Forecast NPB Country Club Magazine February 1967tho villas• of MONTH PALM *KACr7F L IDA UiS,, Postage BULK RATE 2 7/80 PAID PERMIT Na. 18 W. Palm Beach Florida YOUR BEST GOLF EQUIPMENT BUYS ARE MADE THRU YOUR OWN CLUB Pro -Shop OUR PROFESSIONALS e Bazaar Plaza Riviera Beach e Tillage Square T e que s to FASHIONS & GIFTS FOR S Colonial Village FLORIDA U_G & GIVING North Palm Beach ONE OF F=LORIDA'S LARGEST AND FINEST 219 South Dixie Highway West Palin Beach, Florida TEmpl a 2-0532 Imur", i 0�0 Championship 18 Hole Golf Course Driving Range — Golfer's Den (Golf Instruction Center) . . ..... ... Championship Swint Team — Olympic Pool Dining Room and Bar Social Activities NORTH PALM BEACH - FLORIDA 911 PARK AVENUE —LAKE PARK yA WEAVE GOT EM.1 10-0 COLOR HOME PHOTOS L DEWErs HARDWARE cdtt's Turf-Builder,Bonus and Kwit OU130M Spreader Loaned Free Paints.... Plumbing Supplies REAL ESTATE Open 8 A.M. OPEN SUNDAYS - b P.M, 8 A.M. - 1 P.M. 848-2563 800 U. S.1 -North Palm Beach First American Bank a 401 Northlake Blvd. North Pa- Im Beach, Fla. MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Phone 848-5867 Stationery Cards Colonnades Beach Hotel� ART SUPPLIES Palm Beach Shores Q�'}�p. CUSTOM FRAMING CUSTOM DESIGNING �{1INIU�J�QJ[S,�(,�, S•�'{ ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS 783 NORrMU.Kt 9ILvo. Nowa« PALM B<ACN, Fu.. COMPLIMENTS of NORTH PALM BEACH UTILITIES, INC. FORECAST February 1967 FROM THE MANAGER'S DESK Our Junior Golfers are heading for a big year with eight boys all capable of shooting 75 or better vieing for 4 positions on the Riviera Beach High School Team. This team is capable of winning the state Championship. North Palm Beach Country Club's Kim Schwencke appeared on the front cover of "Golf World", the only national golf news weekly. Take advantage of the Saturday morning golf clinics for your children -11 o'clock every Saturday morning on the Range. Individual instruction by appointment. The "Golfer's Der?' will be open shortly. Clubs on exhibit will be made to order to your specifications. Mr. Al Bryant is retiring as of February 1st to enter the "consulting field". Mr. Larry Ferguson is now our Greens Superintendent. Larry has been employed for the last six months as Assistant Superintendent. Many new improvements are contemplated during the growing season. Additional trees, shrubs and cart paths. Good housekeeping depends on the individual players. Please put trash in the receptacles, repair ball marks, and observe cart rules. See you at the Club. "Shu" Mr. Norman Higgins presenting the key to the new Golfer's Den to Mayor Tom Lewis. Mr. Higgins and Mr. Don Nohelty are co-chairmen of the Country Club Gifts and Bequests Committee, and along with the rest of the committee have donated their time and the materials for the building. John Lidinsky, William Reid, Dale Herrington, Les Barbour, Barton King and John Kittle are their committee members. We thank these wonderful men from the bottom of our hearts. One of the highlights of the "Tencennial" was the playing exhibition given by Marilyn Smith and Sybil Griffin, pictured in front of the newly finished "Golfers' Den". Marilyn and Sybil are two of the most respected and successful members of the Ladies' Pro- fessional Golf Association. It was wonderful to watch them. Sybil is giving lessons at North Palm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Make a date with her! FORECAST February 1967 The North Palm Beach Tencenniel Celebration, January 13, 14, and 15 is now another page in the history of the Village. The Weather was marvelous up till the 3rd hole of the Jai Alai golf match on Sunday, so we'll never quite know whether a gold club or a wicker basket is the best tool to propel a golf balL—1he Jai Alai players, Trejo and Pedro played our Champion, Bill King, and the Championship runner-up, Bob SteVeis. "Teeing off' are - Trejo, Bob Stevens,- Pedro, and Bill King The girls are, our own Delores Crouse, and Claudine, Tele -wager from the Jai Alai_ Fronton. County Commissioner E. F. Van Kessel pictured with Tencennial Tournament winners, '• W ler and Shu . Left to right, Mr. Van Kessel, Ruby Bryant (Mrs. Al), Irene inbig (Mrs. A Joan King (Mrs. Bill), Nita Michelson (Mrs. Nets), Michelle Lewis (Club Manager for the Day), Dave Clark from the Village Commission, Shu . Front row: Andy McGarry, Dave Craft, Larry Mueller, Mayor Thomas F. Lewis, Rudy Arsenicos, and Max Macon. SUNDAY Tournament winners were: 1st.—Our Champion Bill King with a 67, net 65. 87- s were ` made. by 'W13liam Thornberry, L, Rogers. --Al Keller and -Joe Spellerberg O JaM$ary 22nd,-,there"ll be an 18 hole play. -off for 2Dd MA ard. FORECAST February 1967 POOL NEWS: The Swimming Team continues its winning ways as the Florida Golf Coast AAtT Winter Season begins. In the first meet for each age group Bobby Shaw and Greg Kurty won firsts in boys' events, and Liz Tiedemann, Joan Gewinner, Cathy Teidemann, Cyd Bougae and Jean Barras won in the girls' division. The Tencennial Celebration seemed to be a hugh' success but we are very sorry the rain forced us to cancel the water show Sunday afternoon. The Swim 'Team was going after several team records (two were broken before the rain stopped us: one by Mary Vincent and another by Liz Tiedemann), and Al Coffey, former World's Professional Diving Champion, was to do some regular and clown during. Al did gero, in four dives from - the tower before the wind forced him to stop. The new sky blue Hawaiian print team tanksuits are now in stock in the pool offb*. Al Coffey diving from our Tower before the rains came Father Time and the baby New Year were portrayed by Art Crouse as Father Time, and Jim Beau --Wade as the adorable baby 1967 at the stroke of midnight, New Year's Eve. Quite a picture isn't it? Kim, Gardiner Dickinson and David Father and Baby Kim Schwencke, Gardner Dickinson and Dave Shuster. Kim and David both tied for 1st in their age groups at the Holiday In- vitational Junior Tournament at PGA dur- ing the holt_ days. Both lost in sudden death play-offs, Kim to James Simon of Butler, Pennsylvania, and Dave to Jim Miller of Miami Dade Junior College. Gardiner looks happy I Februa'lry 1967 11 BridgeJr. -2 Tourney 3-- Golf 4 Clinic PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS Ladies# Golf Golf LessonsBy il•�2 Social Club Sybil. Griffin LPDA Pro Seafoodffet 6PM BuClub Night "Shipwreck S� ��ck P Party" 6 7 8 Bridge 9 Tourney 10 11 Sunday Night Buffet 6-9 Dining Room Closed Sandwiches In the Bar Golf Lessons By Sybil Griffin LPGA Pro Ladies Golf Golf Lessons By mobil Griffin LPDA Pro Seafood Buffet 6PM Jr. Golf Clinic 11-12 1 Z 13 Dining Room 14 Golf Lessons 15 Ladies Golf Bridge 16 Tourney Golf Lessons Wig Show 17 Luncheon 18 Jr. Golf Sunday Night Closed By By Clinic Buffet - 6-9 Sandwiches In the Bar Sybil Griffin LPGA Pro Ladies Social Club mil Griffin LPDA Pro Seafood Buffet 6PM 11.12 20�� �� � BridgeJr. 3 Tourney 24 Golf 25* Clinic Sunday Night Buffet - 6-9 Dining Room Closed Sandwiches In the Bar 21 Golf Lessons By Sybil Griffin LPGA Pro 28 Ladies Golf WGA Business Luncheon � Golf Lessons By Seafood Buffet Sybil Griffin 6PM LPDA Pro CARPET CRAFTSMEN 11-12 TRIP TO POMPANO Z6 Sunday Night Buffet - 6-9 Dining Room Closed Sandwiches Golf Lessons By mobil Griffin SHOWROOM & MILL END SHOP 125 Broadway —Riviera Beach In the Bar LPGA Pro PHONE 848-8396 FORECAST February 1967 WOMEN'S GOLF ASSOCIATION -- The NPB Tencennial Committee donated three trophies. and January 11th was the BIG DAY for our WGA Tournament, Joan King won with a net of 71. Irene Winbiggler _paced second with 74 while Norma McCombs and Ruby Bryant tied and played a sudden death nine which gave Ruby third place. Irene was a dark horse—in a manner of -s —since she had just joined the WGA in time - to enter—what a way to start I By the way, Anne Medeires is our other new member this month. More honors fol' us - in the plaque which Mayor Tom Lewis, an behalf hof the Mage of North- Palm Beach, presented to the WGA for "'OatCOMM ns- to the Recrea- tion of Our Village" (hope I've capitalized the 'right words M9 Here again are the Chip -Ins; Barbara Scollin, Ethel Martin, Irene Spellerberg, Billie Lange and Enid Schwenke. For anyone who thinks that our group is a giggling, gossipping, gabfest, just come on over any Wednesday. We are a SERIOUS group. Just witness the array of charts that challenges our return to the locker room. One lists our scores (or should I say Scares) for "Team Play", the second, "Get Acquainted", permits us to check the names of all other girls with whom we play (the more the merrier), and the third is for "Ringer" trophy in the spring. Think of the fun at our house now that my binoculars have been replaced by a 233 power telescope belonging to our youngest son— Hostesses for February -8th and 15th—Alice Neller and Catherine Dixon: the 22nd and March 1st—Blanche Saunders and Evelyn Strauss. Happy Valentines Day, Betty Toreu, Publicity Chairman. "Shu" and our President Ginny May receiving the Tencennial Appreciation Plague from Tom Lewis, Mayor of our wonderful Village of North Palm Beach. The WGA donated the attractive blue tee markers last year. FORECAST February I967 Ste' Ste' TPJM CLUB-- Due to the slWhtly chilly mornings we've been experiencing lately, the exercise classes will be temporarily discontinued. Watch the Forecast and the dining room bulletin board at the Club for notice when we will resume, if all goes well, we hope to start again somntime in March. Joan, your "trim" Director. FROM ANN JOSLING, TEEN CHAIRMAN— ed a b rt in the very successful The young- people of North Palm Beach play � �' dents from Tenceannial Celebration, The Civic Day Program was enjoyed by all, to Riviera High, :Cardinal Newman and Watkins took over the reigns of government for a day, and proved _.a;Jnost trustworthy conciencious group. Those chosen from Riviera were: Jane Myers, Sandra Cross, Michelle Lewis (Mayor Tom Lewis daughter, who turned out to be Club Manager I}, Gregory Wolf, Gregory Bean, Bruce Wilson, and Casey Barton. From Cardinal Newman: Pat Inserra, Mary Ann Goss, Margaret Augel, Joseph Aloia, Biu McDermit, Roger Parenteau and Joe Olsen, and from -Howell WA, tkins: Pat Atwater, Mary Beth Regets, Karen Zelazek, David Atherton, Corky Kunkle and Mike Osborn. On the sports side the surfing contest proved very popular and gave all excella nt experience in competition. Congratulations to the Winner, but also a large well done for those who were not too well qualified. but stuck with it `til the end. Doug Manske frorr. the Juno Surf Shop did a fine job of direction and judging. Any young people who have ideas for club activities do give me a call and we can organize some fun. 848-6202. RULES FOR PAYME14T OF CLUB DUES: L Su Memberships maybe paid anon y 1ntwe1ve PUym • payments, No partial paw along with a - charges made at the Club Must be paid, iia full, -the bill is rendered. No � � .will be ail;,awed. 2. pool mebtwshlps may be paid in three parts: one part upon joining, ad the o -two its and sixty days later. Member pfd: in b'7 third mer � � es ode at t� Cab, must be peed- � nxigh will be considered delinquent. charg fdR when the bill is rendered. No partid payments wM be allOwe& 3 Social Memberships must be paid upon date of Joining. All dwless made at t Club, must be paid, in full, whenthebill is rendered. No parW Pam wM be of. e All de uent bills will go before the Board of Governors, -on the 2h.0 acb motrth to be reviewed and Cancelled for non-payment. if a has bees ceu°- by the Board of Governors for non -payor the person who WL93M to rejoin t pay his delinquent bill plu.S his next years dues. in" . BRIDGE WINNERS- 1st—Muriel Frawley and Ethel Moss 2nd—Emily West and Dottie McDermott 3rd—Betty Ellzey and Jane Akins 4th—Hilda Florian and Dee Schirm Consolation—Marian Hermann and Elizabeth Wellingha" BRIDGE LESSONS—We are planning both beginning and intermediate lessons beginning around -the 15th of February, If you are interested in either class please call Betty Bray 848-9075. FORECAST February 1967 By our own Blanche Howard, owner of the two "Coiffure" Beauty Salons, one In Riviera and the other in Tequesta. This should be of SPECIAL interest to all the girls who swim and play golf—I don't know what I ever did before I bought mine! Luncheon at 12:30, $2.00 including tax and tip. Stay and play bridge after the show—Frida , February 17th. Reservations please! y N.P.B.C,C. TRIP TO POMPANO PARK Saturday night, February 25th, Arrangments have been made to `bus it to Pompano to the races. Tickets are on sale in the Yining Room or the Pro-Shop—$3.00 a ticket which includes ticket into the track, gourmet dining in the brand new Sulky Room on the second level of the grandstand, and reserved seating on the third level, The bus fare will be extra, as the bus charges $10.50 an hour and holds 45 people, so the more who go, the cheaper the transportation will be. We should leave the Club no later than 7 o'clock and will be ba • back around mid- night. In order to make the dinner and bus reservations, tickets will have to be bought by Saturday, February 18th. We might even have two bus loads ! This will be lots of fun, dont miss it! SATURDAY NIGHT, FEBRUARY 4th—SHIPWRECK PARTY—come dressed in what you would salvage from your cabin in a hurry. Chris and BM Bean are Chairmen of the party, with Lorraine and Mac Crowell, and Lee and Mel Siegel as their committee. If you need any advice on what to wear, consult Hattie in -the dining room—she should know after her Viking Princess experience last year. Dinner and dance—$4,50. ARTISTS OF THE MONTH Dorothy Geyer Dorothy (Mrs. George W.) Geyer, who has been in Florida since 649, and has lived in North Palm for 4 years. Dorothy is a charter member of the North Palm Beach Art Society, and paints mostly in oils, pre- ferring abstracts, Pierre Muir Pierre Muir, a Florida resident from Lake Worth, studying for his 4th year under Ed Jocomo. Pierre has exhibited his pottery at the South Florida State Fair and in the North Palm Beach Annual Exhibit, at which time hewas awarded threeblue ribbons and one special award. Leave your car to be Serviced whiley oplay la Golf! y STAN GOLDSTINE TAKE OUT FOOD N O R T H FRIED CHICKEN AT ITS BEST Station 844-9335 848-7.%900 PALM Pick—Up and Delivery BEACH Opposite PP 801 Northlake Boulevard North Palm Beach, Florida GULF N.P.B,. Country Club GULF LIF&BEERY GROWING WITH FLORIDA You need hmmne for as log as you live — Tour family will. need income for as long as they live. Call 832-1657 and One of our "Income Sperm" wM be happy to haw we may be able to help you guarantee the "Tax Free" income you need. HAROLD W. BEERY & ASSOCIATES 339 Royal Poinciana Plaza Palm Beach, Florida -- 111 1111, IN 1411 111 1 o NICHOLS INS CE 00 0 v o cEarEa AGENCY 805 North I ak a Blvd. N. Palm Beach PHONE 842-2444 ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE FOR AUTO HOME AND BUSINESS WE ARE IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH 217 Lakeview Building North Palm Beach, Fla. Medicines Delivered Free TELEPHONE &18-0656 IT'S LAD 'N LASSIE YOUR PROnSHOP Colonial Village Shopping Center ===ITHIFASNiONS POR THE YOUNG AND THE VERY YOUNG "SNU" Adam and Gerrie Scherb DON , AL AND DELORES Owners ARE THERE TO HELP YOU 920 NORTHILAKE BLVD.