Chief Dudden and the first Fire Truck (Young Official History)SAFETY 1 0 Ir., j I C, E
Chief Dudden anJI the first Fire Truck.
The following is a budget for the fiscal year of 1961 -
1962, covering normal and w ticipatt.1 expenditures
by the Police Department.
Chief of Police ........................ "' 0600
Two regular patrolmen at $4,800 per yr. $9,600.00
Relief Patrolman:
One regular relief patrolman, 40 hrs. per week at
$ 2.10 per hour ..................... $4,368.00
Special Relief Patrolman:
This man is to work during the illness or vacation
periods of regular patrolman ........... $300.00
School Crossing Guards:
Two women guards at $2.10 per hour each, two
hours per day each, five days per week, for 38 weeks .
Estimated overtime pay:
Estimated overtime pay for extra police during hur-
ricanes, strikes, or other emergencies .... $ 600.00
Salary Raise:
Respectfully request a salary raise of $150 per year
for two regular patrolmen and one regular relief
patrolman ...........................$450.00
TOTAL, $20,918.00
Chief Dudden was a
former New York State Trooper, ran an efficient de-
partment, and was well liked over the years.