NP Delays Club Debts Action (Post-Times) 3-14-65-Y la N,.,.ort] 113al 11 e s A I n IIUI I)e] ts ct o The county club' s_--nuagef- or $344y600 was approved. It is e er separate frorr. the village bud- get. Councilmen hope during the next year the club can start operating in the black. At pre - Absent As sent one-third of the village's real estate tax revenues go to the country club to pay off back and current debts. �'e S Il*t Paul Emond asked from the P71. ! audhence -what the council J NORTH PALM BEACH tended to do if the country club With one member absent, the; does not break even. Lewis said village council Tuesday night 'that if the club is not in the . black by May he will recom- split 2-2 on whether the tax rate', shouldmend the golf course be operat- , be raised to quickly pay ed separately, the dining room off $100,000 in back debts of the village -owned North palm be turned into a recreation hall Beach County Club. and the swimming pool be ope- The question will be decided rated 01i a fee basis. next Tuesday night When the The proposed village budget absent member, Councilman for departments now stands at Les Churchill, is present. $337,350, compared to $360,632 Mayor Harold W. Beery and before Monday night's cuts. Councilman Herb Watt .by their This year's budget is $348,444. vote indicated they favored rais- Cuts included $13,400 from the in,-- the millage while Vice department of public -safety, in - Mayor Thomas F. Lewis and eluding $12,000 for hiring three Councilman Thomas Bell voted fire dispatchers, $550 from legi-. for next . year's budget as now slative, $850 from administra- worked out with $20,300 in bud- tive, $500 from civil defense, get cuts and the current nine $2,100 from public works, $2,500 mill tax rate. from recreation and $400 from The mayor said he unders- the art center. tands, Churchill, as of Monday Lewis moved and Bell second - night when budget items were ed his proposal to accept the slashed, would favor a hi4ogher budget as now writ -ten, keeping' tax rate. the nine mill tax levy. Lewis "But he could change his refused to accept an amend - mind and it is only fair to hold ment to his motion that would up linei-.1 action on the budget raise the millage to ten. until he can vote," the mayor "I feel the residents of this said. village should not be fined for Churchill is out of town on the poor management of pre - business. vious councils," Lewis said. "I The council had intended to don't think any additional mfl- delav a votO on the budget lage should be put on. By frugal resolution until Churchill return- operations, we will be able to ed but decided to hold the vote pay off the old debt." which ended in the deadlock Lewis said he didn't think the ,after persons in the audience village should try to wipe out in said they expected budget ac- one year county club debts that tion last night. 'have piled up for three years. Those in the audience who "A levy for the country club spoke after the vote indicated should have been made when they were against a tax hike to 'the club was purchased," Lewis said. "I feel the village will pay off the old county club , continue to grow and we will .debts. The budget as voted on take in more taxes under the contains a, $20,000 item for pay - present levy so the deficit car, .fiscal year beginning Nov. 1. ment of that amount during the be eliminated in two or th . re( years. Watt said that was optimistic thinking. "I don't think increas- ing taxes by one mill will be fining the people but just pick- ing up an assessment they should have had before," he said. He had proposed a one mill levy for two years. Beery said it seemed more sound to him to pay off the country club debt as quickly as, possible. Emond said he thought resi- dents should have the right to vote on a tax village increase. The council deferred action on purchasing two police patrol cars until after the budget is passed. Posr�T$mrs-SL*vnay-Manch i�l, t965