Happy 40th Birthday North Palm Beach BookletVILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 CAR -RT SORT BULK RATE. U.S. POSTAGE PAID West Palm Beach, FL Permit No. 18 POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 10:30 a.m. 110 00 a.m. 11030 a.m. CELEBRATE NORTH PALM BEACH'S 40th BIRTHDAY G 0 0 WHEN: AUGUST 17, 1996 0 WHERE: LAKESIDE PARK WHAT: 40th BIRTHDAY OF NPB DEDICATION OF LAKESIDE PARK SCULPTURES THE AL MCKENNA ORCHESTRA CUTTING OF THE BIRTHDAY CAKE 12:00 Noon - 2:30 y1m. HAMBURGERS, HOTDOGS, DRINKS AND FUNI m� PUBLIC NPB SAFETY WANTED: SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS—The Public Safety Department is in need of School Crossing Guards for the upcoming school year. Both regular (those who work each school day) and part-time (those who fill in when the regular guard is unavailable) positions are available. The work hours are approximately 3 hours per day, split between morning and early afternoon. On the job training is provided and the pay rate is $18.54 per day. For more information, contact Lieut. Clay Walker at 848-2525. VACATION SECURITY: School's out and you're off on the family vacation. Make sure your happy memories stay that way by returning to a secure home. • Before you leave, figure out ways to make your home look lived in during your time away. Use light timers, stop mail and newspaper deliveries, and have a neighbor check your house from time to time, removing any obvious clues that you are away. • If you keep house keys in obvious hiding places, remove them before you go away. • While on vacation, take limited cash and use travelers checks. Also, with so many cash machines around the country, it is easy to get more cash when you need it. • If you are staying in hotels, take advantage of their safe deposit boxes for your valuables. • Remember the purpose of vacations is to relax. By preparing in advance, you can take the next few weeks off! 1� eases 0 0 0 SUMMER SAFETY TIPS: Do not leave lawn equipment, bicycles and sporting goods lying idle in your yard, or in the open garage in plain view from the street. If you see anything or anyone unusual or out of the ordinary, please call the Police Department, 848-2525, or dial 911. There have been several thefts throughout the Village, but with your help and cooperation, and by being careful of your property, we can possibly prevent you from becoming a victim this summer. This is also a good time to activate a Neighborhood Crime Watch program. For further information, call Officer Clark at 848-2667. REMINDERS FOR POOL USERS: Remember that half of all drowning deaths happen to adults and kids who can swim. Swimming pools should be fenced with self-closing, locking gates. If entry to a pool from the house is possible and there are children, the sliding door or screen should be shut and locked whenever you leave the pool area. Do not rely on inner tubes, rubber mattresses, or balls as life preservers. Pool owners and users should know how to perform CPR (cardio -pulmonary resuscitation). Own and know how to use a safety crook to snag a person in trouble. Own and know how to store, throw, and retrieve a floating safety device. Never allow rough-housing in a pool. Diving off the shallow end of a pool, and diving into a shallow above -ground pool are two primary causes of spinal injuries. It should not be allowed. NEW HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION SITE: The Solid waste Authority has opened a new household hazardous waste collection site at 14185 Military Trail, Jupiter 14 V (north of Donald Ross Road) . Residents should .take waste motor oil, auto fluids, paint, thinners, pesticides, pool chemicals, rechargeable batteries, propane tanks and the like directly to this site for proper disposal. The Village Sanitation crews cannot pick-up these materials. For more information and hours of operation, call the Solid Waste Authority's Hazardous waste Hotline at 697-2700. GARAGE SALES: We are beginning to notice garage sale signs improperly posted on street corners, utility poles, etc. This is a good indication that the garage sale did not receive the required permit and will cause the Code Enforcement Officer or Public Safety Officer to remove the signs and visit the location. There is no charge for the permit and it may be obtained from the Department of Public Services, 645 Prosperity Farms Road. Garage sale hours are restricted from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. There is a maximum of two sales per calendar year at any one address. One sign only, 2 feet x 3 feet maximum may be erected on sale property only (not on Swale). The sign may be erected one day prior to the sale and must be removed on the last day of the sale. DOCKS, PIERS, SEAWALLS, MOORING POSTS: waterfront residents and owners are required to keep these structures in good repair and sound structural condition. Improperly maintained structures are an eyesore and can be a hazard to boats. Since the Code Enforcement Officer is unable to visit behind many houses, neighbors and boaters are encouraged to contact the Public Services Department, 626-0212, to report possible violations. Callers can remain anonymous. POOL INSPECTIONS: Every summer the Village inspects all swimming pools to assure the required fences or screen enclosures are in place and properly maintained. Make sure all gates and doors are equipped with a self-closing and self -latching device designed and capable of keeping such door or gate securely closed at all times when not in use, and prevent any child from opening such door or gate. Please cooperate with the inspector and promptly make repairs as directed. VILLAGE COUNCIL NEWS VOLUNTEER NEEDED - CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEALS. A volunteer is needed for one vacancy on the Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals. This position requires that the applicant be an Architect registered in the State of Florida. If you are willing to serve in this position, please send your resume or letter of interest to the Village Clerk, 501 U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408. Please include your home address and a phone number where you can be reached during normal business hours. All applicants will be contacted for an interview with the Village Council. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - COUNTRY CLUB ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD. The Village Council is taking applications for four vacancies on the Country Club Administrative Board. Applicants must be Village residents. At least one position must be filled by a pool member. All positions are two year terms, and will begin on October 1, 1996. The Country Club Administrative Board meets regularly on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. All interested persons are asked to send a letter of interest or resume to the Village Clerk, 501 U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, FL 334081 by September 17, 1996. Please include your home address and a phone number where you can be reached during normal business hours. All applicants will be notified of the interview date. Appointments will be made by the Village Council on September 26, 1996 at Regular Session. VOLUNTEER NEEDED - RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD. A volunteer is needed for one vacancy on the Recreation Advisory Board. The Recreation Advisory Board meets regularly on the second Tuesday of each month. If you are willing to serve in this position, please send your resume or letter of interest to the Village Clerk, 501 U.S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408. Please include your home address and a phone number where you can be reached during normal business hours. All applicants will be contacted for an interview with the Village Council. COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Ordinance 22-96 Provides that Ex Parte Communications shall be an additional Order of Business on the agenda of the Village Council. Ordinance 23-96 Adds Country Club Manager or Country Club Administrator to the list of Village officials required to provide a surety bond to the Village. Resolution 44-96 Honoring the 1996 Summer Olympics and calling upon the citizens of North Palm Beach to pay tribute to the Olympic Torch Relay; providing dispensation to businesses that front U.S. Highway One within the Village to allow serving of food and beverage on sidewalks adjacent to such businesses between 5 a.m. and 12 noon on July 6, 1996. Resolution 45-96 Supporting the adoption of a one cent sales tax as a funding source for public school construction in Palm Beach County and supporting the adoption of the public school concurrency ordinance. 5 Resolution 46-96 Authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to sign an agreement with Gee & Jenson which provides for the design of a new Public Safety facility for Fire/EMS and Police operations for North Palm Beach. Resolution 47-96 Authorizing the Mayor and Village Clerk to enter into an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with the Board of County Commissioners which provides for implementation of Community Development Block Grant and Home Investment Partnerships Program within the Village. FALL CLASS REGISTRATION will be September 3 and 4 for residents and September 5 and 6 for non- residents A complete class listing will be available in the September Newsletter. Should the Newsletter be late, you may be too late to register for certain classes. For more information, call 627-7799 or 845- 6088. SOME OF THE NEW FALL CLASSES will be Calligraphy, Kidsafe USA, creative Memories, Adult Mixed Media, Stained Glass, Dog Obedience Training, Ready, Set, Go..., CPR, Youth Ballet and many more! MOMMY AND ME CLASSES: We now have a Mommy and Me Tumbling class for 2-3 year olds and their moms on Saturdays at noon. For details, contact Ellen Liebman at 833-5019. GYMNASTIC CLASSES for preschoolers, kids and teens are available weekdays and Saturdays. Classes are at Osborne Park. Registration will be August 26-31 through the instructor, Ellen Liebman of Dance Club for Kidz. Fall classes begin September 3. Your child will learn tumbling skills and also experience balance beam, trampoline, vaulting and bars. For times and costs, call Ellen at 833-5019. READY, SET, GO... begins September in the mornings for children 3-5 years old. You will have choices as to the focus of the class and the amount of structure. For example: one class will be a Reading Readiness Class, while another will concentrate on science. In one class the children will experience cooking activity and in another, learn many hand/eye coordination skills through arts and crafts. Kindermusic teaches musical concepts and ABC Kids reinforces not only learning the letters of the alphabet, but socialization skills through a less structured setting. Complete schedules will be available at the Recreation buildings by mid-August. YOUTH SOCCER: We are still accepting registration the fall youth soccer program. Cost for NPB residents is $40 for the first child and $30 for each additional child. Games will be played on Wednesday and Saturday at St. Clare fields. Practice will begin the last week of August and games will begin in early September. Age groups will be determined by child's age as of August 1 and are as follows: 6-7 years; Midget; 8-9 years, Rookie; 10-12 years, Junior; and 13-16 years, Senior. For further details, call Larry at 622-8787. 55 ALIVE DRIVERS' COURSE: The Recreation Department will be offering monthly 55 Alive Classes sponsored by AARP. Classes will always be on a a`a"; Monday and Tuesday, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. You must attend 8 hours in order obtain your certification. Classes are limited to 30 students and cost $8/person (checks only!). Registration and classes are at the Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Road. Class dates are September 23, 24; October 21, 22; November 18, 19; December 9, 10. MEN'S SOFTBALL LEAGUE: We are still accepting teams to play in the fall and winter Men's Softball Leagues. One league will play Monday/Wednesday evenings and the other will play Tuesday/Thursday evenings. For more information, call Larry Bock at 622-8787. VILLAGE'S 40thBIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Events at the North Palm Beach Country Club SATURDAY, AUGUST 17: Tennis mixed doubles tournament at 3:00 p.m. Call the tennis shop at 626-6515 for reservations. SUNDAY, AUGUST 18: 40th Birthday Golf Tournament. $21 /person for Village residents (non-members) includes 18-Oholes of golf, cart and prizes. Call golf shop at 626-4344 to arrange a time. FREE SWIM for Village residents presenting below coupon. FREE TENNIS GAME for Village residents presenting below coupon. Call 626-6515 to arrange a court time. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH I VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH I 40TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION I I 40TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION I I I I I I FREE SWIM FOR VILLAGE RESIDENTS I FREE GAME OF TENNIS FOR I I VILLAGE RESIDENTS I I NPB COUNTRY CLUB POOL I I I I PLEASE PRESENT COUPON AT I I i TENNIS SHOP AT NPB COUNTRY I I PLEASE PRESENT COUPON AT SWIM I CLUB I I SHOP ON SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 1996 1 I I I FREE GAME AVAILABLE ON I I I I I SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 1996 ONLY I I POOL HOURS 10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. ( CALL TENNIS SHOP 626-6515 TO I I I ARRANGE COURT TIME i (------------------t-----------------_j PRACTICE UNDER THE LIGHTS AT THE DRIVING RANGE. Open to the public from 8:00 a.m. - 830 p.m. $2/small bucket; $4/medium bucket; $5/large bucket. Lessons with PGA `4 Golf Professional available. Call 626-0732 or 626-4344. GOLF daily resident, greens fees, summer rates, May through October- 18 -holes, $13+ tax and 9 -holes, $7.50+ tax. Resident cart rental $10 (18 -holes), $5.25 (9 -holes). Cart rates are per person and include sales tax. Walking fees are $2 for 18 -holes and $1 for 9 -holes. No walking fee after 2:00 p.m. Call 626-4344 for tee time reservation, 24 -hours in advance. NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB GOLF SUMMER SPECIAL: May 1—October 31, 1996, $21. Includes 18 -holes golf, cart, tax and $5 credit in restaurant. CHARITY CARDS $17 per person, plus tax, May 1—October 31, 1996. POOL DAILY RATES for non-members and guests are $3/adult; $2/Juniors (4-18 years); $I/Juniors (under 4). For pool information, call 626-4346. OF F1711W Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Wednesday and Friday Saturday and Sunday POOL AUGUST HOURS: 10:00 a.m. - 7-00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 9-00 p.m. 10-00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. TENNIS DAILY FEES FOR NON-MEMBERS AND GUESTS: Resident Adult and/or guest of a member, $5.00; Juniors, $2.00. Call the Tennis Shop at 626-6515 for information. We have 10 lighted Har -Tru courts. — NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB RESTAURANT WINDOWS ON THE Laurie Zelnia GREEN: Banquet and catering facilities available. Please call 691-0668, Restaurant Manager, for further information. Lunch Daily, 11:00 a. m. - 3:00 p. m. Lounge open daily until 7-00 p.m. THE LIBRARY WILL BE CLOSED FROM Monday, August 19, through Labor Day, Monday, September 1, in preparation for computer automation. It will reopen Tuesday, September 2 at 10:00 a.m. NEW VIDEOS: The latest addition to our video collection includes some of the Time Life Medical Library assembled by C. Everett Koop. These videos have up-to-date medical information to help you get the most out of your doctor visit, and provide the latest facts to help you understand an illness. Some of the topics are Alzheimer disease, depression, skin cancer, cataracts, stroke and prostate cancer. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: The fall and winter sessions of the Book Discussion group will be extremely interesting. Book lovers will not want to miss this series. All discussions are on Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. in the Obert Room at the Library. All are welcome to attend. October 15: Arranged Marriage: short stories by Chitra B. Dirakaruni. Leader, Nancy Levine. November 19: Hitler's Willing Executioners by Daniel J. Goldhagen. Leader, Manny Grinn. December 17: Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson. Leader, Abram Dury. January 21: The Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan. Leader, Pat Fink. 9 1 ACTIVITIES G OPPORTUNITIES e N.A.C.B.L. SANCTIONED GAME of the West Palm Duplicate Bridge - _ �_ p g A -'i' Club will meet at the Villa e of North Palm Beach Libra Au� rY �st 5 andg 12 and September 2, 9, 23 and 30 from 7:00 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. THE VILLAGE PLAYERS OF NORTH PALM BEACH WILL HOLD AUDITIONS FOR AGATH.A CHRISTIE' S MELODRAMA VERDICT on Sunday, August 25, 7:00 p.m. at the Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Road, and on Tuesday, august 27 at 7:00 p.m. at Osborne Park, 715 Prosperity Farms Road and Wednesday, August 28 at 7:00 p.m. at the Herb Watt Building, 501 Eastwind Drive. There are roles for 7 males (ages 20's to 60's) and 4 females (ages 20's to 50's). The play will be directed by Alan Collins. Performance dates will be the first two weekends in November. For further information, call 586-0486. THE, VILLAGE PLAYERS present SNOW WRITE by J. Michael ►S'tracyznski on August 2, 9, and 16 at 8:00 p.m. and August 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, and 18 at 2:30 p.m. at the Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Farms Road. The August 2 performance will benefit the Children's Home Society. Tickets are $5 and available in advance at the Community Center, or may be purchased at the door. For further information, call 622-8170. The classic fairy tale favorite of a vain and wicked Queen's obsession to remain the. fairest of there all. Snow White, with the help of her dwarf friends must travel through an enchanted forest, battle the evil Queen and find true love before it is too late. Cast includes Julie Colombino, Sarah Ostrander, Kristen Lehman, Emanuel Chiuchiolo, Joey Chiuchiolo, Juliet Adair, Adam Cartwright, Kate McCleod Michael, Audrey Sikes, Angela Smith, Kevin Briley, Eric Briley, Jonathan Pine, Erin Briley, Anthony Gehin, Stephanie Gehin, Amanda Israel, Ryan Israel, Caitlyn Hunt, Sara Wilson and Megan Pollak. The play is directed by Trish Kaeding. AW ¢e« vent) DON'T FORGET OUR 40TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION AT LAKESIDE PARK, AUGUST 17, 1996. BE SURE TO JOIN US FOR THIS EVENT! 10 MANAGER'S MESSAGE DENNIS W. KELLY On August 13, 1996, the Village of North Palm Beach turns 40 years old. To commemorate this occasion, the Village Council has appointed an ' Anniversary Committee to organize and conduct the Village's 40th Birthday celebration. To chair the Committee, the Village Council brought out of retirement former Mayor Judy Pierman, who is doing an outstanding job of organizing the party. The actual celebration will be on Saturday, August 17, 1996, at Lakeside Park. The activities start at 10:30 a.m. with the dedication of the wood sculptures at Lakeside Park as a gift to the Village from the sculpture committee. Throughout the morning there will be a live band (the Al McKenna Orchestra), a ceremonial cutting of the birthday cake and the kickoff of a new beautification program for the Village. Following those activities there will be hamburgers, hotdogs, soft drinks and fun sponsored by the Village Recreation Department. 1 This will be a fun event; if you have not seen the sculptures at Lakeside Park, then by all means make an extra effort to attend the birthday celebration. If you have seen the sculptures and want to enjoy celebrating the Village's 40th birthday, bring friends and neighbors to the birthday party. The celebration is open to all residents of North Palm Beach. The original Council of North Palm Beach were comprised of Mayor Charles A. Cunningham, Vice Mayor Richard E. Ross, Council Members John A. MacArthur, John A. Schwenke and J. H. White. The only surviving member of that original Council is Mr. Jack Schwenke and, as of this writing, Councilman Schwenke has been invited to be the special Guest of Honor for the 40th birthday celebration. The Country Club will participate by sponsoring a free swim on Sunday, August 18 at the Country Club pool and free tennis at the tennis courts (look for details and coupons elsewhere in this Newsletter) . The golf shop will conduct a birthday tournament on Sunday also for the golfers. Check the pro shop for details. 11