50th Anniversary Newsletter March 2006setrt a uacu et13ay Ev-ef2t3 Friday, April 7 Resident Golf Tournament 3:00 pm Country Club Unearthing of the 25t1' Time Capsule 4:00 pm Library Heritage Festival Carnival 4pm- close Driving Range "The Fabulons" 6-10 pm Main Stage Oen Swim=�'�=�%�y " 4-10 pm Country Club Saturday, April 8 __ _/ y�� 5K Race Ili: = = -� - 7:30 am 1Anchorage Park Junior Tennis Clinic 8:00 am Country Club Adult Tennis Clinic - 9.00 am Country Club Heritage Parade 11:00 am US Hwy 1 Heritage Festival - Carnival �M -�, 12pm close Country Club Open Swim 12-10 pm Country Club "Memory Lane" =,- 12-2 pm PE - - EME -- I Main Stage . Resident Golf Tournament 3:00 pm Country Club Parade/Contest Awards 2:00 pm Main Stage ---'-Ow "FlipSide" 3-6 pm Main Stage "Taylor Norris" 6-7 pm I Main Stage "Hot Brass Monkey" 7-10 pm Main Stage Fireworks Extravaganza ": 9 :00 pm Country Club Sunday, April 9 Resident Golf Tournament 3:00 pm Country Club Open Swim 12-6 pm r Country Club Edward M. David B. Norris Robert F. Eissey, Ph.D. Vice Mayor Rennabaum Mayor President Pro Tem VILLAGE NEWSLETTER 501 U.S. HIGHWAY I NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 *** ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33408 VILLAGE DEPARTMENTS Village Manager 841-3380 Village Clerk 841-3355 Finance 841-3360 Public Services 691-3440 Recreation 841-3388 Anchorage Park "� 841-3386 PRSRT STD U S POSTAGE PAID WEST PALM BCH, FL PERMIT NO. 18 I 3' ki i• �€: g: 1 f T t: . THE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 T H E V I LLAG E N M W S L E T E R PAGE 2 MARC H 20 0 6 VILLAGE CLERK NEWS VILLAGE ELECTION - TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2006: Attention all registered voters of North Palm Beach: the General Election will be held on Tuesday, March 14, 2006. Each voter is encouraged to learn about the candidates and then go to the polls on March 14th to express your preference. Three seats are up for election this year with the following persons having filed: (I= Incumbent) Group 1 Group 3 Group 5 Edward M. Eissey (1) Donald G. Noel (1) Robert F. Rennebaum (1) unopposed Manny Grinn Bill Manuel POLLS: The polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the following locations: Precincts 1146, 1166 & 1158 North Palm Beach Community Center Precinct 1154 Faith Lutheran Church Precinct 1168 Council Chambers, Village Hall Precinct 1152 Old Port Cove Recreation Room (between North & South Quay Bldgs) Precincts 1148, 1150 North Palm Beach Country Club Precinct 1186 Anchorage Activities Building PHOTO ID AT THE POLLS: All voters must show a photo ID with signature when they go to the polls to vote. Acceptable forms of ID include: Florida Driver's License, Florida Identification Card, U.S. Passports, Employee ID Badges, Buyers Club ID Cards (such as Sam's). If you don't have a photo ID you will have to complete an affidavit at the polls before you are allowed to vote. ABSENTEE BALLOTS: Voters who will be away on Election Day, as well as those who are unable to go to the polls due to illness or disability, may have an absentee ballot mailed to them. Absentee ballots are available only from the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections. Requests for absentee ballots may be done by phone, by mail, or by completing the application online (www. pbcelections.or). Absentee Ballots must be returned to the Elections Office in West Palm Beach by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14, 2006. PALM BEACH COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS Main Office North County Courthouse Branch 240 So. Military Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 656-6200 624-6556 NOTICIAS DE LA SECRETARIA DEL PUEBLO ELECCIONES DEL PUEBLO — MARTES, 14 DE MARZO DE 2006: Atencion a todos los votantes inscritos de North Palm Beach: las Elecciones Generales se llevaran a cabo el martes, 14 de marzo de 2006. Se alienta a todo votante a enterarse acerca de los candidatos y luego it a las urnas el 14 de marzo a expresar su preferencia. Este ano hay que elegir tres escanos, y las siguientes personas se han presen- tado como candidatos: (T= Titular) Grupo 1 Grupo 3 1 Grupo 5 Edward M. Eissey (T) Donald G. Noel (T) Robert Rennebaum sin oposicion Manny Grinn Bill Manuel URNAS: Las urnas estaran abiertas de 7:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m Distritos electorales 1146, 1166 & 1158 Distrito electoral 1154 Distrito electoral 1168 Distrito electoral 1152 Distritos electorales 1148, 1150 Distrito electoral 1186 en los siguientes locales: Centro Comunitario de North Palm Beach Iglesia Luterana Faith Camara de Consejo, Municipalidad Sala de recreacion de Old Port Cove (entre edificios North & South Quay) North Palm Beach Country Club Edificio de Actividades de Anchorage IDENTIFICACION CON FOTO EN LAS URNAS: Todo votante tends que mostrar un documento de identificacion con fotografia y fir- ma cuando vaya a las urnas a votar. Los documentos de identificacion que se aceptan incluyen: Licencia de Conducir de Florida, Tarj eta de Identificacion de Florida, Pasaporte de EE.UU., Rotulo de Identidad de Empleado, Tarj eta de Identidad de Club de Compras (tal Como Sam's). Si no tiene un documento de identificacion con foto, tends que lienar una declaracion jurada en las urnas antes que se le permita votar. BALOTAS DE AUSENTE: Aquellos votantes que estaran fuera el dia de las elecciones, al igual que aquellos que no puedan it a las ur- nas debido a enfermedad o discapacidad, podran recibir una bolota de ausente por correo. Las balotas de ausente solo estan disponibles por medio de la Supervisora de Elecciones del Condado de Palm Beach. Se puede solicitar una balota de ausente por telefono, por correo o al llenar una solicitud en linea (www.pbcelections,or). Las balotas de ausente se deben devolver a la Oficina de Elecciones de West Palm Beach a mas tardar para las 7 p.m. el 14 de marzo. SUPERVISORA DE ELECCIONES DEL CONDADO DE PALM BEACH Oficina Principal Sucursal del Juzgado del Norte del Condado 240 S. Military Trail 3188 PGA Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 656-6200 624-6556 BULLETIN BOARD Council Action Taken Resolution 2006-01 Notice of the March 14, 2006 General Election. Resolution 2006-02 Approves the new official zoning map. Resolution 2006-03 Terminates the agreement with AshBritt Environmental. Resolution 2006-04 Memorandum of Understanding with GT Supplies, Inc. for services of load- ing and transporting storm debris gen- erated by Hurricane Wilma. AARP TAX AID Free tax preparation service will be available in the North Palm Beach Village Hall Council Chambers 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Friday beginning February 3, 2006 through April 14, 2006. Tax payers should bring 2005 tax forms, W -2's, 1099's and other tax information along with their 2004 tax return. Tax payers are also asked to bring proper ID. SEXUAL OFFENDERS/SEXUAL PREDATORS The North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety would like to inform all our residents that access to registered sexual predator and sexual offender in- formation can be obtained through: • Florida Department of Law Enforcement Internet Website, www. fdle. state. fl.us. This site provides direct access to the State of Florida's sexual predator/offender database. To access the website, click on the sexual predator/offender database link and enter your zip code or Offenders name. • Florida Department of Law Enforcement Telephone Access, 1-888-357-7332. This telephone number is designed for those without Internet access. Information can be obtained by calling this toll free telephone number, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you have any questions please contact Officer Sonja Heavey at 841-3300. DID YOU KNOW? That when North Palm Beach was incorporated and granted a charter by the state Legislature on August 13, 1956, a municipal council-manager form of government was set up? That charter provided for a five -man council and a village manager to head up the administration of the village. Charles A. Cunningham was the first mayor of North Palm Beach. He was the mayor in 1958 and 1959 and on the village council from 1956 through 1959. His scrapbook is in the village historian's office with newspaper clippings from the Miami Herald and The Palm Beach Post. PUBLIC SERVICES 691-3440 645 Prosperity Farms Road North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 SWALE TREE ORDINANCE 08-2002 Section 1. Section 27-17, Planting and Removal; Written Ap- proval Required, of Article I1, Trees in Swale Areas, of Chapter 27, Trees and Shrubbery, of the Code of Ordinances of the Vil- lage is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 27-17. Planting; Written approval required. No trees shall be planted in the swale areas except by the Village or by property owners who have obtained written approval of the Public Services Director to plant any tree." Section 2. Section 27-18, Variety and Location, of Article II, Trees in Swale Areas, of Chapter 27, Trees and Shrubbery, of the Code of Ordinances of the Village is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 27-18. Variety and Location. The following regulations shall govern the variety and location of trees planted in swale areas: Only those trees set forth below may be planted in any swale areas: (1) Only those trees set forth below may be planted in any swale area: PLEASE NOTE A copy of the ordinance and specifications of the trees can be picked up in our office from 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday Friday (Except Holidays). IT'S TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING!!!! SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE -The residents need to take an active role in keeping their sidewalks clean. A lot of sidewalks around town are growing "algae" which becomes extremely slippery when wet. Sidewalks should be clean from time to time with a pressure washer and/or a thorough cleaning with a mixture of blehch and water. Sprinklers should be adjusted not to spray unnecessarily water on the sidewalks. STORM DRAIN MAINTENANCE -Residents with storm drain inlets in their swales should edge grass away from the openings. This will allow water to flow through with minimal resistance and will keep the grates from clogging with flood debris. Please advise your lawn maintenance crew accordingly. Visit us on our Web Site: http://www.village-npb.org E-mail: publicinfo*village-npb.org T H E V I L L A G E NEWSLETTER PAGE 4 ,tea; :;: r: MARC H 2 00 6 y Kids' Express LIBRARY NEWS 841-3383 =� ;_ = y 303 Anchorage Drive Ages 9 through 12 will meet on Friday, March 10th, at 4 g p.m. for a fun -filled, fast -paced hour. Express yourself, tell us North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 whatY ou think is hot and what's not in children's literature and lots more. You are sure to enjoy the library games. Light re- freshments will be served. This is a great way to kick-off your weekend with friends. Call to pre -register. Spring Story Hours Begin Spring StoryrYHours� with all new line-up of themes be gin Monday, March 13th at 2:30 p.m. for ages 4 & 5. Ages 6 through 8 will meet on Tuesday, March 14th at 3:30 p.m., both MYSTERY NIGHT AT THE LIBRARY of these are drop-off programs. Ages 2 & 3 begin story time on 8th Wednesday, March 14th at 10:15 a.m. with a parent. The pro - March 18 , 2006 grams are filled with stories, music, flannel board stories, pup - 7 p.m. (after hours) pets, crafts and movies. Please call to pre -register. SOMEONE'S MISSING! Are you a cunning, resourceful Toddler Time team player? Are you great at solving clues? Join us at the On Saturday, March 18th at 10:15 a.m., parents will enjoy bring - Library on Saturday, March I 8thto search for clues that will ing their toddles age birth to 18 months for a morning outing to unravel the mystery. Knowledge of books, authors, and li- the library. This is a specially designed lap -sit program. The chil- brary resources will be very helpful! dren that attend will be delighted with puppets, movement and Beginning March 1, you can present your library card at the music. They will become more acquainted with books and the desk to receive your secret pass. Your secret pass will be library. Please call to pre -register. your ticket to MYSTERY NIGHT! Mystery Night is limited Movie and Craft Time to 26 adult patrons. Ages 6 through 10 are invited to join us for a movie and craft on The hunt begins with refreshments promptly at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 18th at 11:15 a.m. You may want to bring along TREESEARCHERS GENEALOGY CLUB a friend it will be fun! This is a drop-off program. The TreeSearchers will have their March meeting yon Tuesday, Friends News March 21st, at 7:00 p.m. in the Obert Meeting Room. We The Annual Meeting of the Friends of the Library will be held have members at all levels in their research that attend. If you March 7, 2006 at 2:00 p.m. in the Obert Room. All library mem- have any questions, please call Sue at 841-3374. Heritage bers and those wishing to join are urged to attend and vote for Quest is available at the Library with censuses through 1930. the new slate of officers for the 2006-2007 year. Suggestions are needed for fund raising activities for the new year. Please plan BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP to attend as the Friends will be presenting a check to the library representing the profits from this season's three fund raising events. President Carolyn Baruch wishes to thank all the volunteers who worked so hard setting up for the book sale which was a huge v success. Members and residents spent two days sorting and plac- ing thousands of books, cds, and videos on the display tables. Tuesday, March 21 10:00 a.m. Many more volunteers donated hours selling at the four day af- Palace Walk by Naguib Mahfuz fair. The Friends deeply appreciate the support and efforts of all Marie Dodd, Discussion Leader, brings insight and research to involved. each book discussed. Copies of the book are available at the library. Call 841-3383 for more information. DID YOU KNOW? CHILDREN'S SERVICES That our first Village manager was Albin R. Olson? He was selected due to his training and experience in municipal govern - 841 -3374 ment. The village government was functioning laying the Nighty -Night Seusstacular! ground work for the development of the model community be- fore the first resident .arrived in December. The Christian Sci- Ages 4 through 8 join us on Thursday, March 2nd, at 5 p.m. ence Monitor of Friday, May 24, 1957 states: "This is a story of for an evening of Seuss! We will celebrate the birthday of Dr. a town which started with a $125,000 Village hall, a city man- Seuss with stories, music, games and a movie. You won't want ager, mayor, town council, police and fire protection before it to miss the fun. You may wear your pajamas and bring along a had a single resident." The Historian's office is open Monday, sleepy time pal. Please call to pre -register for this drop-off Wednesday and Friday, please come and visit. program. PAGE 5 T H E V I LLAG E N E W S LETTE R MARC H 2 0 0 6 Country Club Golf Shop 691-3433 POOL 691-3427 NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB , Village Resident "50th" Anniversary" MARCH POOL HOURS Heritage Festival CLOSED MONDAYS GOLF TOURNAMENTS Tuesday & Thursday Noon - 8:00 PM Wednesday, &Friday 10:00 AM -Noon April 7, 8, & 9, 2006 3:00 PM - 8:00 PM -Friday' Aril 7th April Saturday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM 3:00 Shotgun 2 Person Scramble Sunday 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM -Saturday, April 8th Heritage Weekend 3:00 Shotgun 2 Person Best Ball April 7th Friday 4:00 PM - 10:00 PM -Sunday, April 9th 8th Saturday 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM 3:00 Shotgun 4 Person Scramble 9th Sunday 12:00 PM - 6.00 PM Entry Fee: C$325"Resident Anniversary Rate „* WATER AEROBICS (Includes $5 Golf Shop Credit) Water aerobics are ongoing and open to all. Classes are *Resident Resident must bring a valid government -issued picture i.d. show- Wednesday and Friday mornings at 10:00 AM at ing your Village Address. If your picture i.d. does not reflect your the Country Club Pool. Certified instructor is Jean Village address, please also bring supporting Village address docu- mentation to support your picture i.d. (i.e. deed, tax bill, lease, util- ity bill). *To allow the best opportunity for play to all residents, the TENNIS 626-6515 "Resident Anniversary Rate" is limited one day's round of golf per person during the Heritage Festival weekend. Resident golf ers shall have priority preference in registering for one of the SPRING BREAK CAMP three "50th Anniversary" Tournaments. Check pro shop for time and details To Register: • Call Country Club Pro Shop at #691-3433 or JUNIOR TENNIS • Village website at www.village-npb.org under Country Club 4 -week Sessions and download/mail registration to: Resident 50th Anniversary Golf Tournament, 951 U. S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, Tiny Tots (4-6) FL 33408 Tuesday/Thursday 3:30 PM -4:00 PM • E-mail to: dcaverly@village-npb.org Future Stars (7-9) Tuesday/Thursday 4:00 PM -5:00 PM DRIVING RANGE 626-0732 Challenger (10-14) HOURS OF OPERATION Monday/Wednesday 5:00 PM -6:00 PM Monday - Open 8:00 a.m. -last balls sold 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. lights out Grand Slam (12-18) Monday/Wednesday 3:30 PM -5:00 PM Tuesday - Open 9:00 a.m. - last balls sold 8:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. lights out ADULT TENNIS Wednesday -Sunday Open 8:00 a.m. - last balls sold 8:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. lights out Monthly Themed Mixer . (Check Pro -Shop for Times and Dates) Interested in learning the game of golf or improving the one that you have? Call our PGA golf profes- . Beginner's Weekend Drill 9-10:30 AM sionls, Danny Caverly and Mark Mayette at 691- 3433. Our golf professionals have lesson packages �� Intermediate Weekend Drill 10:30-12:00 AM that are guaranteed to improve both your fundamen- tals and your scores. Ladies' Drill Night - Every Tuesday 6:30-8:00 PM GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE AVAILABLE Men's Drill Night - Every Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM IN THE GOLF PRO SHOP U Q PAGE 7 THE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER MARC H 2 0 0 6 North Palm Beach Recreation Department SPRING ACTIVITY SCHEDULE u MARCH 2006 Registration for the following classes will be held at the Anchorage Park Activities Building from 9:00 am - North Palm Residents: March 6 & 7 Non -Residents: March 8 & 9 Yearly Non-resident fee: $15.00/single, $25.00/family Preschool Activity F 9:30-11:30 0 ABC Kids I, 3-4 yr M 1100-12:30 ABC Kids II, 4-5 yr M 9:00-11:00 Cn W 10:00-11:00 Cooking Kids, 3-5 yr W 11:00-12:00 Fish Tales, 3-5 yr M 9:30-11:30 Fish Tales, 3-5 yr M 1:00-3:00 CZ Th 11.13 03 Music Together, 0-5 yr Th 10:30-11:15 C�j Yoga 121 Ballet T 4:30-5:10 Gymnastics, 3-4 yr (vC • Yi 3:30-4:15 `-' � �Wy '� "C� Gymnastics, 7+ I '~ O'y� 5:30-6:20 Guitar I, teens ilia1 ~ p� Guitar II, teens I "~ �Wy 88 Guitar III, teens Sat 1:00-1:50 Karate, beg. M 7:00-8:00 Karate, beg/inter Th 6:00-7:00 Karate, adv. Th 7:00-8:00 Tap/Jazz, beg preschool T 2:20-3:00 Tap/Jazz, all others T 3:00-7:00 Adult Activity AM Workout M,W,F 8:30-9:30 LO co W 1:00-2:30 Ballroom Dance W 6:00-7:30 Bellydancing ,.; 6:30-8:00 Bridge II M 9:30-11:30 Coquettes Th 9:30-11:30 Decorate & Design M 00 Duplicate Bridge a 12:30 a M 6:30 a T 12:30 Duplicate Bridge Th 12:30 Duplicate Bridge F 12:30 Fitness Over 50 M,W,F oo Guitar II M 8:00-9:00 Guitar I W 10:00-11:00 Italian I Sat 3:00-4:30 a Sat 4:30-6:00 Jazzercise a ~ r, MX CD M Jazzercise � 6:00-7:00 4 M Sat 9:00-11:00 M M 7:00-8:00 Karate, beg/inter Th 6:00-7:00 Karate, adv. Th M co 44 r�U cC _U cC "12 U x x , U_ a cY) 000 L >~ : = Y� M p `t 4. , C/)F-1 H C� 1 4211 I aj 3 W � CI --1 44 M 1 C.M I CZ C/)y w a x x IF/rF „ � III "- L) M O 0 U ami m E a E a E- o s a a rn o 0 U 00o o o Z x `O M � `O U '� ¢ M 4. � `° r °8 `O °23 rn z x I ^°� C ;00 �1 W = O a a 3 a a Z o C) Cn a o W a o o a o O a o o o a �r O d o �t o 66 o o l O Q o Q O W4211 ¢ a M x ¢ x A Wr a bA W z [� a �, bA z �, a �, ° 5 z z 410) Z C3 CU C,3 CZ1 ti .J..i Cf) N N AZ Q �, o O v, 7t W A o �, Q V a 0 ¢ a � H w ¢ - M ¢ E N /►�/ M� , V W ,� ° yam_, x x O x a Q V E a a r � N N 1�wj ¢ o a I CD 00 00 U 00 00 o b � rn. ff Q Q cd 03 Q M >~ Q PAGE 7 THE VILLAGE NEWSLETTER MARC H 2 0 0 6 North Palm Beach Recreation Department SPRING ACTIVITY SCHEDULE u MARCH 2006 Registration for the following classes will be held at the Anchorage Park Activities Building from 9:00 am - North Palm Residents: March 6 & 7 Non -Residents: March 8 & 9 Yearly Non-resident fee: $15.00/single, $25.00/family Preschool Activity F 9:30-11:30 Merengue Dancing ABC Kids I, 3-4 yr M 1100-12:30 ABC Kids II, 4-5 yr M 9:00-11:00 Crafty Kids, 3-5 yr W 10:00-11:00 Cooking Kids, 3-5 yr W 11:00-12:00 Fish Tales, 3-5 yr M 9:30-11:30 Fish Tales, 3-5 yr M 1:00-3:00 Music Together, 0-5 yr Th 9:30-10:15 Music Together, 0-5 yr Th 10:30-11:15 Youth/Teen Activity Yoga Sat 9:00-10:30 Ballet T 4:30-5:10 Gymnastics, 3-4 yr F 3:30-4:15 Gymnastics, 5-6 yr F 4:30-5:20 Gymnastics, 7+ F 5:30-6:20 Guitar I, teens Sat 11:00-11:50 Guitar II, teens Sat 12:00-12:50 Guitar III, teens Sat 1:00-1:50 Karate, beg. M 7:00-8:00 Karate, beg/inter Th 6:00-7:00 Karate, adv. Th 7:00-8:00 Tap/Jazz, beg preschool T 2:20-3:00 Tap/Jazz, all others T 3:00-7:00 Adult Activity AM Workout M,W,F 8:30-9:30 Ballroom Dance W 1:00-2:30 Ballroom Dance W 6:00-7:30 Bellydancing T 6:30-8:00 Bridge II M 9:30-11:30 Coquettes Th 9:30-11:30 Decorate & Design M 6:00-9:00 Duplicate Bridge Sun 12:30 Duplicate Bridge M 6:30 Duplicate Bridge T 12:30 Duplicate Bridge Th 12:30 Duplicate Bridge F 12:30 Fitness Over 50 M,W,F 9:00-10:00 Guitar II M 8:00-9:00 Guitar I W 10:00-11:00 Italian I Sat 3:00-4:30 Italian II Sat 4:30-6:00 Jazzercise M,W,F 9:30-10:30 Jazzercise MX 5:45-6:45 Jazzercise T,Th 6:00-7:00 Jazzercise Sat 9:00-11:00 Karate, beg. M 7:00-8:00 Karate, beg/inter Th 6:00-7:00 Karate, adv. Th 7:00-8:00 Mah Jongg F 9:30-11:30 Merengue Dancing M 8:30-9:30 Oil/Acrylic M 9:00-11:00 Oil/Acrylic M 6:00-8:00 Puppy PreK Sun 7:00-8:00 Pup Elementary Sun 8:00-9:00 Salsa Dancing M 7:30-8:30 Spanish I M 6:30-8:30 Spanish II W 6:30-7:30 Stained Glass Th 6.00-8.30 Swing Dancing M 6:30-7:30 Water Aerobics W,F 10:15-11:15 Yoga M 10:30-12:00 Yoga W 6:00-7:30 Yoga Sat 9:00-10:30 Travel Tours Strawberry Festival March 6 Miami Heat/Cays March 12 Cypress Gardens March 19 Marlins/Red Sox July 1 Workshops/Clinics 5 Wishes March 21 — 11:00 Stress Reduction March 28 — 11:00 SHINE 2nd14 th T/mo 10:00 Looking Forward Village Wide Garage Sale March 4 Spring Camp Mar 20-24 Summer Camp Registration May 6 For complete '`schedules, visit the web site at www.village- n.pb.o , stop by a Recreation facility or call 841-3386. Suyyort your locaC A# Businesses