NPB Tencennial Scrapbook January 13, 14, 15 1967r ��� � ��,� ���.�.., cam.
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PAT LOVE, of 733 Os.
s -
prey Way, has been
named a representa-
tive ofthe Director
of Publicity for
' North Palm Beach and
the NPB Country Club.
She will serve as a
special writer for
the community's "Ten-
cennial" Celebration.
NPB Centennial To
Present Sailboat Rage
A fitting part of the North
Palm Beach Centennial pro-
gram will be a sailboat race
at 11 a.m., Sunday, 15 Janu-
ary, on the north end of Lake
Worth. High tide will be 12:30
The race is open to resi-
dents of the Palm Beaches,
entrees will be divided into
two classes, cruising boats
and day sailors, with a hand-
some silver trophy for the
winner of each class on
elapsed time.
Following the race, which
all are urged to enter, partici-
pating sailboats are invited
to join a boat procession thru
the navigable waterways of
the village, highlighting the
marine theme of the commu-
The race will be under the
direction of the Race Com-
mittee Chairman, William W.
Soverel, assisted by Maynard
Isabell, coordinator. Race en-
try forms will be mailed to
interested sailors who contact
either of the above persons.
Palm' Beach County Sun Press, Inc. Thursday, November 24. 1966
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NPB Shuffleboard Club Resumes
Vie for Howard
Now that all members of
the club have returned from
their summer residences in
the north, full activities have
resumed at the North Palm
Beach S. S. Shuffleboard Club.
Several card parties, shuffle-
board contests, Christmas
party have already gone by,
and more are scheduled for
the near future.
The new officers for the
year 1967 have been elected
and installed at the meeting
of December 2nd, 1966 and
are: Herman Page, Presi-
dent, Guy Pearson Vice -
Pres., Mrs. Frank Yessek
Secretary and John Thoms,
On the shuffleboard courts
(the major activity of the
club), under the direction of
the Tournament Director,
Paul W. Bossi, who has been
reappointed for the year 1967,
a tournament for "Novices"
Campbell Trophy
was completed last week.
Winner was Albert Burgess
and the runner-up position
was taken by Erhardt H. No -
Scheduled ahead are pres-
ently: On January 15th, 1967,
on the occasion of the festiv-
ities for the Tencennial of
the Village of North Palm
Beach, a tournament will take
place and will be contested by
6 of the best clubs in North
Palm Bearch County, in quest
of several trophies donated
by the council of the Village.
Some time in February the
Husband and Wife tourna-
ment will be played. During
the first 3 months of the
year the Howard Campbell
Trophy will be renewed and
the season will come to an
end on Sunday April 9th,
with the Second N.P.B. Invi-
tational, when at least S
clubs will eye a beautiful
trophy donated by the First
American Bank of North
Palm Beach
at -h Tourneys
tournaments and exhibitions are
on the schedule of the North
Palm Beach Country Club as
its part in the village's Tencen-
ial observance starting today.
.A Pro -Lady challenge match
with Joan King and pro Francis
huster opposing Nita Michel-
son and pro Don Kepler is
;scheduled this morning.
The rest of the schedule calls
for aPro-Celebrity tournament
Friday, a junior tournament
Saturday, along with the dedica-
tion of the Golfers Den, plus
an exhibition by lady profes-
sionals Sybil Griffin and Mari-
lynn Smith.
P 11
To Be Honored
The Village of North Palm
Beach will honor its first resi-
dents at a Pioneer Luncheon
at the Country Club which
will highlight its noon -time
activities on January 14, 1967.
T he `Pioneer Families' in-
clude Dr. and Mrs. J.E. Ob-
ert, Mrs. Stan de Villers,
Mrs. Alma Switzer, Mr. and
Mrs. Nicholas Taktikos, Mr.
1`;and Mrs. Paul Thomason,
;Mrs. John Chapman, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Beery, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Tulino, Mr. and
Mrs. James Blakeley, Mrs.
John Mears, Mr. and Mrs.
E d w a r d Sharp, Mrs. Roy
Siebel, and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Speaker. These families
moved into the Village from
December 1, 1956 to March
Mayor Thomas Lewis' will
greet the pioneers and intro-
duce guest speaker, noted
F l o r i d a author, Theodore
Pratt. Mr. Pratt has written
such famous novels of Florida
lore as The Barefoot Mailman
and the Flame Tree. Mr.
Pratt and the pioneer fami-
lies will trade Florida remi-
niscences about early Florida
and early North Palm Beach
history respectively.
Mrs. Herbert Gildan is in
charge of the Luncheon ar-
Residents of the Village in-
terested in attending the
Luncheon may call the North
Palm Beach Country Club
for reservations.
Palm Beach County Sun Press, Inc. - Thursday, December 29, 1966 -
Sun Press, Special
Issue Of Jan'.
ghlight Ten
Ry )ac� �Ul/aCrad
The Palm Beach County Sun
Press will publish a special is-
sue, for northern United States
as well as local distribution,
featuring the forthcoming gi-
gantic North Palm Beach "Ten-
cennial" celebration.
A comprehensive brochure of
North Palm Beach, highlight-
ing the country club, is being
prepared for publication, under
the direction of Eric James,
veteran advertising counsel, by
the Palm Beach County Sun
Press. Much of the material
scheduled to appear in the
brochure will also appear in
the Sun Press special "Ten-
cennial" issue of Jan. 12.
Numerous businessmen of
the seven northern Palm
Beach C o u n t y communities
have already indicated their
support of the NPB "Tencen-
nal" Jan. 13, 14 and 15
by contracting for advertise-
ments in the Sun Press special
issue of Jan. 12.
The big special issue will
carry photo features on all
facets of the famous NPB
Country Club, including its col-
orful history and beginning as
the estate of Sir Harry Oakes,
meteoric growth of the village
under the stimulus of John D.
MacArthur, creation of the
community's beautiful North -
lake Blvd. under the guidance
f Palm Beach County Com-
missioner E. F. Van Kessel,
he further development of the
north lake Blvd area as a new
"business center" of the
northern Palm Leaches, the
annual — and now world
famous — PGA National Golf
Team Championship at lovely
Palm Beach Gardens.
Also the new interest shown
by motion picture producers in
the northern Palm Beach area,
as evidenced by its selection as
the production site of pictures
already completed and even
more scheduled for local film-
ing, and a resume with
photographs - of all the NPB
business and civic leaders who
are serving as chairmen (as
well as in other capacities) of
the NPB "Tencennial" Connit-
tee under Hal Beery, General
Chairman, and Mayor Tom
Most recent addition to the
list of sub -committee chairmen
is Frank E. Peuser, Vice Presi-
dent of the First American
Bank of North Palm Beach. He
has been named by General
Chairman Hal Beery to serve
as the Chairman of the Mer-
chants Celebration Committee'
The announcement was made
by Joe Eassa, North Palm
Beach Manager.
Meanwhile Mayor Tom Lew-
is reported that Florida Atlan-
tic University President Dr.
Kenneth Williams of Boca Ra-
ton has the invitation of the
General Chairman to appear
as the principle speaker
and guest of honor — at the
"Tencennial" awards dinner,
Jan. 14_ at the Country Club.
January 13th, 14th and 15th
Morning -- Tencenniel Pro -Celebrity Golf Tournament at the Country Club
Afternoon—Civic Day -20 students hAve been selected fr6m surrounding schools to
fill positions at the Village Hall from 1 to 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. Church bells, fire and police sirens
Open Boat Show and New Car Show -First American Bank parking
10:00 a.m. Parade to form at Prosperity Farms Park
110 a.m. High School Band Concert, area bands combined on Village Hall
r pioneer Village residents and guests
12 noon Luncheon at NPBCC fo p g
Theodore Pratt, speaker
1:00 p.rn. Open swimming at the NPBCC pool
Opening of NPB Art Center Show
1:45 p.m. Dedication of the "Golfer's Den" at the Country Club Driving Range
2:00. p.m. Pro Golf Exhibition
3:00 p.m. Teenage Golf Match
Surfing contest
4:00 p.m. NPB Library Book Fair and Open House
6:30 to 7:30 Cocktail Party at the Country Club
7:30 to 9:00 Awards Dinner honoring the North Palm Beach Developers, former
Mayors and Councilmen
9:00 P.M. Tencenniel Celebration at the Country Club ... Dancing on the patio
to the music of Jake Burrows ... Open to the public
8:00 a.m. Golf Tournament at the Country Club
110 a.m. Area churches to hold special services for Tencenniel event, all
residents are urged to attend church ... The Mayor and Pillage
Council to attend the First -Presbyterian Church in North Palm
Beach on Prosperity Farms Road.
11:00 a.m: Sail Boat Race in the Lake between the Marina and the island
12:00 noon Bar-B-Que sponsored by the B.P.
O.E. at the Lodge on U.S. 41
1:00 p.m. Tennis Exhibition at the Country
p.m. Jai -Alai players golf match . -_...--..._.-
Shuffleboard Tournament, Senior
Social Clubhouse
2:30 p.m. Swimming Exhibition, NPBCC pool
3 to 5 p.m. Fashion Show, at the Country Club,
by the Junior Women's Club of
North Palm Beach .
COURIER Highlights, Thursday, January 12, 1'
All surfers are invited
to enter the surfing con-
test, January 14th, at 8
o' clock a.m., at the Juno
Beach Ocean Terrace
Motel. There is no entry
fee and Doug Manske from
the Juno Surf Shop will
direct the competition for
First, Second and Third
place. Trophies will be
awarded in four?divisionsa
Junior and Senior Boys,
Women, and a paddle con-
test - all entries must
register by 5 p.m., Fri-
day afternoon, January
13th, Call 848-6202 for
information and registra-
Trophies to be awarded
at 5 p.m... Saturday at the
North Palm Beach Mari-
The North Palm Beach
Tencennial Celebration
Sailboat Race will be held
on Sunday, January 15th,
1967, at 11 p.m., at the
north end of the Lake.
All types of sailboats are
invited to participate.
Trophies will be awarded
to first place in both the
day sailor and cruising
class. Race circulars can
'be obtained at the N.P.B.
Marina or by contacting
Maynard Isabell during
e day at 844-9648,
Jai -Alai, the unique
Basque sport often re-
-ferred to as the world's
fastest and most danger-
ous, will pit its skills
gainst the American
-sport of golf next Sunday,
January 15, at 2 p. m., in
conjunction with the North
Palm Beach Tencennial.
Two Jai Alai stars from
We West Palm Beach
nce nnia.1
,;I antic e
Following five short weeks
after the famous PGA National
Team Championship focused
the world news spotlight on
the northern Palm Beaches,
another attention -getting event
will bring back that same spot-
light. But this time, it will fo-
cus on North Palm Beach
where the colorful and unique
village will celebrate its tenth
anniversary. Dubbed the "ten-
cennial," a new word coined
by civic leaders, the two-day
series of events are slated to
become subjects of nation-wide
Plans were finalized at a
meeting of the executive com-
mittee of the North Palm
Beach Country Club in joint
session with the mayor and
members of the village coun-
cil. Also in attendance were
representatives of county
newspapers and broadcasting
Times and dates for the spec-
tacular were set. Area fire and
police sirens, as well as ringing
church bells, will herald the
beginning of the celebration at
precisely 8:00 AM, Saturday,
Jan. 14, 1967. A boat parade
at 4:00 PM, Sunday, Jan. 15,
will conclude the memorable
occasion. The schedule for the
two-day period will bring to
the local scene an array of
top talent in sports, fashion,
all the fine arts with empha-
sis on music and painting
and politics. An award dinner
at the North Palm Beach Coun-
try Club will highlight the
schedule. Culmination will .be
BRATION itself at the club.
Immediately preceding the
nationally advertised two day
schedule will be a recently
added event the Tencennial
Pro -Celebrity G o 1 f Tourna-
ment, slated for Friday morn-
ing, Jan. 13. Also on Friday
will be a change in administra-
tion, however short it; may be,
when 20 selected students will
fill honorary seats as mayor,
council members, fire and po-
lice chiefs, and town mana-
Former mayor Hal BE ery is
Teneral chairman of the Ten-
cennial. Serving with him are
present Mayor Tom Lewis, Vil-
lage Manager Joseph Eassa,
- Jr., Councilman Thomas Bell,
Senior Citizens President Hod
Campbell, Women's Golf Asso-
ciation 'resident Irene Trap -
nell, JayCee Vice President
Mallory Privett, County Com-
missioner E. F. Van Kessel
Councilmen Allen Everard and
Dave Clark, Palm Beach Post -
Times and Perry Publications
Executive John LaCerda, Vil-
lage and Country Club Social
Director Marge Shuster, Vil-
lage and Country Club Publici-
ty Director Jack Walrad, Ad-
vertising D i r e c t o r Eric A.
James, William Schrader, Pat
Love, Delores Crouse, Buck
Kinnard, and Tony Krayer.
A representative of the Na-
tional Press Association and
the Florida Press Association,
as well as the National Associ-
ation of Magazine Feature
Writers, and other media rep-
resentatives have already acti-
vated a nationwide publicity
program for the Tencennial.
- Thursday, December 22, 1966 -Page 5
Palm Beath County dun Press, Inc. - Thursday, December
29, 1966 -
NPB Tencennial
JANUARY 14,1967
8: 00 A.M.
Ring area church bells,
sound fire and police siren
for 3 minutes
Open NPB Merchants' Cen-
tennial Celebration Sale
Open Boat Show at NPB
Marina, U.S. No. 1
Open New Car Show spon-
sored by New Car Dealers
of Greater WPB
9: 00 A. M.
Form Centennial Parade,
Northlake Blvd. & Prosper-
ity Farms Road
10:00 A.M.
Parade east on Northlake
Blvd. and north on U.S. No.
1 to Village Hall
11: 00 A.M.
High School Band Concert,
area bands combined, on
Village Hall steps. Notable
area musician conducting.
12 Noon
Luncheon at NPB CC for
pioneer Village residents
and guests
1:00 P.M.
Open swimming at NPB
CC pool. Boat races in Lake
Opening of NPB Art Center'
Art Show
2:00 P.M.
Pro Golf exhibition. Little
League exhibition baseball
3:00 P.M.
Teen -Age Golf Match and
Surfing Contest
4:00 P.M.
NPB Library Book Fair
and Open House at Library
NPB Elementary School
PTA Centennial Celebration
6: 00 P.M.
Cocktail Party, NPB Coun-
try Club.
7:00 P.M.
Dinner honoring NPB de- euser Named Chairma
velopers, former Mayors'
M i M t
and Councilmen `
9: 00 P.M.
Centennial Celebration a.. encennial Merchants Commit
Frank E. Peuser, Vice Pres-
ident of First American Bank
of North Palm Beach, has been
named Chairman of the Mer-
chants Celebration Committee
for the Tencennial (10th) pro-
grarn of North Palm Beach,
scheduled for January 14th and
15th, 1967. The announcement
was made by Hon. Joseph J.
Eassa, Jr., North Palm Beach
City Manager, and Harold Ber-
ry, General Chairman of the
N.P.B. Tencennial
Starts Friday
North Palm Beach
Young People will take
i over the governing of the
Village on January 13th,
1967 to start the Tenth
Anniversary Celebration
week -end. Outstanding
students from Riviera
High School, Cardinal
Newman High School and
Howell Watkins Junior
High, will participate.
There will be an opening
luncheon at the North
Palm Beach Country Club
and then the youngsters
will assume their res-
ponsibilities of twenty
village jobs for the re-
mainder of the day.
Those chosen are Jane
Myers, Sandra Cross,
Michelle Lewis, Gregory
Wolf, Gregory Bean,
Bruce Wilson, Casey
Barton from Riviera, Pat
Inserra, Mary Ann Goss,
Margaret Hugel, Joseph
Aloia, Bill McDermit,
Roger Parenteau and Joe
Olsen from Cardinal
Newman, Pat Atwater,
Mary Beth Regets, Karen
Zelazek, David Atherton,
Corky Kunkle and Mike
Osborn from Howell Wat-
- kins
Fronton will challenge the
champ and runner-up of
the North Palm Beach
Country Club.
Bill King, Country Club
champ and Bob Stevens
will form the golf two-
some and will play regu-
lar golf using various
clubs in an effort to out -
point the two Jai Alai
stars, Trejo and Pedro
who will be using the
Jai Alai cesta or hand
basket. The Fronton aces
will _use the Jai Alai ball
and will be shooting for a
six foot diameter hole at
the pin. Each toss will
count a stroke and any
place within the circle is
a cup shot.
It will be a Best Ball
match with no handicap
given as the Jai Alai boys
can throw the ball over
150 yards, and are quite
accurate. Putting f rom
the basket is their dif-
ficult feat,
King, a resident of
North Palm Beach and
employed by Pratt and
Whitney won the Club
Championsip this year at
the North Palm Beach
Country Club, His partner
and runner-up, Bob
Stevens, is a student at
Florida State. The chal-.._
lenge match will be fo '
nine holes, starting with-.-.
the first hole. The Parti
cipants will cn,,�.nge °xtools
of trade" for the final
hole® There will be no
admission charge to the
match and the public is.
The Tencennial Jai--
Alai and Golf Challenge
Match will be filmed in
full color by the Florida
Development Commis
sion and distribute
throughout the nation for
ust on four to five hun-
dred T o V o Stations
i-.ce n n i l T.O.
Pat.49, DlOve GiMd 2elOrej CrouJe
North Palm Beach is "all
set" for one of the biggest
events in Village history. Plans
were finalized at the December
31st meeting at the North Palm
Beach Country Club in joint
session with the Mayor and
Members of the Tencennial
Committee — other's repre-
sented were Mr. Jack Walrad
'from the Sun Press and Mr.
Frank E. Peuser, Vice Presi-
Ident of the First American
MBank of North Palm Beach. pont' J on pose 7
Mr. Peuser will serve as Chair-
man of the Merchants' Cele-
bration Committee for the Ten-
The schedule for the three
day affair will bring local top
talents from fashion, sports,
art and music, just to mention
a few spotlights of this great
`"I'he Village Council and Ten-
cennial Committee are aston-
ished at the cooperation they
have received in planning a
tenth birthday celebration for
North Palm Beach. Beginning
Friday, January 13th, with a
Pro -Celebrity G o 1 f Tourna-
ment at the North Palm Beach
Country Club and ending Sun-
day with a two hour Fashion
Show by the Junior Women's
Club of North Palm Beach.
Dedication. of the "Golfer's
Den" at the North Palm Beach
Country Club Driving Range
is scheduled for 1:45 Saturday,
January 14th. The presentation
will be made by Mayor Thom-
as F. Lewis. This building was
donated to the North Palm
Beach Country Club by Nor-
Cont'd From Page 1
man Higgins, Don Nohelty,
John Lidinsky, William Reed,
Dale Herrington and Les Bar-
The Library Society. requests
used books donated for their
Tencennial Book Sale, Satur-
day, January 14th. These books
may be picked up by calling
844-3568 or left at the North
Palm Beach Library.
Dr. Kenneth Williams, Presi-
dent of the Florida Atlantic
University will be the speaker
at the Awards Dinner honoring
the North Palm Beach Devel-
opers, former M a y o r s and
Councilmen which will be held
Saturday evening, January
The Tencennial Committee
and Village Council strongly
urges all Village Residents to
make every effort to attend
the Church of your choice, Sun-
day, --January 15th.
All t e n n i s enthusiasts
don't miss the exhibition by
tennis professional Bickley Ste-
vens scheduled for 1 p.m. Sun-
day at the North Palm Beach -
Would You Believe North
Palm Beach on Coast to Coast
T..V.?? That's Right! The ten-
cennial Jai Alai and Golf Tour-
nament will be taped by the
Florida Development Commis-
sion for distribution throughout
the nation and used on 400
to 500 T.V. Stations.
A nine hole "Best Ball Tour-
nament" will be played Sun-
day, January 15th at 2 p.m.
The North Palm Beach Coun-
try Club Golf Champion, Bill
King and runner-up Bob Ste-
vens will challenge Jai Alai
players Trejo, who hails from
Mexico City and Pedro, of
Marquina, Spain. The highlight
of this event will be the 9th
hole,_ when t'e golfers play
with .the Jai Alai cesta and
pelota and the Jai Alai players
use.the golf clubs.
Last but not least, date your
calendar now for a free night
to remember at tie North
Palm Beach Country Club Ten-
cennial Dance. All Village Res-
idents and their guests ;are in-
vited. Dance to the music of
Jake Burrows and his orches-
tra on Saturday, January 14th
starting at 9:00 p.m. Dress is
;semi -formal — no reservations
'needed — and the Cocktail
'Lounge will be open. You All
Thomas F. Lewis, Mayor
of North Palm Beach, left
and Elks Exalted Ruler, Dr.
Harlen L. Anderson, right,
pose with Paul Mitchell the
head chef and co-chairman
of the Bar B -Q Committee
of Elks Lodge 2069. The May-
or and our Exalted Ruler
met to work out details of
fitting our January 15th Roast
Beef Bar B -Q into the plans
for the Tencennial celebra-
tion of the Village of North
Palm Beach Jan. 13 through
The celebration will have
many phases and we are
happy and proud. to be in-
cluded in the plans. We are
an important organization
in the Village, and while our
lodge's jurisdiction is the
area from the Northern
boundary of the City of West
Palm Beach to the Southern
boundary of Martin County
. . . we have been in North
Palm Beach for the past
three years. During these
past three years our lodge
has grown and prospered and
it is but* fitting and proper
that we should take part in
this wonderful celebration.
How better to celebrate an
occasion such as this, than
with one of our now famous
Roast Beef Bar B -Qs. . .and
who could do a better job
preparing and serving good
food to people than our very
experienced committee. How-
ard H. Koch, general chair-
man and Paul Mitchell have
many, many successful bar
b-qs behind them and we
can assure all of our mem-
bers and guests that they
will be well pleased with the
food and service. . .and the
price. Plan now to eat dinner
on Sunday, January 15th with
the Elks at their Lodge Build-
ing on U.S. in North Palm
Tickets have been mailed
to area Elks and are avail-
able from members and at
various locations. . .please
get your tickets early. . .we
will serve, rain or shine in
our air-conditioned hall. . .
adults $1.50 children 1.00.
Last Thursday night, Dec.
29th ended the first half of
the eighth season of our Elks
Bowling League. Team No. 5
were the winners and will
meet the winners of the sec-
nnrl half in n rn11_nff fnr tho
championship at the end of
the season. Members of
team 5 are; Leo Ludwig,
Jack Ziegler, Al Benz and
Charles Bormuth. Merle
Whitaker's 227 game, rolled
the first night of bowling still
stands as the highest game
thus far this year. Our league
bowls Thursday nights at
Garden. Lanes at 9 P.M.
Initiation will be held the
last Monday night in Jan-
uary, the 30th. We have some
applications on hand for this
class but could use more. . .
all Elks should get on the
ball and get their applications
to our Secretary.
NPB Jaycees
The North Palm Beach —
Palm Beach Gardens JAY-
CEES are making arrange-
ments for a most entertaining
parade to lead off the North
Celebrafion. The parade will
start at 10:00 on Saturday
morning, January 14, and go
right through the center of
North Palm Beach. The route
is from the corner of Cinna-
mon and Lighthouse, along
Lighthouse east to Anchor-
age, then south along Anchor-
age to t h e Elementary
Residents of t h e entire
North County Area are being
asked 'to participate in the
parade. Any business or per-
son who wishes to enter the
parade should contact one of.
the following JAYCEES: Mal
lory Privett, 848-6095; Mike
Keehan, 84 8- 0874; or Joe
King, 848-6310.
The JAYCEES are asking
for participation in two spe.
cific areas from Village Resi
dents only. A prize will be
given for the "finest looking'
1957 automobile entered in '
the parade, and a parade unit
will feature the child whose
10th Birthday is closest to the
Parade starting time.
Palm Beach County Sun Press, Ince Thursday, January 5, 1967
January 1967
January 13th, 14Th and 15Th
Morning — Tencenniel Pro -Celebrity Golf Tournament atthe Country Club
Afternoon—Civic Day -20 students hive el
been sected from surrounding schools to
fill positions at the Village Hall from 1 to 4:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m,
8:00 a.m.
Church bells, fire and police sirens
Merchants Tencenniel Celebration Sale
Open Boat Show and New Car Show -- First American Bank parking
10:00 a.m.
Parade to form at Prosperity Farms Park
11:00 a.m.
High School Band Concert, area. bands combined on Village Hall
12 noon
Luncheon at NPBCC for pioneer Village residents and guests
1:00 p.m,
Theodore Pratt, speaker
1:00 P.M.
Open swimming at the NPBCC pool
2:00 p.m.
Opening of NPB Art Center Show
1:45 p.m.
Dedication of the "Golfer's Den" at the Country Club Driving Range
2:00 p.m.
Pro Golf Exhibition
3:00 p.m.
Teenage Golf Match
3 to 5 p.m.
Surfing contest
4:00 p.m.
NPB Library Book Fair and Open House
6:30 to 7:30
7:30 to 9:00
Cocktail Party at the Country Club
Awards Dinner honoring the North Palm Beach Developers, former
4 p.m.
Mayors and Councilmen
9:00 p.m.
Tencenniel Celebration at the Country Club ... Dancing on the patio
to the music of Jake Burrows ... Open to the public
8:00 a.m,
Golf Tournament at the Country Club
11:00 a.m.
Area churches to hold special services for Tencenniel event, all
residents are'urged to attend church ... The Mayor and Village
Council to attend the First Presbyterian Church in North Palm
Beach on Prosperity Farms Road.
11:00 a.m:
Sail Boat Race in the Lake between the Marina and the island
12:00 noon
Bar-B-Que sponsored by the B.P.
O.E. at the Lodge on U.S. #1
1:00 p.m,
Tennis Exhibition at the Country
2:00 p.m.
Jai -Alai players golf match
Shuffleboard Tournament, Senior
Social Clubhouse
2:30 p.m,
Swimming Exhibition, NPBCC pool
3 to 5 p.m.
Fashion Show, at the Country Club,
by the Junior Women's Club of
North Palm. Beach .
4 p.m.
Boat Parade
6,- 9 Sunday Buffet
Buffet 6 - 9.
Buffet 6 - 90
Buffet 6 - 9.
29 =I
Buffet 6-9
SST -9-10
Dining Room
Bar Closed (Slim, Swim
9 10
Dining Room
& Bar Closed
Dining Room
& Bar Closed
Dining Room
& Bar Closed
Dining Room
& Bar Closed
.January 1967
1SST- 9- 10
17 1
SST- 9- 10
SST - 9 - 10
SST - 9 - 10
Ladies s golf
SST - 9 - 10
Jr. Golf
Clinic 11 - 12
NPB Ladies
Social Club,
6 PM
Friday - Sat.
Food Buffet
Men's and
Women's Putting
12 -
SST - 9 - 10
Ladies' Golf
Seafood Buffet
Ladies' golf SST - 9 - 10
Bridge Tourney 6 PM Jr. Clinic
NPB Lathes' Seafood Buffet 11 - 12
Social Club. Kiwanis
25 26 27 28
BST - 9 - 10
Jr. Clinic
Bridge Tourney 11- 12
Ladies' Golf 6PM
Business Luncheon Kiwan's Seafood Buffet
1325 Broadway — Riviera Beach
PHONE 848--8.396
r-noto Dy John Haynesworth
Florida's Governor Claude Kirk wished North Pa
most successful Tencennial Celebr at0 •®n." lm beach..."a
Honorable Harold Beery, General Chairman and former Mayor
Honorable Thomas Lewis, Mayor
Thomas F. Lewis. was born
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
and has been a Florida resi-
dent for 15 years. He has re-
sided in the Village for the
past 6 years. He is married
to the former Marian Vastine
of Middletown, Pennsylvania.
They have three children —
two girls, Michele, a senior
at Riviera Beach High
School, and Nancy, a student
'at North Palm Beach Ele-
mentary School; one boy,
Tommy, a ninth grade stu-
dent at Howell Watkins Jun -
for High. Mayor Lewis has
been on the Council for three
years — one as Vice -Mayor
and two as Mayor. He spent
twelve years in the Air Force
and is a veteran of World
War II and the Korean War.
He attended Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and
the University of Florida (FI-
CUS) . He is Superintendent
of Turbo Jet Engine Test Op-
erations at Pratt & Whitney
Aircraft, Florida Research &
Development Center.
Wednesday, Jan. 1.14 1967 The Palm
Jack Walrad, Chairman, Publicity
Committee; Director,, ''ubl i c Rel-
ati on s
Jack Walrad, editor of the
Palm Beach C o u n t y Sun
Press. is chairman of the
Tericennial Publicity Commit-
He is a 1938 graduate of
Palm Beach High School, a
product of the University of
Missouri's College of Arts and
Sciences, and of Boston Uni-
versity's Graduate School of, . .
Public Relations And Com '
munications ( news media) .
Walrad is a Marine Corps
enlisted veteran of World War
II. He reentered the military
service in 1951, and recently
retired as a major. He was
twice decorated for meritor-
ious service in public rela-
tions while serving as com-
mander of an Air Force Sta-
tion in the Yellow Sea off the
northwest coast of North Ko-
In addition to his combat
and command assignments, r
Walrad served extensively as
a public information and pub-
lic relations officer. He was
an Air Force director of press '
relations, editor of TAF Re-
view, a monthly magazine
published by the United
States Air Forces in Europe,
and chief of public informa-
t i o. n for several sub --
commands of the North
American Air Defense Com-
More recently, as a free-
lance writer and photogra-•
pher, Walrad has been regu-
larly published by national
and regional magazines, in-
cluding All Florida Magazine
and TV Guide.
In addition to serving the
Sun Press as editor, he heads
"Jack Walrad Associates," a
public relations and commer-
cial photography enter-
on unarscLltar c0ur'
Jai ..Al a-iP1 a, ers
erg c
o 0
Herald Bureau
NORTH PALM BEACH Jai -Alai, the unique basque;l
sport often refereed to as the world's fastest and most dangelrl
ous game will pit its skills . against golf Sunday, at 2 p.m. in
conjunction with the North ;Palm Beach tencennial.
Two jai alai stars from the West Palm Beach frontori.i
will challenge the champ and runner-up of the North Palm`.
Beach Country Club,
Bill King, country club cha,nip and Bob Stevens will lorni
gold. twosome and will play regular golf r_ an. effort to
outpoint the two -jai alai stars, Ire jo and Pedro who will be
using the jai alai cesta, or hand Basket.
The fronton aces will use the ,jai alai ball and will be
shooting for a six foot diameter circle at the pin. Each toss
Nit111 count a stroke and any place within the circle is a cup`,
c shot.
It will be a, best ball match with no handicap given as
the jai alai boys can throw the ball_ oyer 150 ,yards, and are
quite accurate. Putting from the basket will be their most
diff ioult feat.
B-ing� a resident of North Palm Beach and Employed bar'
��;Pratt and Whitney won the club championship this year at,
the North Palm Beach Country Club. His partner and run-
ner-up, Bob Stevens, is a student a,t Florida, State.
The challenge match will be for n -n,e holes. The partici-
pants will trade "tools of trade" for the final hole. There will
be no admission charge to the match and the public is wel
The ten.cennial jai alai and golf challenge match will
fil_nhed in full_ color by the Florida Development Commission
and distributed throughout the nation for use by TV stations.
Thursday, Jan. 12, 1967 THE MIAIVU HERALD
rociam 1
WHEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach was ten
years old on October 24, 1966, and
WHEREAS, this occasion is a milestone in the history
of this Village, and
WHEREAS, the phenomenal growth and potential of this
Village will continue throughout the coming years, and
WHEREAS, this Village has established itself as one of
the outstanding progressive communities in the great State
of Florida:
the Village of North Palm Beach, do declare January 13,
14 and 15, 1967 as celebration days for this gala occasion,
and call upon all Village residents, civic organizations, profes-
sional organizations, businessmen, clergy and Palm Beach
County at large to join in celebrating and promoting this
outstanding event.
-s- Thomas F. Lewis
Joe J. Eassa, `Manager
Born September 9, 1936 at
Good Samaritan Hospital in
West Palm Beach. Graduate
of Palm Beach High School.
Graduate of University of
Florida, majoring in Industri-
al Management. Presently
doing graduate work in Pub-
lic Administration at Florida
Atlantic University. Adminis-
trative Assistant to City Man-
ager, Frank Lawler, West
Palm Beach from June 1961
to January 1963. City Clerk
of West Palm Beach from
January 1963 to March 1966.
From March 1966 to present,
Manager of North Palm
Tencennial Pro -Celebrity Golf Tournament at the North Palm Beach Country Club
Civic Day - 20 students have been picked from surrounding schools to fill the
positions at the Village Hall from 1 to 4: 30 p.m.
8': 00 a.m. - Ring area church bells, sound fire and police siren for three minutes.
Open North Palm Beach Merchants' Tencennial Celebration Sale.
Open Boat Show and New Car Show in the parking lot of the First
American Bank of North Palm Beach.
10: 00 a.m. - Parade route': Start at Cinnamon Road and Lig'ithouse Drive,
east on Lighthouse Drive to Anchorage Drive, south then east
on Anchorage Drive to Eastwind Drive': north on Eastwind Drive
past Village Hall, Dispersal, at School and Church parking areas
on Eastwind Drive.
11: 00 a.m. - High School Band Concert, area bands combined on Village Hall
steps. Notable area musician conducting.
12 Noon - Luncheon at North. Palm Beach Country Club for pioneer Village
residents and guests. Theodore Pratt, speaker.
1: 00 p.m. - Open swimming at the North Palm Beach Country Club pool.
Opening of North Palm Beach Art Center Art Show.
45 p.m. - Dedication of the "Golfers' Den" at the North Palm Beach Club
Driving Range.
2: 00 p.m. - Pro Golf Exhibition
Little League Exhibition Baseball Game at Prosperity Park
3: 00 p.m. - Teen -Age Golf Match
Surfing Contest - location to be announced
4: 00 p.m. - North Palm Beach Library Book Fair and Open House at Library.
6: 30 to T: 30 p.m. - Cocktail Party, North Palm Beach Country Club.
7: 30 to 9: 00 p.m. - Award Dinner honoring North Palm Beach Developers, former
Mayors and Councilmen, Key speaker, Dr. Kenneth Williams,
President of Florida Atlantic University.
9: 00 p.m. - Tencennial Celebration at the North Palm Beach Country Club -
Dancing on the patio to the music of Jake Burrows - Open to the public.
8': 00 a.m. - Golf Tournament at the North Palm Beach Country Club - Calloway
11: 00 a.m. - Area churches to hold special services for Tencennial event, all
residents urged to attend church. Mayor and the Village Council to
OFattend the First Presbyterian Church in North Palm Beach on
Prosperity Farms Rd.
11: 00 a.m. - Sail Boat Race in the lake between the Marina and the Island.
12 Noon - Bar-B-Que sponsored by the B.P.O.E. at Lodge on U. S. #1.
1':,00 p.m. - Tennis Exhibition at the North Palm Beach Country Club.
2: 00 p.m. - Jai -Alai and 'Golf Match
2: 00 p.m. - Shuffleboard Tournament, Senior Social Clubhouse.
2: 30 p.m. - Swimming Exhibition, North Palm Beach Country Club.
3 to 5 p.m. - Fashion Show, North Palm Beach Country Club, by the Junior
Women's Club of North Palm Beach.
- Palm Beach County Sun Press, Inc. Thursday, January 12, 196'
Trejo, Bill King and Pedro practice techniques at the NPB
Country Club in preparation for their match on a nationally
televised Jai Alai show highlighting the Tencennial.
Jai -Alai Stars
,Gulf Champs
N.P.B., Jai -Alai, the unique
Basque sport often referred to
as the world's fastest and most
dangerous will pit its skills ag-
ainst the American sport of golf
next Sunday, January 15, at
2:00 p.m. in conjunction with
the North Palm Beach Tencen-
Two Jai Alai stars from the
West Palm Beach Fronton will Bill King is the golf champion
challenge the champ and run- of the North Palm Beach Coun-
ner-up of the North Palm Beach try Club.
Country Club. Photos By Jack Walrad
Bill King, Country Club
champ and Bob Stevens will Palm Beach and employed by.
form the golf two -some and will Pratt and Whitney won the Club
;play regular golf using various Championship this year at the
.clubs in an effort to outpoint North Palm B e a c h Country
the two Jai Alai stars, Trejo Club. His partner and runner -
,and Pedro who will be using up, Bob Stevens, is a student
the Jai Alai cesta or hand bas- at Florida State. The challenge
ket. The Fronton aces will use match will be for nine holes,
the Jai Alai ball and will be starting with the first hole. The.
shooting for a six foot diameter participants will change "tools
hole at thep in. Each toss will of trade" for the final hole.
count a stroke and any place There will be no admission
within the circle is a cup shot. charge to the match and the
It will be a Best Ball match public is welcome.
with no handicap given as the The Tencennial Jai -Alai and
Jai Alai boys can throw the Golf Challenge Match will be
ball over 150 yards, and are filmed in full color by the Flori-
quite accurate. Putting from da Development Commission
the basket is their difficult and distributed throughout the
feat. nation for use on four to five
King, a resident of North hundred T.V. Stations.
aim Beach County Sun Press, Inco Thursday, January 12, 1967
i)r. w iniams was morn in
Monticello, Florida and edu-
cated in the public schools
of Monticello. He received his
degrees, Bachelor of Science
and the Master of Arts from
the University of Florida and
the Ph.D. from the University
of Chicago.
A brief rundown of his ac-
tivities will show the 'inroad
background he has in educa-
tion. Dr. Williams has taught
and held administrative posi-
tions at all levels — elemen-
tary, secondary, and universi-
ty. He has served as elemen-
tary school principal, as high
school science teacher, as
university teacher and ad-
ministrator. He was formerly
Dean of Students at the Uni-
versity of Georgia, and later
served as Dean of the College
of Education of that institu-
For three years he served
as Director of the War Train-
ing Programs at the Universi-
ty of Florida. Later he served
for five years as Director of
t h e Educational Advisory
staff and Dean of Instruction
of the Air University of the
United States Air Force.
In 19 5 2- 5 3 Dr. Williams
served as the American
Member of the Commission
n Secondary Education of
the Government of Tndia. In
1956 he served as Consultant
in Higher Education to the
Government of Indonesia —
a position under the sponsor-
ship of the F or d Founda-
In 1956-58 he was Deputy
Superintendent of Schools in
Atlanta, Georgia, where he
had served for ten years as
Consultant to t he Atlanta
Board of Education.
From 1958 to 1960 he served
as the first President of Cen-
tral Florida Junior College in
Ocala, Florida, and from 1960
to 1962 as the first President
of the Miami Dade Junior
College in Miami. On July
1, 1962, he became President
of the newly established Flor-
i d a Atlantic University in
Boca Raton, Florida.
He has b e e n an , active
member of Kiwanis Clubs of
Athens, Georgia, and Mont-
gomery, Alabama, and of Ro-
tary Clubs in Gainesville, Oc-
ala, and Miami. He is a past
President of the Florida Asso-
ciation of the Public Junior
Colleges and a former mem-
ber of the Commission on Ad-
ministration of the American
Association of J u n i o r Col-
leges. He is a member of the
Board of Directors of the
Florida Mental Health Associ-
Allan V. Everard, Councilman
Councilman Allan V. Ever-
ard is a local attorney en-
gaged in the general practice
of law in this area; he is
the Prosecuting Attorney for
the City of West Palm Beach.
Mr. Everard formerly served
as an attorney in the Public
Defender's Office represent-
ing indigent defendants ac-
cused of felonies; prior to
that time he was Assistant
County Solicitor for Palm
Beach County.
Mr. Everard graduated
from law school in 1952, mag-
na cum laude, with the high-
est scholastic standing in his
class and has been ,admitted
to practice of law before the
Supreme Court of the United
States, Federal Circuit and
District Courts and the state
courts of Florida and. New
Councilman Everard is Di-
rector of Civil Defense for
the Village of North Palm
Beach and represents the Vil-
lage Council on the Board of
Governors of the North Palm
Beach Country Club. He is
a member of The Ocean Sci-
ences and Engineering Coun-
cil of Palm Beach County and
serves as a director on the
R e s o u r c e s Development
Board of Palm Beach County,
and is on the Board of Direc-
tors of the Community Serv-
ices Council of Palm Beach
Mr. Everard is a member
of the Elk's Club in North
Palm Beach, Lions Club of
North Palm Beach, Police
Chief's Association of Palm
Beach County, the National
District Attorney's Associa-
tion, and the National Legal
Aid and Defender Associa-
Merchants Committee,
Frank E. Peuser of 1526
West Road, Lake Park, Flori-
da, is Vice President of the
First American Bank of
North Palm Beach, in charge
of new business and develop-
ment of departmental activi-
ty. He is also a loan officer
of the institution.
He majored in Accounting
and English at Loyola Uni-
versity in Chicago. From 1924
to 1954, a period of thirty
years, he was associated with
the Continental Illinois Na-
tional Bank. Later he became
associated with the First Na-
tional Bank of Miami, Florida
as Vice President. For seven
years he was in charge of
operations, and later became
a member of the New Busi-
n e s s Development Depart-
Prior to his association with
First American Bank, he was
also affiliated with the Dania
Bank, Dania, Florida, as Vice
President and the United Na-
tional Bank of Miami, Flori-
da, as senior Vice President
and Director.
Mr. Peuser has been active
in Chamber of Commerce
circles for many years. He
is Past Commander, Conti-
nental Illinois American Le-
gion Post with 900 members;
Past Director, National Asso-
ciation of Bank Auditors and
Controllers; Past President,
American Management Socie-
ty and formerly an instructor
with the American Institute
of Banking.
Mr. Peuser is married to
the former Marjorie Williams
of Evansville, Indiana. The
Peusers have five children:
Rick 18, Vickie, 15; Gieselle
13; Cindy 9 and Tommy 7.
'!yrs. ?atricia Sharp,
Born in Detroit, Michigan.
Graduate of Michigan State
University, majoring in Geog-
raphy and Foreign Affairs.
Worked in Washington, D. C.
as a professional research an-
alyst for about a year. Was
employed by Coast Geodetic
Survey in Norfolk, Virginia
for approximately one year.
Became a permanent resi-
dent of The Village of North
Palm Beach, Florida in 1956
and has been residing here
since that time. Has two chil-
dren, Peter and Pamela, ages
13 and 9 respectively. Helped
organize North Palm Beach
branch of the American Asso-
ciation of University Women
and was the first president
of that association. Is cur-
rently president of the Li-
brary Society.
Chris Bean
Born in Nashville, Tenn.
Resident of the Village of
North Palm Beach for seven
years, coming to North Palm
Beach from Kansas City, Mis-
souri. Married to Bill J. Bean
and has two children — Greg,
age 17, and Tricia, age 9.
Has been .active in PTA and
Little League.
lm"*_ Dave Clark, Councilman
Councilman D a v e Clark
was born and raised in Bad
Axe, Michigan. After gradu-
ating from Bad Axe Public
High School he was in the
Army and then attended col-
lege at Vanderbilt University,
University of Michigan and
Central Michigan College of
He was employed by Amer-
ican Airlines as a ticket agent
in New York, San Francisco
and Los Angeles. He gradu-
ated from Stetson University
Law School. He was Assistant
U.S. Attorney for the South-
ern District of Florida, and
was an Assistant U. S. Attor-
ney until January of 1960,
when he became head of the
Organized Crime Division of
the Department of Justice for
the Southern District of Flori-
In December of 1960 he
moved to Orlando and be-
came an Assistant County So-
licitor for Orange County. He
moved to West Palm Beach
as Assistant County Solicitor
and is presently Assistant
Public Defender for Palm
Beach County and also prac-
tices law in North Palm
Beach with Luther Taylor,
Walter C o l b. a t h and John
He is married to Ethel
Clark and they have five chil-
dren. He resides at 547 Oyster
Road, North Palm Beach.
Ur. Eric Obert, First resident of north Palm Bevc
h (1956).
Honorable E. F. flan Kessel, Chairman, Palm Beach County
Sun Press Staff
Three y e a r s ago County
Commissioner E.F. Van Kessel
had a d1ream. He envisioned
a very broad and very beauti-
ful four -lane divided boulevard
in north Palm Beach County.
It would connect U.S. 1 with
Alt AIA, just west of the Vil-
lage of North Palm Beach. The
boulevard would be lined with
shopping centers, spacious off-
street parking lots, and would
be divided by grasscovered is-
lands, all of which would repre-
sent the ultimate in building
and landscaping architecture.
The boulevard would become
of only a monument to prog-
ress, but a thriving new busi-
ness center for the north Palm
Today, that dream is near
complete realization. With
snore than 30 new businesses
already well established on
Northlake Blvd., the busy new
traffic artery is now the scene
of nearly $800,000 in new com-
mercial construction as three
giant new projects are rushed
to completion.
First of the "big three" now
under construction, or ready
to begin, is the North Palm
Beach Medical Center.
Second is $225,000 improved
property investment Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Inserra, owners
and operators of the Butcher
Boy meat market on Northlake
Third of the big projects fo-
cusing ever growing commer-
cial attention on Northlake
Blvd. is a western style restau-
rant to be known as Steak Pit
No. 221. It will be a franchized
unit of the nationwide Bonanza
- Palm Beach County Sun Press, Inc. Thursday, January 12, 196'
Joh La Cerdo, Publisher, Author,
Globe -Trotter
John LaCerda is assistant
to the president of Perry Pub-
lications, Inc.
Anthony C. Kroyer, Jr.
Tony Krayer has resided in
the North Palm Beach area
for the past three years and
in the South Florida area .for
six years. He is the Business
Manager for Gafdens Broad-
casting Company WEAT
Radio and WEAT-TV —. He
was formerly associated with.
the National Broadcasting
Company representing them
at their television station in
Buenos Aires, Argentine, and
prior to his South American
.tour he was with NBC in New.
During World War II Tony
was A B — 24 Bomber Pilot
in the Mediterranean Theater
and was a prisoner of war
in the Balkans.
He is married to the former
D o r o t h e Martin of White
Plains, New York. Dorothe is
the supervisor of the math
department at Riviera Beach
High School. They have six
Tony was born in New York
City. He was graduated from
New York University.
D u r i n g and after World
War II he reported from 42
nations on such events as the
Nuremberg and Tokyo war
crimestrials, the 1946 Paris
Peace Conference and the
Communist threat in Latin'
He is a former president
of the Poor Richard Club,
which is America's oldest and
largest advertising associa-
tion. For ten years he oiler- i
ated his own public relations It
and advertising agency in
Philadelphia and was presi-
dent of a national - network
of PR firms, the Public Rela-
tions Management Corp.
Mr s. I rene Trip el I
Mrs. Irene B. Trapnell re-
sides at 424 Flotilla Rd.,
North Palm Beach with her
husband Fred A. and daugh-
ter Patricia Ann.
Choosing the Village for
their permanent residence,
they were one of the first
20 families to move in.
Born in New Jersey, she
lived most of her life in Med-
ford,; graduated from Mt.
Holly High School, Mt. Holly,
N.J., also the Franklin School
of Nursing, Phila., Pa., and
was employed at the New
Jersey State Hospital, New
She was an active member
in the Medford Grange, the
Medford Methodist Church
and a member of ' - .. Mt. Hol-
ly Chapter of the Eastern
The family moved to Lake
Park, Fla. in 1955, then to
North Palm Beach in May
1957 and she has been an ac
tive member of the Communi-
ty United Church of Christ,
Lake Park, also a charter
member and Past President
of the North Palm Beach
Womens Golf Association.
Buck Kinnaird, Sports Di-
rector of WPTV, presents
fast -paced sports programs
and features — prepared and
delivered by a man who is
himself an avid sportsman.
A sportscaster with wide
experience, Kinnaird was
"The Voice of the Yankees"
during Spring Training in
Fort Lauderdale. He has done
play-by-play of t he Wash-
ington Senators Spring Train-
ing Games at Pompano
Beach; football games from
the Orange Bowl; numerous
high school football games on
both radio and TV, and nu-
merous sports features on
NBC Radio's "Monitor". He
was Bill Stern's assistant at
NBC Radio in 1943 and again
in 194647 after his tour of
duty in the Navy. Announced
"soap operas" — "Pepper
Youngs Family," "Portia
faces Life, Ma Perkins."
Kinnaird has also published
several articles on Golf, in -
c h i d i n g the All American
Tournament at Tam O'Shan-
For the last few years has
reported the action of the
M a s t e r s Golf tournament
from Augusta, Ga. for all
Scripps Howard TV Stations,
Cleveland Cincinnati, Mem-
phis and Palm Beach . . .
Palm Beach County Sun Press, Inc. Thursday, January 12, 1967
U&S.S. Jonas Ingram
To Visit Port During
By 'ack Walrad
PB Garden b Cites
e -co rd Of Achive e-nts
rs. Russell E. Michaels
heads North Palm Beach
Garden Club.
Mrs. Russell E. Michaels,
a resident of the state of Flor-
ida for the past five years,
and residing in the Village
of North Palm Beach for the
past three and a half years,
was named president of the
North Palm Beach Garden
Club this past June. Before
coming to Florida with her
husband, Mrs. Michaels was
somewhat dubious about
making her home so far away
from her children and friends
of many y e a r s' standing.
However, she came, and the
first year spent two months
in the north, the next year
six weeks, the next year one
month, and this year only two
weeks. She feels t h e r e is
something about Florida that
grows on one — the ideal cli-
mate, something in the sun-
shine not found in the north,
and that, all in all, a restful
spirit prevails in this wonder-
ful sunshine state.
S a y s Mrs. Michaels: "I
I moved into the village three
and a half years ago and im-
mediately joined the garden
club. Association with the
members of the club is a
great pleasure and inspira-
tion, and has been largely re-
sponsible for my complete ad-
justment to Florida living."
In the Post -Times Tribute
to Women's Clubs, the North
Palm Beach Garden Club was
awarded a silver tray and ci-
tation f o r outstanding
achievements in the past year
in its category. The club was
founded in 1958 by a group
of the residents of the new
village and entered into the
National Federation of Gar-
den Clubs the following
Through the efforts of the
club, the Beautification Com-
mittee of the village was
formed, and two of its mem-
bers are on that committee.
The club is responsible for
the planting of the first island
in the beautification of North
Lake Boulevard. The same
two members who are on the
Beautification Committee
also serve on the boulevard
Other beauty spots in the
village for which the club is
responsible are the landsca-
ping of the village marina,
the shrubbery surrounding
the shuffleboard courts, the
plantings in the village hall,
the Village Christmas Tree,
plants in the village library,
a large permanent tree in the
dining room of the country
club, and a tree planted on
Arbor Day on the grounds of
the elementary school. The
club has contributed many
volumes to the village library
and several members work
as volunteers. A yearly pro-
ject is the trimming at Christ-
mas time of the village hall
and the librarv.
An early undertaking was
helping to establish the nurs-
ery at the Habilitation Center
at Lantana by contributing
and delivering plants of all
kinds. Now that the nursery
is a going thing, the club con-
tinues to contribute materials
for the use of the handi-
capped in the various work-
At Christmas, each year the
club m e m b e r s contribute
gifts for the residents of the
Palm Beach County Home.
This year over a hundred
such gifts were taken to the
A new interest of the club
is the "Like Head Start" pro-
gram at Jupiter. Three bags
of toys were sent this group
The Garden Club's partici-
pation in the Tencennial Cele-
bration of the Village of
North Palm Beach will con-
'? t'r`ue? orb f.r�.e.!=-. r
village hall.
During the Christmas sea-
son a yearly project is the
contribution of prizes of ten
dollars first prize and five
dollars second prize for the
!most attractively decorated
permanent ouzdoor living
An accomplishment of
which the club is proud is
the fact that Mrs. Louis En-
ders, club president for the
past two years, is responsible
for the establishment of the
Conservation Teachers Work-
shop conducted by Florida At-
lantic University at Pine Jog
Conservation Center during
the summer, this being the
first year such workshop was
held in South Florida. The
club supports this project by
monetary contribution in the
form of a scholarship for a
Participating teacher.
Members of Howard Ko '
Elks Lodge 2069 Bar B -Q Com-
,mittee, left to right: Carl J.
Hartman, in charge of tickets;
Paul J. Mitchell who will do
the cooking; Claude R. Brown,
serving line; Frank Salmonsen
and Carl Vaughn who will handle
the kitchen detail; and Leo
-Ludwig who will assist Brown
with serving arrangements.
There will be a - great many
other members as well as our.
Elkettes assisting in all phases
of the bar fact it really
takes a great team to put on
the type affair we will have on
Sunday the 15th. We sure hope
we will have the pleasure of
serving. all area Elks and their
many friends!
It's got to be good to be
served at an Elks bar b -q
Howard H. Koch, General Chair-
man of Elks Lodge 2069 bar b -q
committee takes great pains in
selecting the beef he will but-
cher for our Giant Roast Beef
Bar B -Q to be held this Sunday
at our Lodge hall in North Palm
Plans have been made to
serve approximately 1,000
people at this big event which
is being held in conjunction
with the Tencenn ial celebration
of the Village of North Palm
Beach and also to celebrate
our third full year in our own
lodge home.
While the beef will be char-
coal roasted out-of-doors, ser-
ving will be in our spacious,
air-conditioned hall, rain or
shine. In addition to roast beef,
we will serve home baked beans,
new potatoes, slaw, rolls and
butter and good fresh coffee.
Serving will be from 12 Noon til
6: 30 P.M. (or when sold out).
The cost will be $1.50 for adults
and $1.00 for children's por-
For those who are interested,
we will have the Super Bowl
Football Game between the
Green Bay Packers and the
Kansas City Chiefs on our Big
Screen Color Television Set in
our club room. Sports fans..come
up to the lodge and watch those,
Packers carry the ball and en
joy an excellent dinner at the
some time!
Sports Ed. — Post -Times
Sportscaster — WJNO Radio
Sports Writer—Miami Herald
Dir. — WPTV Ch. 5
8 Gorri-Mugica
6 Perez-Vicandi
3 Orbe -Pedro
5 Antonio-Ormaza
2 Lopetegui-Lejarcegui
3 Orbe
4 Lerchundi-Echarre
3 Orbe -Pedro
-Pedro 8
4 Lerchundi-Echarre
7 Alejandro-Guisa
4 Lerchundi-Echarre
4 Lerchundi-Echarre 7
5 Antonio-Ormaza
5 Antonio-Ormaza
8 Lerch undi-Mugica
5 Lopetegui-Belaustegui
1 AleIandro-Luis
3 Perez -Le arce ui
j g
_ Ey
4 Antonio
4 Antonio -Pedro
6 Gorri-Vicandi
2 E
-Pedro $
7 Az iri-Ormaza
5 Lopetegui-Belaustegui
7 Azpiri-Ormaza
g urbide-Echarre
3 Perez-Lejarcegui
3 Perez-Lejarcegui 6
1 Alejandro
4 Orbe
4 Orbe
2 Perez
-Luis _ 5
4 Orbe
� Perez
3 Alejandro
1 Luis
7 Mugica
5 Echarre
q ORBS 13
2 Perez 6
3 Alejandro
6 Azpiri
b Azpiri
7 Trejo
5 Iraola
b Roberto
7 Trejo
4 Andrade
6 Roberto
2 Elordi
6 Roberto q
4 Andrade
2 ElordiTrejo
3 A aricio
6 Roberto
% 8
2 Elordi
h Roberto -Jose
5 Zaguirre-Andrade
6 Roberto -Jose
1 Ramon-Eguia
2 Aparicio-Javier
b Roberto -Jose 95th
4 Ur Tzar-Arrasate
3 Trejo-Elordi_
6 Roberto -Jose
4 Urizar-Arrasate
1 Ramon-Eguia
5 Za uirre-Andrade
1 Ramon-Eguia 8
3 Trejo-Elordi
6 Robe- rto-Eguia
l Carlito-Arriaga
� Coll
6 Roberto-Eguia
3 Ulacia-Iraola
1 Carlito-Arriaga 11
4 Urizar-Javier
2 Coll -Jose
1 Carlito-Arriaga
6 Roberto-Eguia
4 Urizar-Javier
3 Ulacia-Iraola
5 Za uirre-Belauste ui
g g
2 Coll
4 Perez -Pedro
6 Ec urbi de-Ormaza
5 Orbe-Vicandi
., _
6 Egurbide-Ormaza
5 Orbe-Vicandi
3 Lerchundi-Luis
6 Egurbide-Ormaza
-Jose 6
6 Egurbide-Ormaza 1 1
2 Antonio-Lejarcegui
1 Lopetegui-Echarre
2 Anton io-Lejarcegui
3 Lerchundi-Luis
2 Anton io-Lejarce ui
I g
5 Orbe-Vicandi 10
3 Lerchundi Luis
5 Trejo-Arrasate
5 Trejo-Arrasate
4 Ulacia-Eguia
2 Ramon -Jose
_ 6
3 Carlito-Javier
6 Zaguirre-Arriaga
6 Zaguirre-Arriaga
4 Ulacia-Eguia
5 Trejo-Arrasate 11
1 Coll -Andrade
2 Ramon -Jose
3 Carlito-Javier
5 Tre'o-Arrasate
4 Ulacia-Eguia $
2 Ramon
8 Perez-Guisa
6 Alejandro-Ormaza
3 Orbe-Echarre
4 Lo ete ui-Pedro
5 Azpiri-Belaustegui
7 Gorri-Elordi
5 Az iri-Belauste ui
-Jose 6
5 Azpiri-Belaustegui 109th
? Gorri-Elordi
2 Antonio -Luis
3 Orbe-Echarre
6 Alejandro-Ormaza
3 Orbe-Echarre
3 Orbe-Echarre 7
6 Alejandro-Orma�a
1 Oth
S Ul izar-Iraola
6 Ulacia-Elordi
8 Urizar-Iraola
6 Ulacia-Elordi
4 Carlito-Vicandi
Urizar-Iraola 13
8 Urizar-Iraola
6 Ulacia-Elordi
11 Carlito-Vicandi
3 Coll-Guisa
1 Ramon-Mugica
7 Az iri-Arrasate
6 6 Ulacia-Elordi 11
11 th
3 Zaguirer-Javier
7 Trejo-Eguia
6 Roberto -Andrade
1 Aparicio-Arriaga
6 Roberto -Andrade 8
3 Urizar-Guisa
3 Urizar-Guisa
7 Trejo-Eguia
1 Aparicio-Arriaga
4 Carlito-Iraola
7 Trejo-Eguia g
5 Ulacia-Jose
1 o►,arc�,^_n.,c,�,
Sports Ed. — Post -Times
Sportscaster — WJNO Radio
Sports Writer—Miami Herald
Sports Dir. — WPTV Ch. 5
1 Gorri-Lejarcegui
7 Azpiri-Ormaza
3 Lopetegui-Lasarte
2 Lerch undi-Lejarcegui
2 Lerch undi-Lejarcegui
5 Perez -Pedro
7 Azpiri-Ormaza
6 Antonio-Vicandi
6 Antonio-Vicandi
2 Vicandi
4 Gorri-Luis
8 Egurbide-Mugica
4 Gorri-Luis
5 Perez -Pedro
5 Lerchundi-Belaustegui
1 Gorri-Lejarcegui
1 Gorri-Lejarcegui
7 Alejandro-Mugica
7 Alejandro-Mugica
5 Lerch undi-Belaustegui
5 Lerch undi-Belaustegui
1 Gorri-Lejarcegui
2 Lopetegui-Echarre
3 Perez -Luis
7 Alejandro -Mu ica
5 Lerchundi-Belaustegui
2 Anton io-Lejarcegui
7 Azpiri
3 Pedro
7 Azpiri
r+ate o
2 Vicandi
4 Alejandro
4 Alejandro
4 Alejandro
6 Echarre
5 Roberto-Iraola
2 Vicandi
6 Echarre
5 E urbide
3 Pedro
6 Zaguirre
7 Iraola
5 Arrasate
3 Elordi
6 Zaguirre
3 Elordi
2 Aparicio
7 Iraola
3 Elordi
6 Zaguirre
5 Arrasate
4 Urizar
2 Ulacia-Andrade
5 Roberto-Arriaga
1 Carlito-Jose
6 Trejo-Javier
5 Roberto-Arriaga
2 Ulacia-Andrade
2 Ulacia-Andrade
4 Zaguirre-Belaustegui
6 Trejo-Javier
1 Carlito-Jose
5 Roberto-Arria a
5 Roberto -Andrade
2 Coll -Javier
5 Roberto -Andrade
1 Ramon -Jose
1 Ramon -Jose
1 Ramon -Jose
4 Ulacia-Iraola
2 Coll -Javier
5 Roberto -Andrade
3 Urizar-E uia
5 Roberto -Andrade
4 Perez-Vicandi
2 Antonio-Lejarcegui
6 Egurbide-Luisa
6 Egurbide-Guisa
6 Egurbide-Guise
2 Anton io-Lejarcegui
2 Antonio-Lejarcegui
4 Perez-Vicandi
4 Perez-Vicandi
1 Orbe -Luis
4 Trejo-Arriaga
2 Ramon -Andrade
5 Roberto-Iraola
6 Zaguirre-Eguia
2 Ramon -Andrade
5 Roberto-Iraola
1 Aparicio-Jose
1 Aparicio-Jose
6 Zaguirre-Eguia
1 Aparicio-Jose
4 Trejo-Arria a
7 Antonio-Elordi
Lerch undi-Mugica
5 Orbe-Ormaza
1 Perez-Lejarcegui
3 Gorri-Echarre
7 Antonio-Elordi
4 Lopetegui-Belaustegui
4 Lopetegui-Belaustegui
7 Antonio-Elordi
1 Perez-Lejarce ui
7 Antonio-Elordi
1 oth
6 Lerchundi-Iraola
8 Ulacia-Arriaga
8 Ulacia-Arriaga
4 Coll-Elordi
6 Lerchundi-Iraola
2 Ramon-Belaustegui
4 Coll-Elordi
4 Coll-Elordi
1 Urizar-Lasarte
8 Ulacia-Arriaga
8 Ulacia-Arriaga
6 Roberto-Elordi
2 Carlito-Andrade
2 Carlito-Andrade
6 Roberto-Elordi
4 Ulacia-Guisa
6 Roberto-Elordi
6 Roberto-Elordi
2 Carlito-Andrade
1 Ramon-Arria a
7 Trejo-Jose
2. Carlito-Andrade
7 Trejo-Jose
2 Lerchundi-Lejarcegui
7 Azpiri-Ormaza
6 Antonio-Vicandi
1 Gorri-Lejarcegui
5 Lerch undi-Belaustegui
7 Alejandro-Mugica
7 Azpiri
4 Alejandro
2 Vicandi
6 Zaguirre
3 Elordi
7 Iraola
5 Roberto-Arriaga
2 Ulacia-Andrade
1 Carlito-Jose
5 Roberto -Andrade
I Ramon -Jose
2 Coll -Javier
2 Anton io-Lejarcegui
6 Egurbide-Guisa
4 Perez-Vicandi
9 j
6 Zaguirre-Eguia
2 Ramon -Andrade
5 Roberto-Iraola
7 Antonio-Elordi
1 Perez-Lejarcegui
3 Gorri-Echarre
4 Coll-Elordi
8 Ulacia-Arriaga
6 Lerch undid raola
2 Carlito-Andrade
4 Ulacia-Guisa
JAN. 15
The . ahai Reach Post
3113, 1967
Beach Front Jai -Alai player, shows Bill King, NorthPalm Beach Country Club 41
champion, how he will .
use his cesto for distance i 1) the, Jai -Alai yrs. Golfers
exhibi..tlon at the fro th P�--tlixt Beach club Sijjada r
oung People
, - yTo-,
o Run Village
North. Palin Beach young people
will take over the government
of the village Friday afternoon
to start the 10th anniversary
celebration, it was announced;
Tuesday by Jack Walrad,- direc-
tor of publicity.
The youngsters willassume
their responsibilities following a,
luncheon at t h e NPB Country
Club. The e'Y will serve through-
out the afternoon.
Those chosen are Jane Myers,
Sandra Cross, Michelle Lewis,
Gregory Wolf, Gregory Bean,
lar. uce Wilson and Casey Barton.
from. Riviera Beach High
School; Pat rnserr. a, Mary Rinne
Goss, Margaret Hugel, Joseph
Aloia, William McDermit, Rog-
er Parenteau and Joseph Olsen
from Cardinal Newman, and
Pat Atwater, Mary Beth R,e-
grets, Karen Zelazek, David
Atherton, Corby Kunkle and Mi-
chael Osborn from Howell Wat-
kins Junior High.
Tencenniai Parade
Sat. 10 A.M.
The North Palm Beach -Palm
Beach Gardens JAYCEES will
present the TENCENNIAL PA-
RADE at 10:00 on Saturday
morning, January 14, 1967. The
Parade will start at the corner
of Lighthouse Drive and Cinna-
mon and go across Lighthouse
to Anchorage Drive, then south
to the North Palm Beach Ele-
mentary School.
Many units are scheduled for
the parade, including Floats,
Bands, Police units, Fire
Trucks, Boats, Race Cars, In-
dian Guides, Scouts, and Mili-
tary Units.
Area Welcomes Destroyer
The "Tijuana Trash" played
"Anchors Aweigh" as the ship
docked. Members of the musi-
cal group are: George Mc-
Clease, Bill Ferguson, Don
Sloan, Jerry Jackson, Pete
Sayre and Don Den ott. The
boys played during the recep-
tion that followed the ship's
f 1
"Miss Christmas In Dixie", led the reception committee of
Sandy Bargar, and her court beauties, and the ship's Com -
ascend the red carpeted gang- mander, Captain John S. Kern
plank of the USS Jonas Ingram. welcomed the group aboard.
Lake Park Mayor Frank Kohl
Representatives of the Navy
Mothers Club were luncheon
guests aboard the Jonas Ingram
Thursday. Left to right: Mrs.
Richard Uhl, State Commander
of the Club; Commander John
Kern, Mrs. Thelma White, Ad-
jutant of Club 742; Mrs. Arthur
W. Loeser, Asst. Adj., Com-
mander E. Herring and Mrs.
John Buckley, Trustee and
Ship Chairman of Club 742. The
mothers presented both Com-
manders with paper weights.
They brought several bushels
of oranges and 250 books and
magazines for the crew.
Palm Beach County Sun Press, Inc. - Thursday, January 19, 1967
Race Results
A fleet of twelve sailboats
turned out for the North
Palm Beach Tencennial Cel-
ebration Sailboat Race held
in the North end of Lake
Worth on Sunday.
Final results are:
Daysailor Class
Crusing Class
PI Boat Name
Boat Name
1 Windmill
Sun Bird
2 Timberleaf
3 Sunfish
4 Way to Go
Lady Nance
5 Julianne
6 no name
Drifter II
Skipper Fleet Pos.
Jim Beecher
John Schillingworth
J. H. Dower
Pinky Joslin
Fred Howe
Don Riccardi
Crusing Class
Boat Name
Sun Bird
Lady Nance
Drifter II
Fleet Pos.
Howard McLean .
Bill Bennett
Walt Baur
Jack Wall
J.oe Bateman
Jim Watson
Mayor Tom Lewis receives the
Mayors, pioneer developers,
Jaycee Distinguished Service
committee chairmen, Common -
Award from NPB-Palm Beach
der John S. Kern, skipper of
Gardens Jaycee President Jim
the Destroyer Jonas Ingram,
Hughes. The award, presented
Palm Beach Gardens Mayor
at a banquet Saturday night, was
Robert Diamond, Lake Park
given to Lewis as the man who
Mayor Frank Kohl, Palm Beach
"performed the greatest service
Town Manager B.F. Arnold,
to his community during the
pioneer residents, County Com -
past year." 164 invited guests
mission Chairman E. F. Van
attended the banquet, held at
Kessel and other distinguighed
the Countfyr Club. Among the
vi sitors. Photo by Howard
distinguished guests were for-
mer council members and
JOH74 :: MA,CARTHU R, creator North Palm Beach.
of Palm Beach Gardens, con. Montage Photo By
tribzrTed e t!lo development of Jack Walrad
Mrs. Herbert Gi l dan
Mrs. Herbert Gildan moved
to Florida nine years ago
from New York and Massa-
chusetts. The family, consist-
ing of husband Herbert and
children, Nancy and Phillip,
has lived in the Village eight
years. Kate received her,
Bachelor's degree from Hunt-
er College in New York and
Master's Degree from Flori-
da Atlantic University, Boca
Raton, Florida.
Kate is a charter member
and past president of the
North Palm Beach Branch of
University Women. Presently
she is chairman of the North
Palm Beach Library Adviso-
ry Board and treasurer of the
Library Society. Nancy and
Phillip Gildan are members
of the North Palm Beach
Swim Team; Herbert Gildan
is Village Attorney. All are
proud to be living in North
Palm Beach. ,
Anne Joslin
Anne Joslin, originally from
Baltimore, has lived in many
places as a Navy wife for
17 years prior to settling in
North Palm Beach in the
summer of 1963. She lives on
tAnchorage Drive with her
husband, Charles, who is an
engineer at Pratt & Whitney,
and their five children. She
has been the Teen Chairman
on the North Palm Beach
Country Club Social Commit-
tee for three y e a r s. This
year's Mistletow Magic Ball
is the fourth of the popular.
annual formal dances for the
senior high teenagers that
she has directed.