in
Novembe.r 2004. Roy Disney said
he didn't want a repeat of Southern
California, where Disney's neigh-
bors made money off the theme
park's success.
Roy Disney wanted a bigger
piece of MacArthur land.
MacArthur didn't wait to debate.
Roy was breaking his brother's
hand -shake agreement. MacArthur
would net be played for a fool.
He said nothing until lunch.
Then he stood and excused him-
self. Kelly pulled him aside. How
could he leave now?
MacArthur told him: "I have to
get the hell out of here or I'll hit
that goddamn beagle right in the
Shaping a city
and avoiding county control
el ► MaCARTHUR from previous page
The early 1960s found
MacArthur selling lots and building
homes in the first sections of Palm
Beach Gardens, north of Northlake
Boulevard and just beyond Lake'
Catherine, named for his wife.
He built a showy waterfall at the
entry on a street later renamed
MacArthur Boulevard. He made
sure his first neighborhoods
wrapped around schools. Even to-
day, kids in those neighborhoods
can bike to school without crossing s
a six -lane road. The curving streets
are fragrant with such names as i
Buttercup and Bluebell, Aster and
Azalea, Dogwood and Daisy.
Sidewalks are scarce.
MacArthur thought they should go
behind homes, but builders dis-
agreed. The result: The city today
owns thin strips of land behind peo-
ple's homes. :s
When Florida Power & Light
Co. told MacArthur it would be im-
possible to bury its electric lines,
MacArthur inquired into the price
of operating his own power plaint.
FPL got the message and gave in.
Today, most of the city's power
lines are underground.
MacArthur founded the city to
See MacARTHUR, next page
avoid county control. His insurance
men commuted from Chicago to
form the first city council.
MacArthur never lived in his
city. He had a three-bedroom home
for many years on a corner lot next
to Lake Park Elementary School.
The house, with 9 -foot -deep swim-
ming pool, still stands, assessed for
tax purposes at $101,000.
MacArthur grabbed national ex-
xposure for his city in 1961 when he
moved a 75 -ton banyan from Lake
Park to the Palm Beach Gardens
entry. Life magazine ran a full-page
photo of the tree dangling above
utility lines and reported that it
snagged a railway signal line, stop-
ping three New York -bound trains,
and later fell, crushing an earth -
mover. Total bill: $26,000.
But to sell homes, MacArthur
knew, he needed jobs. He scored
his biggest coup with RCA, which
brought 2,000 jobs when it opened
a plant in 1961. It helped that
MacArthur owned more than 10
percent of RCA's stock.
He added an entertainment
draw in 1964 by luring the Profes-
sional Golfers Association.
MacArthur, who knew little about
golf, didn't get along with PGA offi-
cials, who knew little about busi-
ness. The marriage lasted eight
years before MacArthur evicted the
PGA from what is now Ballenlsles.
MacArthur bought Channel 12,
a local Tv station, and WEAT AM,
a radio station. He considered buy-
uying The Balm Beach Post as well.
In 1965, MacArthur's insurance
men gave way to a city council
elected by residents. "I have always
viewed Palm Beach Gardens as
something that will live after me,
and I'm proud of what I have con-
tributed," MacArthur said. "It is the
only monument I want."
By the 1970 census, Palm
Beach Gardens was the nation's
fastest-growing city, going from a
lone squatter. in 1960 to 6,007 resi-
dents. MacArthur didn't chase out
the squatter. He gave him a home
in Lake Park.
Today, PGA Boulevard is the
most expensive address in north-
ern Palm Beach County, featuring
upscale shopping and office build-
ings. But in 1963, the road existed
only in MacArthur's mind. Officials
doubted that anyone would want to
drive to such a remote spot.
MacArthur convinced them other-
Once, reporters heard Mac -
Arthur's raised voice through the
door of the county engineer's of-
fice. "I never would have bought
that land if I hadn't thought the
road would be four-laned,"
MacArthur shouted. ,
A county official left muttering,
"That MacArthur is quite a sales-
The result: The county would
pay $875,000 for a new road, cross-
ing virgin MacArthur territory and
connecting Singer Island to the fu-
ture path of Interstate 95.
MacArthur would put up $600,000
for an exit at Florida's Turnpike. He
would be repaid from toll collec-
tions in two years, faster than any-
one expected.
When the interchange ' opened
in 1965, MacArthur gave a speech
and used the ceremonial scissors to
snip the very real tie of his stTon-
gest booster, County Commission-
er E.F. Van Kessel.
All the comforts of home
MacArthur hated to make deals
from behind a desk. He brought a
kitchen -table mentality from the
days when he and Catherine ran
their insurance company from a
Chicago apartment.
In, 1963, he bought the Colon-
nades Beach Hotel on the ocean in
Pahn Beach Shores on Singer Is-
land. He said he didn't want the ex-
pense of a maid at home. Instead
he would have a hotel full of ser-'
vants — a waitress to fill his coffee
pot, a switchboard operator to take
his calls, a bartender to make his
He started every morning with
a phone call to Louis Feil, his real-
estate partner in New York. To-
gether, they amassed Manhattan
office and apartment buildings
worth hundreds of millions.
By virtue of his daily presence
at a 3 -foot -square table adorned by
two phones and a coffee pot, the
hotel coffeeshop became his head-
quarters. From there, he dealt with
Howard Hughes.
The neon li,,ahft from a
MacArthur hotel in Las Vegas
bothered the reclusive Hughes,
who lived in a hotel next door.
Hughes offered to buy the sign.
MacArthur said sure — but he
would just put up another. Hughes
bought the hotel instead, and
MacArthur pocketed a $3 million
MacArthur holds a puppy from nis
We'I'maraner, Zeckendorf, named for a
New York_City developer.
Businessmen, many of them
looking for MacArthur to finance-,,
their schemes, lined up at the Col-
onnades, sometimes waiting for
"This is- the greatest racket,"
MacArthur once told a New York
Times reporter. "If I took these
guys up to my office (in the hotel
penthouse) I'd have to be courte-
ous to them. Here, I can just get up
and walk off into the kitchen and
MacArthur trained his dog,
Zeckendorf, to growl on command,
a handy prompt to end business
talk. Zeckendorf, a gift from re-
nowned New York developer Wil-
liam Zeckendorf, had free run of
the hotel, mooching food from din-
ers. Then, MacArthur got a visit
from the health inspector.
The dog must be reined in,
MacArthur was told.
MacArthur scolded the large,
golden Weil-naraner and chased
him out the back door.- The dog ran
to the front door, scampered back
in and jumped into John D.'s chair.
MacArthur turned. to the health in-
spector. "Arrest him," he said.
Zeckendorf would accompany
MacArthur on car rides. Most hu-
mans thought twice.
"MacArthur drives with charac-
teristic aggressiveness, a heavy
foot and all individual style in
which he sits almost in the middle
of the seat and uses his left hand,
exclusively, on the wheel, leaving
the right hand free for smoking
and gestures," a reporter wrote in
1965. "He appears to point the vehi-
cle by sighting directly down the
center crease in the hood. There is
a sense of elan and excellent tim-
ing which makes the near -misses
seem precisely planned."
His wardrobe lacked Man.
Howard Flynn, a neighbor and
Lake Park town councilman, once
asked MacArthur why he dressed
like a bum. "Sometimes," bet -
MacArthur said, laughing, "it's
ter to feel like a bum than a million-
OutDisneying: Disney
Disney World went to Orlando,
and it stuck in MacArthur's craw.
He decided to outdo Disney — in
Palm Beach Gardens.
MacArthur's Walt Disney
would be Ivan Tors, the producer.
His Mickey Mouse would be Flip-
per, the dolphin. His Donald Duck
would be Gentle Ben, the friendly
The public would pay to see
what MacArthur was doing with all
those animals — filming television
shows and movies — a Universal
Studios before there was Universal
MacArthur and Tors also
dreamed of TorsWorld, where Afri-
can animals could roam free — a
Lion Country Safari before there
was a Lion Country Safari. They'd
give people a reason to stay at Mac -
Arthur's Colonnades Beach Hotel
and to buy homes in his city.
But relations between Tors and
MacArthur soured over money,
MacArthur's production chief,
Sherman Adler, recalled. To get
them back together, Adler said, he
suggested a game show, the na-
tion's first outdoor daytime pro-
gram, Treasure Isle.
It would be filmed at the Colon-
nades, pack the hotel with guests,
and bring Tors to MacArthur's
front door. MacArthur built a 1 -
acre lake at the Colonnades, where
he could watch filming and Zecken-
dorf could roam the set, free to
chew through a cable and delay the
first day of production. The show,
which challenged contestants to
run a watery gantlet to win a trea-
sure, was a hit for two seasons.
\ANaqe of North Palm Beoch
Village History
MacArthur steered bulldozers around- trees and wasn't above moving even the than the average person. For example, I built Palm Beach Gardens without
largest banyan. 'There are some bearded jerks and little old ladies who call me a knocking one tree down. I moved the biggest tree ever moved in Florida — they
despoiler of the environment,' he once said. 'But I believe I have more concern said it weighed 80 tons, although I doubt it.'
I believe in doing an honest day's work and always have.
How do you tell what is a day's .work? You count your
maHcers. A marker may just be a $10 bill. But at the end of
every day you count your markers. And if you have more than
you had yesterday, you've probably done a day's work.'
MacArthur's last grand design
for the empty land west of Florida's
Turnpike was to bring the winter
home of the Ringling Brothers cir-
cus, complete with resort apart-
partments. Adler negotiated for a year
with the tough-minded Houston
millionaire Roy Hofheinz, the man
who dreamed up the Houston As-
trodome. MacArthur invited the
governor and the press to the hotel
for the signing. The former judge,
Hofheinz, flew in from Houston.
Adler, in his mid-20s and excit-
xcited by the hoopla, sensed som.e-
thing amiss. MacArthur pooh-
poohed his concerns before rising
to make an announcement:
"You know, I had a sleepless
night last night. I'm not sure about
this deal. I don't know if I want it.
An old man shouldn't have more
on his plate than what he can eat
that day."
"Men we have nothing to say,"
Hofheinz, who used a wheelchair,
said, rolling toward the door.
"Judge," MacArthur said, calm-
ly. "Did you spend the night here
(at the Colonnades) ?"
The judge nodded.
"Make sure you pay your bill on
the way out," MacArthur bellowed.
"And don't let the doorknob hit you
on the ass."
Sensing the end
In 1970, doctors treating
MacArthur for lung disease discov-
iscovered something worse: stomach
cancer. Surgery would add eight
years to his life but it awakened in
him a sense of mortality.
"I realized I had so much to do.
I hadn't prepared properly. what
would happen to the company? It
would go down the drain to pay the
taxes. I asked for one more year to
straighten things out," he told a re-
porter, recalling a stressful night in
the hospital.
When morning came,
MacArthur bellowed, "Get me my
lawyer!" And the John D. and
Catherine T. MacArthur Founda-
oundation was born.
Three years before his death
"He had a 25 -cent will. Like
most guys, he said there was no
rush," said Phil Lewis, who man-
aged a family foundation and talked
with MacArthur about setting one
up. "I said. ,'Mr. MacArthur, you
gotta do this. It's the only way to
get around Uncle Sam coming in
and taking everything.'"
Retirement never occurred to
"I'm not against retirement for
those who want to sit around and
wait to die," MacArthur said at his
77th birthday celebration. "But I
need a reason to live."
He had not decided what his
foundation would do. "Maybe now
I'll have more time to think about
that," he said.
If he did, he never said. He left
it to the foundation board, made up
of his wife, Catherine; his son, Rod-
erick; and friends and business as-
sociates. Paul Harvey, the Chicago
radio commentator who plugged
Bankers Life on his show, served
until 2002.
Doing it his way
MacArthur kept himself busy
during the '70s fighting lawsuits in
just about every jurisdiction in
northern Palm Beach County. The
man who prided himself on saving
trees battled criminal charges of
dredging without a permit, a build-
ing stoppage because his sewer
company didn't meet county health
standards, and lawsuits over devel-
opment of his vast Pal -Mar hold-
ings straddling the Martin County
All the while he held court at
the Colonnades, fed the ducks ev-
ery day and never mellowed.
He built Palm Beach Gardens
hospital but refused to let the city
council run it. It remained closed
for a year until a not-for-profit could
take over. He didn't give the city
land but sold it 10 acres for city hall
in 1970 (price: $155,000).
He went to court when the
county wouldn't meet his price on
9.4 acres for a north county court-
ourthouse.: The jury awarded
MacArthur $169,000, twice what
the county offered. But, in less no-
ticeable ways, he could be gener-
Even though his idea for a Palm
Beach Atlantic College in his city
never came about, he quietly
helped the school make headway in
downtown west Palm Beach. A
$12 million donation to the college
was among his final acts, delivered
three years after his death.
Last days, last deals
MacArthur went to the hospital
in November 1976 under the cover
story of choking on an ice cube. He
had suffered a stroke, which weak-
ened his left side and quieted his
salty tongue. But it didn't slow him
Hugo Unruh, then a west Palm
Beach police officer, remembers
pulling MacArthur over for driving
erratically one morning at dawn.
The old man seemed lost and
couldn't speak, and Unruh, now a
powerful county lobbyist, didn't
recognize the name. He put him in
fall for his own safety. That is, until
a supervisor heard of it. A call to
the Colonnades brought Mac -
Arthur's chauffeur, who chastised
the old man for slipping out, again,
for a joy ride.
In 1973, MacArthur evicted
Adeline Moffett, the widow of a
Standard Oil chairman, from her
$150 -a -month Palm Beach apart-
partment for not paying rent. Three
years later, despite his stroke,
MacArthur battled her $50 million
lawsuit and a court order to dis-
close his wealth.
He still owned close to 50,000
acres in northern Palm Beach and
southern Martin counties and ran
the nation's largest privately held
insurance conglomerate. His hold-
ings included banks and develop-
ments in New York, Colorado, Cali-
fornia and Texas.
"It would take a battery of ac-
countants, maybe 20, working full
time for several months to untangle
his financial web," his attorney
In 1976, Newsweek magazine rat-
ated him the second -richest Ameri-
can, with assets of $1 billion.
Tough on the children
MacArthur rarely gave his chil-
dren, Roderick and Virginia, a
break. MacArthur, a high school
dropout, complained that Roderick
wasted too much time in college
when he could have been running
an insurance empire. Virginia stud-
ied art in Mexico City, where she
married and set up home, too far
away for MacArthur to keep count
of her children.
When her son, Gregorio Floren-
cio Cordova, disappeared while
hitchhiking to San Francisco in
1973, family members criticized
MacArthur for failing to help.
MacArthur dismissed the disap-
pearance as a teen escaping his
parents' troubled marriage.
Ill will with Roderick climaxed
in 1975 over the Bradford Ex-
change, the commemorative plate
business that made Roderick a mil-
lionaire. The mail-order company
started in the early 1970s with a
$115,000 loan from Dad. But when
sales soared, MacArthur demanded
Ultimately, father locked son
out of the company offices (in a
building dad owned) . Roderick,
who was in his 50s, staged a day-
light raid to get back his inventory
of 25,000 plates. The relationship
improved in the final years, and fa-
ather entrusted son with his funeral
"In the old days, a good Irish
wake was pleasant. You saw your
old friends... you drank good
whiskey and ate good food," John
wrote to Roderick. "With the com-
ing of the funeral home, the style
changed and today's funeral bores
"Call me eccentric if you wish,
but I am for having a great get-
ettogether at a convenient time....
Everyone would eat, drink and be
happy.... Before the dancing start-
tarted we would let one speaker tell ev-
verybody what a great guy I was. I
will have no control over the `me-
morial service' but will provide the
funds to do it right."
In early January 1978, surgeons
found cancer of the pancreas. They
gave MacArthur two weeks to live.
He died three days later, on Jan. 6,
His body was cremated. No fu-
neral was held. His son organized
the memorial service a year later.
Catherine didn't attend. The land
he amassed went to his foundation,
which took years deciding on a
course of expensive gated commu-
The money the foundation
made would be given away more
than $3 billion by last count
turning the gruff old man into one
of the world's foremost philanthro-
John D. MacArthur got no
plaque, no statue, no tombstone.
No marker at all' ... except, of
course, the way we live.
To compile this account of John D.
MacArthur's life, The Palm Beach
Post combed through three decades of
newspaper accounts, tracked govern-
ment records dating to the 193Os and
conducted interviews with dozens of
Mac -Arthur's contemporaries in South
Driving with MacArthur, one of the world's most accessible billionaires, could be a.
hair-raising experience. In this 1977; photo, he's driving a golf cart at the JDM
Country Club, one-time home of the Professional Golfers' Association.