National Community Improvement Award Goes to Village of NPB 1968fiation-al Community Improvement .1kward
oes, to Ifilla. e of North Palm each
North Palm Beach — A
distinguished achievement
award plaque for an outstanding community improve-
ment program was presented Thursday- night, February
27th, to the village council by three organizations whe
made it possible.
Making the presentation
Beach community betterment
were Mrs. Arnold Noble,
effort. Beautification projects
president of the North Palm
carried out between last April
Beach Garden Club; Mrs. Louis
20 and May 4 also counted,
Enders, of the North Palm
including park improvements
Beach Beautification
and replanting of median
Committee and Mrs. E. W.
Winters, leader of Girl Scout
Mayor Tom Lewis accepted
Tromp No. 329.
the plaque for the council.
The award was earned in a
national contest sponsored by
the National Clean Up—Paint
Up—Fix Up Bureau, in the
category for communities with
fewer than 25,000 persons.
Councilman Herb Watt, the
village's Clean Up Chairman for
1968, was given the plaque in
Washington earlier in the week
by one of the contest judges,
D r . Karl Munson, associate
p r ofessor of Parks &
Recreation at the University of
The occasion was the
_t -969 Congress on Beautifica-
tion, sponsored by the bureau.
Bureau officials said that
code enforcement figured
prominently in the North Palm
DISTINGUISHED ACHIEVEMENT AWARD for vunage DeauCinuitiv11 FllJ�llalai iJ -----, -- - o ,
Palm Beach by three organizations that made it possible represented by: Mrs. Louis Enders of the ]Beautification Committee; Mrs.
Arnold Noble, president,
North Palm Beach Garden Club, and Mrs. E. W. Winters, leader of Girl Scout Troop No. 329. Seated is
• t. who as the community's 1968 Clean Up Chairman, brought the plaque bacl� :from Washington for the Iota:
Councilman Herb Watt,