North Palm Beach Decennial 10-13-66i
--- TENTH # 2
The N o r t h Palm Beach
Country Club was the setting
S u n d a y afternoon for the
grand finale of the three day
Tencennial Celebration of the
Village of North Palm Beach.
The Junior Woman's Club of
the N o r t h Palm Beaches
staged a two hour fashion
show featuring clothing from
nine shops, plus wigs and hair
styles. Husbands and children
of club members also served
as models to show more than
one hundred outfits.
The dining room was filled
to overflowing with enthusias-
tic onlookers who "oohed"
and "Abed" over bikinis and
ball gowns. Punch was served
by Mrs. Woodford Mabry,
past president of the North
Palm Juniors. Narrator for
the afternoon affair was Miss
Sally Harris, of the Coronet
Model Agency of Miami. Lo-
cally, Miss Harris teaches
with the Nancy Taylor Charm
and Finishing Program offer-
ed at the University of Palm
Fashion Coordinator and
General Chairman for the
show was Mrs. M. C. Love,
Jr. president of the Juniors.
Her assistants we r e Mrs.
Robert F a r m e r and Mrs.
Tom Sheldon. Music was pro-
vided by Mrs. Geraldine- Rob-
inson. ,
Stores participating in the
afternoon of fashion were 3ib
`N' Fucker, Clad Jrs., Forrst
Men's Shop and Ladies Den,
Fran Carretta Boutique Fash-
ions, Kiddie Kastle, I ads and
Lassies, Marge Spinney Fash-
ion Tree. The Casual Shop,
and bathing suits from the
North Palm Beach Country
Club. Wigs were shown by
Blanche Howard's Coiffures.
Hair styles were created for
the models by Terry's Pom-
padour and "B" Lovely Sa-
Club members who mod-
eled were: Mrs. Thomas Ar -
mer, Mrs. James Armstrong,
Mrs. Dean Barzee, Mrs. Ray-
mond Boetel, Mrs. William
Bressette, Mrs. Edward Bu -
check, Mrs. Dan Campbell,
Mrs. Donald Colvin, Mrs. Mi-
chael Creighton, Mrs. Robert
Farmer, Mrs. James Fyfe,
Mrs. Philip G r i n e r, Mrs.
Gary Kleinkopf, Mrs. Harold
Krohn, Mrs. Ray Love, Mrs.
Joseph Maloney, Mrs. Thom-
as Mayes, Mrs. William McIl-
vaine, Mrs. Peter Meister,
Mrs. Fred Polhemus, Mrs.
Walter Wadsworth, Mrs. Ger-
ald Weisenseel, and Mrs.
Fred Weiss.
,Husbands of club members
who wore clothing from For-
est Men's Shop were M. C.
Love, Jr., Ray Love, George
Peck, Fred Polhemus, and
Fred Weiss.
Children of club members
who modeled bathing _its
and other outfits were Billy
and Danny Campbell, Corky
Gibbons, Rodney, Ronda, and
Skip Love, Dennette Mabry,
Judy McCarthy, Tracey
Peck, Debbie and Mindy
S c h w a b, and Danny Shel-
don.,,-) �
North Palm Beach
Beginning at 8:00 AM.,- , Sat-
urday, Jan. 14, 1967) residents
and Visitors to North Palm
Beach will hear wailing sirens
and ringing church bells or
three solid minutes. They will
herald the beginningof vil-
lage's De the Vll-
g cennial Celebration,
Jan. 14 and 15, at the
Hall and the North
Beach Country Club.
Village Thomas F. Lewis kicked'' o
Palm the long-range planning ses-
sion by naming former Mayor
During a meeting of club Darold W. Beery as General
and village officials at the clubChairman of the 8ecennial Cel -
Oct. 6, an action -packed week- _ebration.
end was planeed. Mayor CGNUNUEDON-P,4( F a
-e-w .,overnor
C.ongratulates NPB
Photo By John Maynesworth
Florida's C,ovemor Claude Kirk wished North Palm Beach..."a
most successful Tencennial Celebration."
Continued from page 1
Leading civic officials were
rade, band concert, luncheon
appointed to serve as chair-
at the NPB CC for pioneer
men of the following commit-
village residents and guests,
tees. Finance: Joe J. Essa,
open swimming at the k2lub,
Jr., Village Manager; Public-
boat races on Lake ` orth,
ity: Buck Kinnard, Channel
NPB Art Center Art Show,
5, Tony Krayer, Channel 12,
Pro Golf exhibition, Little
John LaCerta, Special Assist-
League baseball game, teen -
ant to the President, Perry.
age golf match and surfing
Publications (all to serve as`
co-chairmen); S p a c e (for
Also NPB Library Book
boat and auto shows) : W.G.
Fair and Open House at the
Carver; Swimming Exhib-
library, N P B Elementary
ition: Buddy Baarcke, NPB'
School PTA Decennial Cele -
Swim Coach; Jai -Alai, Golf
bration Carnival, cocktail
Tournament, Pro Exhibition:
party at the NPB CC, dinner
F. Shuster, NPB CC Manager
honoring N P B developers,
and Pro; Boat Watercade:
former mayors and council-
Cmdr. William Soveral; Art
Show: Ed Jacomo, NPB Art
Culminating Saturday's fes -
C e n t e r Director; Pioneer
tivities will be a Decennial
Luncheon: Mrs. Herb Gildan;
Celebration dance on the pat -
Auto Show: Ed Harris and
io of the NPB Country Club.
John Mat hews Ford (co -
Activities planned for Sun -
chairmen) ; h' 1 o w e r Show:
day, the 15th, are a golf tour -
Mrs. R. E. Lund; Fashion
nament, parade of horses,
Show: Mrs. M. C. Lova, .1r.
special church services, bar -
Events scheduldd for Satur-
b-que, tennis exhibition, jai-
da�, Jan. 14, include a NPBalai
and golf matches, shuf-
Mercha.nts' Decennial Cele-
fleboard tournament, fashion
bration Sale, New Car and
show, flower show, and a
Boat S h o w, Decennial Pa-
boatcade of colorfully deco -
d d li ht d b t
rate an g e oa s.
According to village offi-
cials, the NPB Decennial Cel-
ebration should attract na-
tionwide interest, focusing at-
tention on the area as a tour-
ist mecca and residential site
with unlimited growth poten-
tial. Local industry, the North
Palm Beach County Chamber
of Commerce and the SUN
PRESS are cooperating with
Decennial Celebration offi-
cials to make the occasion
a memorable success.