An ad for Dr. Munvon's RemedyLocal historian Bessie Uut3ols displays nee prized, Oarnacle-encrustecl bottle of Paw -Paw. IV[unyon s Paw -Paw i I consider my preparation of Paw -Paw the crown- ing achievement of my life, knowing as I do the great blessings which will follow its use. to to 4' MOWING that I have found a positive cure for dyspepsia and most . jstomach troubles, I du not hesitate to urge every sufferer to try this ' new vegetable pepsin. I know that it will cure Dyspepsia. I know that it will cure Nervousness. I know that it will cure Sleeplessness. �•�,•...'•;'..-� I know that it will give strength to the weak. ■� I know it from the testimony of hundreds of people that it has cured. ...THE GREAT... Hundreds of others tell us that it cures c:ltarrh just as surely as I �ysprpsia. NATURAL Others tell us with all the earnestness and thankfulness of which they are capable that Yaw -Yaw has cured them of Rheumatism. REMEDY I know it so surely and believe ill it so completely that i have put my reputation and my fortune behind it. 1OR I want the public to know it as I dim, and believe in it as I believe in it. �sdidestion. O AL DyspePU&. I value your con+idence and respect more than I value your nx,nev• Stomach Ailments. ! 1 earnestly ask every doctor, every chemist, every scientist to carefully CURE) !Nervousness. investigate the merits of this medicine :utd then honestly tell the public the truth about it. Sleeplessness. 1 want every dyspeptic to try Paw -Paw. No matter what renes(lies you a Loss of Vitalisty. have taken or what doctors you have consulted ; no matter how many years Catarrh' ` you have suffered, Ret a Lottie and see how speedily you will be brnrKidney. Liver mV Wood and Troubles. how quickly you will be cared. Poor Circulation. I want every irritable person, every nervous persue, every weak person, Dizziness. Constipatioa. �I every person who cannot sleep, to get a lmemttle of Paw -Paw. "hake it according w �w�. Used r. res ~06 = u4 ay to directionhIII s and notice ow quickly it wsoothe and calm 'lie nerves -,how ... w 4r+,aser. a" ON weand Ilre+'..rM soon it will give vigor and strength to the whole system, a.ld enable you to ptRECTlorn Tale frees eee n rive aes- sire restfully and soundly. sens~'ntiole *m tomes • I P Y daily. def � �u Yaw eed :w �t�n.er o •, ( , . re . especial) •oea •� Dunt take whiskey Don't t:►ke leer . Don't take narcutics, which are er.esacwowreaover Avg years, aaeyees- fel is wit or water W"b weals. worse than either of them. kernenitx•r Paw -Paw exhilarates but dors nut i sw•ft• the see.re Well intoxicate. It lifts you out of deslxmu�lelrcy into the high altitude: ul hopes and ``W*" °~ Oes M • holds you there. Set aside all drugs, :Ill mirdicines, all stimulams, and glue P R I C E' $190 ` Paw -Paw a fair trial, and you will have cause to give your heartfelt thanks to • Munyon's Paw -Paw Tonic, for sale at all Draggists, also Paw -Paw Laxative Pills, the best Stomach aced Liver • Pills on earth. 25c. a bottle. • DD••• N•N • Copyright for all Countries Words oR Musis by E M. M. J. Published by De SWISHER Philadelphia, Pa. An ad for Dr. Mun on's Remedy Munyonk's- patented formula even