'Phil B' Sparks Dinner for Lewis 2-25-71NORTHERN PALM BEACH CHAMBER OF COM-
Palm Beach Chamber of Commerce, at their January
coffee at the Flame Restaurant, presented honorary
memberships to the seven municipalities between West
Palm Beach and Jupiter. President Bill Haselmire is
pictured here presenting the plaques to, from left to
Hammer, mayor Riviera Beach; Herbert A. Watt,
councilman, North Palm Beach; Frank Kohl, mayor,
Lake Park; Laurence K. Ettari, vice mayor, Juno
Beach; Henry Jewett, councilman, Palm Beach Gar-
dens, and Roy R. Burnsed, mayor, Mangonia Park.
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inner for Lewls
NORTH PALM BEACH — An item in the current Village
Newsletter aroused the curiosity of the Outlook, as we presume
it did that of many residents. It read: "PERSONAL NOTE TG
much for the suggestion contained in your note to me. We have
followed through on this suggestion, and we are sorry we
couldn't answer you personally to advise you of this.
We contacted Councilman Herbert A. Watt who told us, "The
letter arrived at Village Hall about February 1, addressed to me.
The letter -writer, who signed himself simply `Phil B' suggested
the village hold a public testimonial dinner to honor Tom Lewis,
who recently resigned as Village Mayor. The letter was written
with a very unsteady hand, indicating either a very young or very
old person. There was no return address, and my wife and I
scoured the telephone book in an effort to identify and locate
`Phil B,' but to no avail."
Watt told of the letter's impact: "We got our heads together
and started planning for a testimonial dinner to honor Tom. It
was decided the event could not be open to the public, due to the
large number of residents who would want to attend, and the
lack of suitable facilities to accommodate such a large crowd. We
decided on a dinner in Tom's honor, to which Village officials
would be invited."
The testimonial dinner was held Saturday night, February 13,
at the NPB Country Club, attended by 96 persons. Tom Lewis
was presented with various gifts and a plaque, commemorating
his years of service to the village.
Councilman Watt said the mysterious "Phil B" has not
contacted hire since arrival of the letter.
PHIL B -- Whoever you are, wherever you are -- the Village
has honored its mayor. Credit for triggering the testirgonial
dinner for Tom Lewis is all yours.