5 Council Seats Open For NPB (PBP Times) 3-14-65P.w.M 13PACJ4 POsrT=r„�,
a-,9- 1 965
Bureau Chief
sidents will fill four -of the five
village council seats in Tues-
day's election which will end a
[quiet campaign.
Ordinarily only two seats
would be at stake this year, but
two councilmen have been ser-
ving by appointment since last
simmer and the unexpired year
on their two-year terms will be
filled by election. There are ab-
out 2,000 registered voters.
The polling place will be the
Senior Citizens' Building located
immediately behind the Village
Hall. The polls will be open
from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Four
voting machines will be in
Village Manager Frank R.
Spence announced that the mo-
bile tuberculosis X-ray unit will
be stationed at the Village Hall
parking lot from noon to 7 p.m.,
for the convenience of voters.
All of the candidates appeared
at last Thursday's "Meet the
Candidates" rally sponsored by
the North Palm Beach Homeow-
ners' Assn. About 60 persons
tui nPd out to hear the campaign
speeches at the Village Elemen-
tary School cafetorium.
Two candidates are as good
as elected today because they
will have no opposition. They
alre Herbert A. Watt, now a
councilman by appointment,
w.i10 is seeking a two-year term.
in Group 2, and Allan V. Eve-
rard, an assistant county solici-
tor, who seeks a one-year term
in Group 1.
Gordons G. Duncan and Fred
W. Speaker will vie for the nae -
year term in Group 3, while
Councilman Thomas R. Bell and
Karl E. Taylor are opponents in
the Group 4 race for a two-year
term. Bell seeks to succeed him-
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Watt, who is 62, lives at 720 sadoli until after, village and
country club bonds have been
lighthouse Drive with his wife,
retired. Council recently decid-
Eleanor, who is secretary
ed 1-nembers of the new council
-.he new Gold Coast women's
receive $50 a month, but
Club of the North Palm Beach- �should
py won't start until it is
the a
�,S. He has been a councilman
fixed in the next budget, which
and tax assessor since July.
becomes effective . In Novem-
. A retired communications en-
gineer from New Yoi-k Bell
Speaker would like td'see Qc_
r_1 Watt has !peen lelqohone Co.,
e-anfrout property inside the vil-
Connected with a number of
affairs in NPB. He
lage limits developed. He has
is a volunteer driver for the
been in Florida eight years.
"As your councilmant I will
Crippled Childrens Society of
Palm Beach, a member of the
diligently. endeavor to serve the,
Lions Cl�b of NPB, a former
bL----,st regardless,
interests of all,
age, and become a part of the
president of the Shuffleboard
Club a member of the Tele-.
council team dedicated to creat -
phone Pioneers of America.
ing a better image for North
Pahn Beach," he says.
,,I will to the best of MY I
favors making facilities of
obilit�y n-, a k e ?vri. intelligentHe
the North Palm Beach Country
' i
appi-oach to every :1vic problem
Club available to more village
that comes b6fore the,council,"
taxpayers and rezoning of pro -
he says. "I believe in strict
but not to the point of
perty along U.S. 1 to encouragel
is a
business development. He
frug(,.jljty.11 He would like to sce
area develop al-
retired builder -developer.
a commercial
Bell, 35, lives at 804 Alamanda
ong U.S 1 and promises to do
Drive with his wife, Lois, and
everything possible to clean up
their five children. He is serving
a drainage ditch in the Crown
on council and as tax collector.
Estates area.
In NPB since 1960, he is a de -
Everard) 41, lives at 867 Fa-
sign analyst in the engineering
thorn Court, with his wife, Ma-
department at Pratt & Whitney.
rie, and their three children. A
He is a deacon in the Communi-
19,52 graduate of the University
ty United' Church of Christ in
of Miami Law School, he stood
Lake Park, - and active with the
first in his class. He has been an
Youth Athletic Assn.
,assistant solicitor since last
"If re-elected I will ' work for a
balanced d budget, a reduction In
During NVorld War II he was
taxes and forming of a village
an air crew member on a heavy
charter study committee," he
br)mber based in Italy. He was
shot down over Germanyl holds
says. 111 will continue to oppose
higher water rates and work for
the Air ;Medal, Purple Heart
deVelopment of commercial ar-
and four Bronze Stars. in
eas, completion of village re -
'My primary aim w
office will be to determine
U Ea. atior,, areas, continuation of
street lighting. program and uti-
waste, it there is any2 and elimi-
lizatif)n. of all villacre-owned or
nate the same," he says. "I will
leased property for the greatest
evote full time and effort to
d council and
before the
benefit to residents -9)
will be, available at all times to
Bell favors reorganization
the village beautification com-,
all residents. I plan to hold the
mittee and continuation of pre-�
line on taxes and, possible,
sent, advisory boards and the
reduce them."
'Duncan is 43 and lives at 512
zoning board of appeals.
Taylor, 53, lives at 420 Ebb -178
wife Ju -
Oyster Road with his 2 He
tide Drive and is a manufactu-) a) " � �'
dith, and their two children.
been in NPB five years and
ring engineer at Pratt & Whit-,
a) 0
is supervisor of experimental
ney, his employer f or the last
He has been in NPB
ro r.
7-4 W P4
0 rn 0
quality control at Pratt & Whit-
seven years and is one of _the�
'0 b'O cd 4_1
r_4 Q
ney Aircraft.'
uate he
An engineering grad I
originators of the Inter -City
First Aie, Squad. He is a mem-
;-4 cd
9 0 0
has been with P & W 15 years,
Force in I
ben Of the Lake P ark Police,
W >-, 4 -
In Cd 0
and he was an Air pilot
World War 11. He was transfer I
from a
Ta�Joi, was a selectman for
� ::�- (P
P4 5 0 rn C)
C) cd n_4 E,
ed here by his company
in Connecticut.
Six years at St. Johnsbury, Vt.,
Selectman Is
= •Er
0 Q 4_j
A 0�z rc� ;.5
plarLL taxes abouf�20 years ago.
would like to see tax 11 09
in North Palm Beach the, samo as councilman. Q Cd
through reduced expendituresy 11
He advocates daily pool fees
instf-ad of memberships for vil-
he- -,zaV take a strong stand
I lage residents using the Pool at
against any increase 1r. taxe-s,
C +
the North Palm Beach Country
a -ad Ir am for an efficient go-
Club, year - round summer
fee rates for village got
Speaker, 70, lives at 433 Ebb.
Pers, 'proper village rnainte-
tide Drive with his wife, Dora.
nance of the drainage canal in,i
They purchased one of the first
Plat 4 and -a complete budget
honies in the village.
breakdown for residents.
Speakei says he is against
I wRl be an active council-
man, looking into -0.11age prn-.
Inlems oersonallY,'a 'Taylor se-tid.,