'Monument' Entrance Signs 11-21-70i THE YELLOW SUBMARINE? — No, the yellow fire engine, just purchased by the Village of Norte Palyn Beach. The $28,000 machine, capable of pumping 1,000 gallons per minute, is the newest addition to the rapidly -expanding Village Hall >-omplex. Painted a very bright yellow recoynmendled by the National Safety (."ouncil, the fire engine incorpo- rates all the latest advancements i1 -i fire - Staff Photo by Robert K. Oglesby fighting apparatus. The. supplier, Atlan- tic Fire Apparatus of Fort Lauderdale, says that North Palm Beach is the first community in the state to use the newly - recommended color for visibility at night. From left, are Village manager, Larry Robbins, Councilman Herb Watt and Public Safety Director Herber-" Kohl. ;I - ----- `Monument' Entrance Signs NORTH PALM BEACH — The village plans to do some- thing about its "monument" entrance signs before they be- come tombstones, Councilman Herbert Watt said yesterday. "The present signs definitely are traffic hazards," he 11,eart .attack said. "You have to nose your car out into U.S. 1 so you can see oncoming traf f is . " �' �Herb % att Building Department official Charles O'Meilia is study -I ing proposals of John Hardwicke, a sign company sales NORTH PALM BEACH executive and village resident, to revamp four sets of signs. Hardwicke proposes cutting down on their height and Councilman Herb Watt suffered replacing concrete blocks with open grillwork which would a mild heart attack last Thurs- allow drivers to see the highway. day while on vacation in New Jersey, Village manager Frank R. Spence reported. "Watt is in the point Pleasant Hospital at Point Pleasant N. J. He will remain in the hospital about two weeks and convalesce about two additional weeks at the home of a daughter before returning here, Spence said.