New NPB Public Safety Director Reflects on 27 Years with FBI (WD) 11-22-78ATWAT R JOHN T AIT': ?. 4 g/ Profile ---New North P ImBeachP bl 7,a U ic S feD ctor ][I flectire0 BI 27 Y m , e s n e VVIth F_ By Harold Flachsbart Between Notre Dame University and North Palm Beach, that village's new Director of Public Safety has touched many hot spots in, the United States in a 27 -year career with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. John Stafford Atwater, a soft-spoken energetic 55 -year-old native Floridian who stands 5-11 and weighs a trim 193, has been on the job as DPS only a short time. But he communicates well with his staff of 30 sworn officers, "ij-icluding me." Atwater, a - North Palm Beach resident since 1965, succeeded John J. McGuire, who retired, effective Nov. 15. The new "Chief," even though not a chief of police, because there is no police force, previously spent most of FBI years in Washington -Baltimore, Oklahoma City, St. Louis, Miami and West Palm Beach, this area since May, 1965. "Highpoints of those busy years in the FBI would have to be the arrests of two of ti -!e 10 most wanted men in the country at that given time," Atwater said in a relaxed interview with WeekDay. "One was the arrest of Gary Garrison, who was wanted for multiple murder charges and at least two prison breaks. We got him in Clayton, Mo., and I guess I don't have to tell you (a former St. Louisan) that Clayton's a suburb of St. Louis. I spent 10 years of my 27 with the FBI in St. Louis. `And I'm ashamed to say, I don't remember the name of the other of the `10 most wanted.' But. he was charged with embezzling millions of dollars and properties in the Palm Beach area. That wasn't such a big news story, however, as that of the Greenlease kidnaping case in October, 1953. "You certainly remember that one, don't you? Not only the St. Louis newspapers gave heavy coverage to the kidnaping of Bobby Greenlease, but so did all the big metropolitan papers all over the nation. ' `I was in the team arresting Bonnie Hardy and Carl Austin Hall, and both were later convicted and died in the electric chair in Jefferson City, Mo. We also helped solve and arrested Paul Krist for the kidnapping of Barbara Mackie in December, 1969. " Guarding presidents of the United States is the job of the Secret Service, but Chief Atwater remembers that he once was called to help guard President Lyndon Johnson. "But I guess I helped protect hundreds of Florida state politicians along the -route some time or another," Atwater said. Asked why he attended Notre Dame before and after his stint in the service during World War II (Air Corps, it was called then), the new NPB "chief" recalled that quite a few young men from his home town of St. Augustine (population 1300 about 1940) went to ND in that era. "The big thing, I guess, was the fact that my older brother went to Notre Dame," Atwater said. "I enrolled in 1941, went into the Air Corps in '42, and tfien returned after the war, and graduated in 1948. I applied for an FBI job but there were no openings, so I took a iob with a chain retail store and moved five times in- three years from Daytona Beach to places in Virginia and Maryland. "Finally in 1951 I learned from a friend in Salisbury, Md. , that openings were available for FBI duty in the fall of 1951. I started in January, 1952, so my work in the East, St. Louis, Oklahoma City and southeast Florida has lasted just two months short of 27 years." Atwater's job in North Palm Beach, where the Department of Public Safety does the job of policemen, firemen and emergency -medical crews, will be to oversee those three departments. Chief Atwater is married to the former Patricia Howard Hardee and they have six children ranging in age from 29 to 16. All but the high schooler have attended the University of Florida through various years. Mrs. Atwater is a tennis pro of high stature and has had good success in teaching in this area. The new director says the concept of a Department of Public Safety seems to be the ideal way to handle police and related work because of the size of North Palm .Beach village (about 15,000) and the type of residents and the strict building codes. "This wouldn't work in a city the size of West Palm Beach, but for us it should be ideal," Atwater said. "I'm looking forward to the challenge and hope I do a real good DIRECTOR -- AND CHIEF TOO. John Staf- ford Atwater's title is Director of public safety in North Palm Beach but the people in Town Hall call hien "Chief." Yui' E i--- I­� Tn4 1 �( eves. %�i`l