Letter to Herbert Watt from Russell McIntosh, Chairman 10-26-66I RUSSELL H. MCINTOSH iiiA Cj JUDGE CRIMINAL COURT OF RECORD PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CAM Mr. Herbert A. Watt Village Hall, U.S. #1 North Palm Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Watt: a k COUNTY COURT HOUSE WEST PALM BEACH, FLOEZIDA October 26, 1966 I appreciate very much your attending the .luncheon meeting at the Holiday Inn on October 19, 1966. 1 feel that,. a great deal was accomplished to make this year Is parade and winter festival more successful than it would be otherwise. We are looking forward to your participation in the parade anf festi- val and request that you keep us informed of any ideas that you may have from time to time to make this our best parade and festival year. I am enclosing herewith a photograph of the meeting and I hope that as time goes by it will be a pleasant reminder of these planning stages of our parade and festival. With kindest personal regards, I am Very truly yours, RHM/ej Enclosure Russell H. McIntosh, Chairman P