Village Takes Over Control of NPB Country ClubNORTH PALM BEACH —
The Village Council Tuesday
w grabbed up control of the Vil-
` lage Country Club, but a traffic
problem snarled final action on
a zoning debate.
The council approved first
and second readings, and then
voted into law, an ordinance
that gives the city fiscal control
oof the club effective Nov. 1.
The ordinance also creates a
seven -man board "to serve at
the pleasure of the Village
Council" in place of - the previ-
,ous five -man board. It gives the
council a final voice in all club
personnel matters and requires
monthly board meetings and
twc annual membership meet-
Appointed to the board for two
year terms were Harold Berry,
Var Heyl and Dr.. G. L. Ford;
appointed to one year terms
were R. F. Jaekel, A. F. Smith,
H. E. Lange, and R. M. Taylor.
Two members of the previous
aboard - Jack Schwencke and
Hurley Hankey --- were not re-
The council put off . until next
Tuesday final action on an ordi-
nance amendment that would
permit a dry storage marina
on the bank of the Earman Riv-
Acting Village Manager Her-
bert A. Watt and Building In-
spector W. G. Carver were ap-
pointed -to come up with suitable
parking restrictions to be in-
cluded in the zoning change.
Watt, who is also a council,
announced that sealed bids for
rear and side -loading (garbage
truck) packers would be opened
at 10 a.m. Monday. "We hope
to have two new garbage trucks
on the road within 21. days, of
Monday," he said.
Council also authorized the
city to accept bids for a North
Palm Beach Village employe
disability and p e n s i o n plan'
which would go into effect Sept..
The council approved a reso-
lution which would add the vil-
lage to the proposed county li-
brary system. tinder the prom
posal, the county would increase
its financial support of the li-
The Village Recreation Direc-
tor Warren Murray was author-
ized to put the village -owned
tennis courts on a reservation
basis. Residents will receive
priority. Reservations may be
made by calling Murray's of-
The building inspector's
monthly report brought out that
the current village population
is 2,489 families or 9,122 resi-
dents. The May building permit
total was $4,385.20. Estimated
cost of buildings constructed
since the village was incorporat-
ed is $52,409,764.26.
The monthly safety 'report,
brought out that there were
eight automobile accidents in
May, but no felonies. There
were 240 convictions out of 242
traffic violations arrests, it was
reported. I
County Chamber of Commerce, at its January Coffee Hour
at the Flame Restaurant last week, presented honorary
memberships to seven municipalities from West Palm
Beach to Jupiter. Here, Chamber president .Bill Hasel-
mire presents plaques to (from left) Palm Beach Shores
Mayor C. J. Wolfe, Riviera Beach Mayor Max Hammer,
North Palm Beach Councilman Herbert A. Watt, Lake
Park Mayor Frank Kohl, Juno Beach Vice Mayor Laurance
Ettari, Palm Beach Gardens Councilman Henry Jewell
and M angonia Park Mayor Roy R. Burnsed.