NPB Children Receive Lessons In Swimming (Gulf Stream News) 10-2-58Pa qe 6 THE GULF STREAM 114EWS Thursday, October 2, 1958 RECEIVE SWIMMING LESSSONS -- Pictured are some 81 party which climaxed a summer of swimming instructions. children of the Village of North Palm Beach attending the pool- Certificates were awarded at that time. (Photo by Quincey) NPB Ch'I'Idren Receowe Lessons • • n minmin Eighty-one North Palm Beach children are now able to swim a minimum distance of 20 feet as a result of the Learn - to -Swim program conducted by the Village this summer. Fif- teen children also passed the required tests to receive Be- ginner S w i m m e r certificates issued by the American Red Cross. The program was con- ducted for the benefit of all vil- lage children unable to swim and was held at the Singer Shores Day Camp under the di- rection of Mrs. Alma Beck and Bob Hill. The following North Palm -Beach children were enrolled in the program: Dallas Mabry, Judy Gorman, Bob Gorman, Linda Newcomb, Ward, Candy Brown, Da-.- gown, Terry B r o w n, Robin ulino, Faith Tulino, Ka- ren T u l i n o, Terry Bucknell, Billy Cooper, Caralyn Hart, Peter Sharp, Brenda Berry, Ricky Hallett, Debra Hal:: Ott, Cynthia Pabst, Susan Pabst, Martha Pabst, Kathy Pe t, Marian Rubel, Joan Rubel, n - f nis Corrigan, Larke C o t t e r, Thomas Cotter, David Tram- mel, Mark T r a m m e 1, Terry Smith, Susan Thompson, Cathy Sue Harris, Phyllis Scott, Bob- by S c o t t, Bruce Petterson, Paula Iia n g, Roberta L a n g, Tommy Gaines, -Randy Wright, Laurie Wright, David Wright, Susan Wieder, Paul Wider, Da - ma Scott, Dona Scott, Carla L a n g, Marie Crupi, Barbara Jennings, Pam McNutt, Michael Bellak, Casey C a d d o o, Bill Lowe, Martha Dolan, James Thomas, Herbert Kohl, Joan Levine, Johnny Dower, Patricia T r a p n e 1, Patty Lynn Stahl, Pamela Thomas, Richard Boe- se, Michael Dolan, Charlotte Immordino, Joseph Guadagno, James Betts, Diane Robin, Dike Clark, Richard Clark, Melissa Stephens, Kam Stephens, Patty Roberson, Diane Marting, Glen Roberson, Robert Benz, Geo- rge Benz, Bruce Ogan, Geral- dine Koslow, David Haag, Rich- ard Haag, Patty Palonne, Su- san McDowell, Susan J e t t e, Betsey Frowley, Bradley Ward, Myla Ogan, Nancy Bucknell and Mark Koslow.