The Canals - Young - History of NPB 1981YOUNG, OFFIC IAA.: THISTORY CF N, P. F. 1981
The Canals
Meanwhile, dredging operations had started. The
North Palm Beach waterway had commenced, run-
ning north and south, splitting the Village roughly in
halves with 13 east and west branches, all bulkheaded.
Captain Milling was employed for the job, and for over a
year his dredge "Admiral" was a familiar sight slowly
working its way south. The job was well done, and when
it came time to formally accept the canals from the
developers, soundings were made, and they were
found to be at depths as represented. The bridge carry-
ing Lighthouse Drive across the waterway was built,
connecting Plats I and II and VI. The Intracoastal was
thus connected with the Earman, making it a more
important body of water.
Captain Milling's son Glenn carries on the family
business, the Milling Marine Corporation, at the foot of
R.C.A. Boulevard and the Intracoastal.