Letter to All Fingerprint Contributors from J. Edgar Hoover, Director FBI 10-18-65P fy J r' . U N A TE S D E IA R 1".k1 E N '1' V rl , 1 C L FE1)ERAL 13L'IIEAL()F' INVF S T1 G ATI I0 N In Reply, Please Rejer to W _1 S H I N G T O N D.C. 20535 File No. October 18,1965 r Letter to All Fingerprint Contributors :- RE:: FBI IDENTIFICATION SERVICES y Dear Sir: 3!' The Act which ` provides for the FBI's annual appropriation secifitally states that FBI identification on records are furnished dulyauthorized officials "for official Purposes only. This service is subject ctto cancellation if dissemination is made outside of the receiving depart - meats or related agencies. There have been several r • where unscrupulous individuals recent Incidents have attempted to use FBI i • records for other than offic' identification Official purposes. It i s the responsibility ,�;ncy receiving FBI identification p ility of each . ication records to insure that thesee r security. In ear Y. . the event such a record is obtain unauthorized person immediate at ed by an re e steps should be taken to retrieve cord and necessary action instituted the ted to prevent a recurrence. So that we may be of maximum service it is essential that all . data plated on each fingerprint card be accurately set forth. You requested to afford particular are p lar attention to the following it • g ems. NAME: Quite often the name on the fingerprint card is mis"s ell �'hi ; is detected by tom spelled, comparing th p g e signature of the individual with th on t � e card or when thee name current print is identified with ar rior causes needless additional work in our searching p record. This procedures andpreparation of index cards, OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER,,:. • important i R• This data is extremely p • n assisting sting the FBI in di s char in Y in connection g g its dissemination responsibility n with the arrest of government employeesY . '' t 4 With reference to the submission of Applicant Fingerprint Cards (Form FD -258) the only applicant fingerprints other than applicants for employment with law enforcement agencies that can be handled for laws a enforcement agencies are those required by law or ordinance. At the present time some contributors place a notation on the fingerprint cardY; that the fingerprints were taken in accordance with a local law or ordinance' and identify same by number, other contributors show the position or type N f Yp , of permit for which fingerprinted. It would be helpful to show both the position or type of permit being sought and the fact that the fingerprints were taken in connection with a local law or ordinance. The space on s° Form FD -258 designated "Company and Address" should be used for this. g p Y purpose, Your continued cooperation in these and other matters involving -),ti.. FBI fingerprint services will be very much appreciated. i Very truly yours, ..a j• hn Edga oover' Director r. 41. . � L Y- .S `T j i