NPB Little League Area Champs (PBP) 7-27-614 NORTH PALM BEACH LITTLE LEAGUE AREA. CHAMPS This, squad meets Boynton Beach tonight - in Boynton at, 7:15 f or the sub -district title. Win- ner plays the. Browarld-area champs Friday night at Lake Worth for a berth in the state tourney r, . ext month in Jacksonville. Left to right, front, 4ira. Houck, Mark Soverell, Bill Ferguson, Vern Monday, Sonny Dean, Ricky Jenne. Back row, from left, manager Charles Brooks, Kevin Grif- fin, Bob Trichler, Joel Rappaport, Joe Aloia, Greg Wolfe, Chuck McBride, Bob Hilkers, Steve Higgins, and coach Jack Schwencke, 'Photo by Sam Quincey P 1 1 1 1 In LL Playof I BOYNTON BEACH North Palm Beach and Boynton Beach, area Little League champions, )attle tonight at 7:15 o'clock for he right to meet the Broward- rea champs Friday night in a ,me which leads to the state urney. It's "Little League Day" in krth Palm Beach, in official