First Annual Fishing Tournament 1978THE VILLAGE ww� lffi� OF NORTH PALM BEACH *F I R S T A N N U - A -L* S H I N G T 0 U R N A M E N T Zr- page I OBJECTIVE, The primary objective of this event is to untap an area of public relations, somewhat overlooked in the past history of the Village, whose re- spective publicity has previously been focused around the sports of golf, tennis, and other Country Club activities PARTICIPATION: Taking into consideration the fact that the Village is alternatively a "waterfront" com- munity, containing local marinas such as the Village Marina; Northlake Marina; and Lott's Marina, along with nationally known facilities such as Old Port Cove Marina, and North Palm Beach Marina which cater mostly to the fishing enthus i.as t . ,... Iet it be noted that without question, active participation with most positive result will only enhance the Village image, on the local, national, and possibly international (Bahamas) level, with a fruitful yield of proposed "free." publicity,, The event should be open to the public. (Example)... the city of Lake Worth holds their annual "Shark Tournament" the city of Stuart. holds their annual "Sailfish Tournament". etc The timing is right.....NOW, for the Village to sponsor such an event! SPONSORSHIP: Prime sponsor of the event will be the Village of NORTH PALM BEACH, and will govern the following; A. PUBLIC RELATIONS : The Village will govern method and operation of all Tournament publicity dealing with the mass media, B. REGISTRATION: Participants will register at Village Hall, by means of completing application card and obtaining a control number, starting with #1. All entry fees and other Tournament cash flow will be the direct responsibility of the Village. C. ACTIVITIES: Tournament activities will be governed by the VILLAGE. SPONSORSHIP CONT. Page cr 2 Co --Sponsors: Anticipated participation of the following marinas in the Village 1. OLD PORT COVE MARINA 2. NORTH PALM BEACH MARINA 3, LOTT'S MARINA 4. NORTHLAKE MARINA The above listed establishments would be des- ignated recording stations for the tournament, obtaining necessary "fish data". consisting of control numbers; category; size; etc,, 'W1. To be explained further under Registration, and Categories.-" Participating co-sponsors will be required to submit the sum of $200.00 each (proposed), and receive 'in return, recognition in the media publicity (along with the Village), _"see "Publicity" Co -Sponsors will also benefit from the increase of business generated by the tournament, and in addition receive an elaborate trophy recognizing cli their effort as co-sponsors of the "FIRST ANNUAL NORTH PALM BEACH FISHING TOURNAMENT". Sr--;onsors_.- The event will be open to all area businesses, and organizations who wish to donate a sponsor fee of I$"25.00, in return for local recognition, and. a commemorative engraved trophy or piaque, recognizing their participation. PUBLICITY: This tournament will be operated on a non- profit basis, with excess proceeds to be donated to the north Palm Beach -Explorer Fost X911, in lieu of their assistance with certain tournament activities. Since the above mentioned group is believed to be operating on a non-profit, tax: exempt basis, com-ment would. be appreciated as to the validity of the appealing pos- sibility of tax deductibility for all sponsors, co-sponsors, and entrants. A. TELEVISIC).N: Without question, local stations would provide necessary pre- tournament publicity, and undoubted --Ly live -eye broadcast coverage included with their nightly ±'ISHING REPORT as part of the sportscast. a, g rek 3 PUBLICITY CONT. Since local television broadcasts are received in a great number of counties within the State (including th-,,--.-1 -bahamas), the far-reaching effect of this type of coverage with such a great magnitude, can, and should be positively anticiT)ated! "THIS PUBLICITY WILL FREE!!! B,s NEWSPAPER.- The Tournament will most de. finite.:.:1iy receive coverage by the Post-Tim.es,and Miami ftearald in the local "feature section and/or sport section. The event would be front p2Le headlines for local papers, such as "Weekday", and "North. County News. THIS PUBLICITY 'NILL BE FREE! 41? %tv C. RADIO: Local radio stations (ALI ?-,- F��}i wiii be most enthusiastic over such an event. Local Radio and Television stations have their own boats, which could provide &ton the spot-- coverage o. wherever it may be. The popular promotion among the more agressive stations, is the famous "bumper sticker!", if spotted by the mobile cruiser wins cash, or records, or prizes. I think this type of promotion during the tournament has a more than good potentia]. - which would be taken advantage of by the station(s) own publicity department to the fullest extent* Exam2ln imagine how the, listening public's reaction would be to hearing the broadcast that "the first part ic--;,.pating boat of the North Pai m Beach Fishing Tournament displaying a W--- sticker at . ----------- - +$(. f a r i n a will win 4 ---cash or prize, would be? . 0 0 0 FANTASTIC *.*THIS PUBLICITY WILL BE FREE! Of ! IJ � 5 �. AT PUBLICITY CONT. D. LOCA C -,A_ L Coverage on the Village If leve -1 v­iCJ,u1r_-1 be through th---, V i 11 a a,'e Newsletter; also by some type o3ff "poster" Form to be displaye_.4d in a. conspicuous area of partici atinop c P ,%_*-o-sponsors, and sponsors Local sponsorship could go so far as to offer a special d 148co-1-1.nt to participants on bait, tackle, etc I-# 1, Local publicity on the Village level could as an example, prod C_1,.e the new gazebo faC-%.i_J_i+1r and area as an award ceremony festivc-:12 for all partici ants in the Tournament, p I_- involving sarmethin-a as a chicken C) bar -'0.0 -cue ad-ministe.-I-1-ec-11 by, the Ex- plorer -a- i I NiPlOrer Post, with a celeblr'ty suh as :QAC F_ NICKLPALIS (who is a fishing enthusiast.m among other -thi-Mos) CD or BURT REYNOLDS; or other, celebrities that could be. obtained .... WITHOUT C H A PL, GAE---if proper %coh�a:iniriels are explored. _r E. DIA T I,01.11,A L oust about all of the national sport magazines, such as "Saltwater Sportsman",, "Florii--1a Fishe=antt, amonn, others, have a local area representative who is starving for information of a ne-rivsw,,ol"thy _-L or their readers. ouch magazines highly publicize such local tournamE-Dints, and thk:*)iL involvement would be :t icing on the cake ll. Once again, expected to be FREE F. WORD OF YOUTH: The excitement of th *1 S event, will undou" tnrllkr generate an ..D amount of good, solid, public re-lations, along with. a bf..=,.�tter 111*%es ident id.c.Dkntity" with their ViC�lla-cre**eLetls face an 64 interesting fact; THE _VI_LLACTE S EA L : A. Is represented or a ship I s whelel! B. "Best Piac-E-). To Live Under The Sun"'. 0. Has incorporated the pi4,L--.0t,,z_r_ e OFA BOA 1 !! At' page 5 REGISTRATION: All entrants will register at Village Hall during normal business hours. ENTRY FOMd Will consist of the following; FEE: 1. $25. (ocean) - 2. $20.(lake) - 3. $15. (non -boat) (1.) (control number) NAME CATEGORY (check one) .00EAN, OCEAN Kingf ish Snapper 'Grouper Dolphin Shark. E N T R Y F 0 R M TELEPHONE_ LAKE NON -BOAT (bridge , pier , surf ) LAKE NON -BOAT Mackrel Catfish Bluefish Sandpearch Pompano Snook Bass (fresh water) Bream (freshwater) All entrants will be supplied with a copy of Tournament Rules, page 6 T O U R N A M E N T R U L E S l . All f ish entered will be limited to species listed under category. 2. All f ish entered will be taken with rod and reel,; 3. No mutilated fish will be eligible. 4. Tournament entrants will participate at their own risk. The village,and all persons connected with Tournament activities will be exempt from any liability for loss or V njury sustained by any Tournament participant. 5. There will be two weekends of fishing; March -& _; � & 6. Tines will be from 6 ams to 6 pm. on each date. 7. Entries must be weighed and recorded on date caught. 8. In case of a tie, lowest entry form control number will win. 9. All disputes will be settled by the Tournament Committee. paa0 e 7 COMMITTEE - ARRANGEMENTS TO1UJRNTAMENT DIRECTOR- will formulate and co-ordinate committees that would be responsible for the following; A. PUBLIC RELATIONS B. SOLICITATION C. AWARDS The committees will consist of responsible citizens of the Village, along with any interested city official, and news media personality. * Commi ttee duties to be developed. PRIZES: GRAND PRIZE LARGEST SHARK (ocean) GRAND PRIZE - LARGEST BASS (lake) FIRST PLACE - Largest fish of species entered from listed category. *PROPOSED FUNDS: FACT - There are over 1,000 boats within the Village off-season. FACT - Tournament open to the public would be larger scale participation. PROJECTION - ONLY 300 entrants at $25. each.....$7500.00 PROJECTION - ONLY 50 business sponsors at $25...$1250-00 100 $25 ... �2500-00 REALISTIC POTENTIAL JUST ON VILLAGE SCALE: $8750.00 to $10,000. ! ! PFAT.TqTTC PnTFNTTAT. WTTH "OPEN TO PUBLIC" ..WHO KNOWS? !.11. page 8 PRIZES........cont, Award funds will be collected in advance, starting with businesses, and sponsors. Prizes will consist of A. TROPHIES B. SAVINGS BONDS C. FISHING TACKLE D. OTHER.... to be developed by the award committee. Prizes should be enticing enough to keep in step with the magnitude of this event. It will be a big event ... and it should have big prizes. 1 OCEAN CEA 1. LAKE page 9 A. NORTHERLY BOUNDRY _ Jupiter Inlet due east 20 miles. B. SOUTHERN BOUNDRY - Lake Worth Pier due east 20 miles. A. Lake Worth - from Jupiter Inlet (north boundry) to Lake Worth Pier (southern boundry) . B. FR.ESMNTATER - limited to Palm Beach County. 20 NON -BOAT Any bridge, pier, seawall, or shoreline from Jupiter Inlet (northern boundry) , to Lake Worth Pier (southern boundry) . *Tresspassing on private property will be forbidden.