The story of John D. MacArthur (North County News) 10-3-84Nona Counnrr Nryvs OC -T. 32 1,W1 The story o ohnD MacArthu, Acc.# 14SIAo1 John D. MacArthur, founder of planning his cit he d !n f the City of Palm Beach Gardenr, "`MeTrelimmary laying out of roads, .maintained a low profile Ior a 'etc. One day he was driving millionaire, but had an enormous through the wooded area north of impact on the lives of countless Monet Road initially I aying out the Floridians. right-of-way for PGA Boulevard. He grew up in Chicago, the Since he had not made preivous youngest son of Reverend William plans to do this, and had just MacArthur. According to an decided on a whim, " he was Amer1cm Weekly article, "Reve- alone and driving a brand new rend MacArthur instilled in his Cadillac. As he bounced and family a passion for victory no -jounced through the woods he hit matter how great or small the something and bent the axle of his prize. " car. Now miles from nowhere, he, In December, 1929 he bought remembered seeing electric lines the nearly defunct Bankers Life and decided to walk back and and Casualty with the borrowed follow them, since he thought that sum of $2,500. "Nobody had there was a house around $40/month to spend on insurance somewhere. Since the ground was in the depression," MacArthur very muddy, he took no thought Of said. He adopted a scheme selling walking m* a puddle, and to his $1/month policies door-to-door, amazement, he sunk into a hole then sold them by mail. By 1943 - full of water up to his hips. Piling MacArthur had acquired 12 other himself out, he continued on until insurance companies and had he found the house. He knocked assets of $1,200,000. In 1961 he. on the door; and when the lady of assets totaling over....$2004nilhon. 'fn the 'house opened it, there stood May, $961, Mac'Ar'thur received Mr. MacArthur. one of the richest 'the f5ith Annual Hoialio Alger men in America, drippingwet and Award, awarded 'through -the muddy saying, " Do you have a American Schools .and Colleges phone *I could use?" He relates Association. that the lady was very gracious and MacArthur only attended insisted that he come in and dry grammar school, but became a off. He called his office and they financial wizard. Associates attri- sent a truck to pull his Cadillac out bute part of his success to frugal and retrieve him. Learning his habits. A story demonstrating this lesson, he says "No more quality goes like this: MacArthur Cadillacs. I always take Jeeps out instructed an employee to buy a on those kinds of trips now.'' plane ticket between Chicago and MacArthur's brother was the Palm Beach. The employee said, late playwright, Charles Mac - "Mr. MacArthur, : you can 90 Arthur, his sister-in-law, Helen first-class for $93 or tourist -class Hayes, and his nephew, actor for $59. MacArthur only half joking James MacArthur. replied, "Find out what they'll MacArthur developed or contri- take for standing room." buted to the development of the From various accounts, Mac- Florida cities of Lake Park, Carol Arthur was an unassuming 'City,- North Palm Beach, and Palm millionaire. He dressed casually, Beach Gardens. this commitment, treated people equally regardless generous spirit, and perseverance of status, and pitched right in,, will be remembered by subsequent doing the "dirty work." Patricia' generations of Palm Beach Barberio relays the following story: :Gardens -dens residents. John D. MacArthur died in When John D. MacArthur was January 1978.