Herbert Watt Profile (Forecast) December 1968HERBERT WATT IN. Pa,,Ini'I Names i uounci Watt A Member NORTH PALM BEACH Herbert Watt, vice chairman of the village recreation commit- tee, will be sworn in as a councilman at the town Coun- cil's regular meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday. An engineer, he retired from the plant department of the New York Bell Telephone Co. and has lived at 720 Lighthouse drive for three years. He is active in the Senior Citizens' CIub of North Palm Beach, president of the North :Palm Beach Shuffle- board Club and is an ardent boating fan. He will serve the unexpired term of Herbert Gibson who recently moved away from North Palm Beach. Councilmen at a recent executive meeting' agreed to appoint Watt to serve I until the next regular election, :March, 1965. FORECAST DECEMBER 1968 Herbert A. Watt, a retired New Jersey communications engineer has by no means retired since his move to North Palm Beach 7 years ago. During his third term as Vil- lage Councilman he has willingly served as tax assessor, tax collector, treasurer and acting village manager. Herb and his wife Eleanor (December Artist of the Month) live at 720 Lighthouse Drive and are particularly proud of their three children and seven grand children. Watt Acting NPB Manager NORTH PALM BEACH -- Councilman Herbert Watt was named acting village manager here Tuesday by the Village Council until a new manager is appointed. The manager for the past! year, Joe J. Essa Jr., has sub- mitted his resignation, effective June 6, to take a position as senior vice-president of West Palm Beach's Central Bank of Palm Beach County. Watt, a retired employe of the New York Telephone Co., has been a councilman for three years. Mrs. Charles McCraney, Les- lie Harrell and Miss Jo Deay were appointed to the Recrea- tion Advisory Board by the Council. Charles E. Tucker, electrical m e m. b e r, and R.M. Bishop, plumbing member, were. appoint- ed to the Contractor's Examin- ing Board. Watt JVins Runojff a c sate council in 1964. In 1965 and 1967, he successfuly kept the; seat and served the village as chairman of the Recreation Advisory Board, tax assessor, tax collector, treasurer and interim village manager. AtA r orth Palm NORTH PALM BEACH -- Incumbent village Councilman Herbert Watt, 66, of 720 Light- house Drive, captured his council seat for the fourth term Tuesday, defeating James Taylor in a runoff elec- tion. Watt, a retired employe of the New York Telephone Co., had 431 votes to Taylor's 267. Sixteen absentee ballots, which would not affect Watt's victory, were to be canvassed by village officials late Tues- day night. The turnout of 698 voters was 15.8 per cent of the vil- lage's 4,404 registered voters. On March 18, Watt received the greatest number of votes on the group against three oth- er candidates. His margin, however, was not the majority needed to beat Taylor, 38, a junior project engineer at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft in the first round. A resident of North Palm Beach since 1961, Watt was first appointed to a seal c .",