Reappraisal Slated In North Palm Beach 1964NORTH PALM BEACH NEWS FROM VILLAGE MANAJER FRANK R. SPENCE At an executive session of the Village Council last week the Village Council agreed to appoint Herbert Watt as Councilman to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Herb Gibson until the next regular e- lection in March, 1965. Watt is retired and has been a long time resident at 720 Lighthouse Drive. He is currently Vice -Chairman of the Recreation Commit- tee, active in the Senior Citizens Club and an ar- dent boat fan. Watt will be formally sworn in at the next regular meeting, July 14th. - -�_A Reappraisal Slated In North Palm Beach NORTH PALM BEACH -- Hunnicutt & Associates repre- sentatives next week will begin their complete reappraisal of all )roperty in North Palm Beach, lax Assessor Herbert A. `Matt announced Wednesday The representatives will have identification cards signed by Watt, who urged home owners l to check their identification be- fore admitting them. Jaycee News 'N' Notes BY JOHN H. WETTERMANN The Riviera Beach Jay- cees conducted their first monthly dinner meeting of -the year June 6 at C a p t. A l e x's Restaurant. T h e meeting was quite a s u c - cess. Speakers were F r an k Foster, national director, and Jack Hardin, past state chairman of the Florida Jaycees. Their talks, centered around orientation of new members, proved timely, as guests at this meeting almost matched in number the attendance of the mem- bers. A hearty welcome goes out to new Jaycees James Heslip, David Scar- lett, and Jacques Triplett who joined the ranks at this meeting. Also welcome to Alphonse Roart, asso- ciate sso- ciate member, who re- cently joined. A highlight of the even- ing was presentation. of Jaycee of the M o n t h Awards by Jay Garner, past president. Ed Ludwig re- ceived the award for Jan- uary for promotin� the "smile campaign.' The award for February went to Bernie Hirsch for lead- ership on the Jaycee beach project. Awards for March, April and May were p r e- sented to John Wettermann, "Snag" Holmes and C h uck Waltenburg for their ef- forts f- foits in publicity, the Mutt Derby and the seatbelt drive, respectively. A work party has been called by Bernie Hirsch to clean up the Jaycee Beach in anticipation of the Fourth located on the causeway be- tween Riviera .Beach and Singer Island, w i 11 b e an ideal vantage point for the