NPB Seats Council, Elects Lewis MayorNP'B'S'e ts Council,
Elects Lewis Mayor
Thomas Lewis was selected Evarard, Clark and Lewis were
by the North Palm Beach Vil- sworn in by Village Manager
lage council to serve another Joe J. Eassa, Jr.
year as Mayor, Thomas R. Councilman Herbert Watt
Bell will be the vice mayor. The was reaffirmed as Village
vote was taken at the council's Treasurer, Tax Collector a
yearly re -organizational meet- Assessor, d
ing and was unanimous. The previously established
Incumbent Allan Everard and boards, clerk, attorney and
newly elected David C. Clark .judge were also reaffirmed by
were- seated as concilme:n the coune' 1.
roers e. a— 11 �L
Boating �
Special To The Past
JACKSONVILLE — "Uncorrelated" bridge openings
along the Intracoastal Waterway in Palrr Beach County was
one of the complaints heard in Jacksonville by government
officials probing the problem of boaters.
Willard Bowman of Jensen Beach, representing the Mar-
tin County Commission at the Thursday .meeting, asked the
U.S. Coast Guard to review the bridge schedules, claiming
some boats are held up as much as 20 minutes for each bridge.
Bowman was one of many individuals to speak at the
meeting which resulted in a move to come up with uniform}
laws to control the state's crowded waterways.
The committee is composed of representatives of the U.S.
Coast guard, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Florida Inland
Navigation District and state, county, and city officials.
The group also heard Herb Watt of North Palm Beach who
told them water skiing in the waterway between North Pali . -
Beach and Jupiter was very dangerous. �.
On complaints about wakes, A. L. McKnight of the Corps
of Engineers, said owners are responsible for the safety of
their own boats when they dock them along seawalls.
He said it was not the fault of the boatman who created
the wake but the fault of the owner who didn't secure his boat
properly for damages in that situation.,
Many of the complaints about wakes came from south
Palm Beach County and Broward County.