Tencennial Review (SunPress)enc.ennial evie�
Displaying Tencennial golf
tournament awards are, front
row: Andy McGarry, 3rd place,
Jr.; Dave Craft, 2nd place Jr.;
Larry Mueller, 'I st place Jr.;
Tom Lewis, 1 st place pro cele-
brity; Rudy Arsenicos, 3rd
pro; Max Macon, 2nd pro; Rear
row: Commissioner E. F. Van
Kessel, presented awards.
Ruby Bryant, 3rd place woman's
division; Joan King, 1st place
woman's division and 2nd place
challenge match; Nita Michel-
son, 1st place in challenge
match; Michele Lewis, Dave
Clark and H. Francis Shuster
also presented trophies. Photo
by Merrill Green.
H. Francis Shuster looks on
while Mrs. William May, Presi-
dent of the Woman's Golf As-
sociation receives a plaque
presented by Mayor Tom Lewis.
Photo by Merrill Green.
Receiving sailing awards are: phy and ' congratulations from
left, Jim Beacher, winner of the Vice Mayor Tom Bell. Howard
"Day's Sailor" Award, pre- won for the "Cruising Class
sented by Mayor Tom Lewis. In Sailing". Photo by Howard
Howard McLean receives a tro- Campbell.
,s Village Manager Joe Eas sa
wields shovel to plant ten year
old Black ®live tree, donated
by the NPB Garden Club in
commemoration of the Tencen-
nial celebration. Present for
the ceremony, left to right are:
Mayor Tom Lewis, Mrs. Alfred
Fundis,Mrs. Russell Michaels,
Garden Club president; Mrs.
Louis Enders: secretary; Mrs
Clifford Smith, Mrs. Arnold
Noble, secretary; Mrs. Theo-
dore Schesny and Mrs. Howard
Campbell. Mayor Lewis pre-
sented the club with a plaque
in recognition of their aesthetic
contributions to the community.
Betty Haselmi re displays her
painting and pottery at the
North Palm Beach Art Center.
Several local artists, members
of the Art Center, participated
in the Saturday afternoon art
show that was a part of the
Tencennial weekend.
Seven of the twenty area High
School students who partici-
pated in "Civic Day" assumed
the roles of Mayor and Council
members for a mock council
meeting, Friday afternoon. The
young "council members"
elected Roger Parenteau as
Mayor and Casey Barton as Vice
Mayor. Each student was pre-
sented with an award of merit
for his or her participation, in
the afternoon -long "Civic Day"
activities. Mayor Lewis made
the presentations at a luncheon
at the Country Club, preceeding
the student "take over" of the
Village. SUN PRESS Photo.
Public Safety Director Herbert
Kohl and Sgt. John McGuire
flank student Public Safety
Director, Joe Olson. SUN
PRESS Photo.
i ne beautitus, colortul North -cennial parade. SUN PRESS
Palm Beach float carried lovely Photo.
dancing girls in Saturday's Ten-
County Commission Chairman
E. F. Van Kessel, receives a
certificate of appreciation for
N s work with the village and
for his many accomplishments.
Certificates of appreciation
were also given to 16 former
councilmen. Plaques were a-
warded to the pioneer deve-
lopers of the Village -Jack Sch-
wencke, Jay White and Herbert
and Richard Ross. Pratt and
Whitney Aircraft received a
plaque of appreciation as did
Harold Perry, Tencennial Chair -
man. John D. MacArthur was
awarded a plaque as an out-
standing developer of the north
end of Palm Beach County and
for his pi lenthrophic achieve-
ments. A certificate of appre-
ciation for unselfish service
and personal dedication in
making the Village of North
Palm Beach a better place in
which to live, was presented
to public relations man Bil'�'��`� mue��ai
Terry, former Post Times Bu-
reau Chief in Lake Park.
Photo by Howard Campbell. 7/�