North Palm Beach up for All America City award (Outlook) 10-12-67Pape 12 \1 .1 1% 1 11 I 11 r Vta11 a Swimming Pool at The N.P.B. Country Club erica Cily"Award NORTH PALM BEACH— The entry says it would be There are at least 729 good unfair to the "large number reasons why the Village of of citizens who were active North Palm Beach should in our many programs" to win an "All -America City" name three, as suggested by title—one for every resident contest sponsors. It lists these who actively worked toward organizations "whose efforts that goal, Mayor Tom Le- are continually making a good wis says. city better with the ultimate The village has entered the goal a model community." 1967 competition sponsored Country Club Committee, jointly by the National Mu- Art Society, Library Society, nicipal League and Look Mag- Senior Citizens, Youth Ath- azine. letic Association, Waterway Village Manager Lawrence Study Committee, Swim As - J. Robbins said the mayor sociation, Junior Golf Associ- nominated the village, and re- ation, Garden Club Recre- viewed the entry form with ation Board, Jaycees and the the councilmen. Tencennial Committee. "We feel we have a good Their projects included a community, largely because culture center, library, or - of the active participation of ganized baseball for youth, so many residents in various clubhouse and facilities for projects," the mayor said. oldsters, village -wide beauti- We count 729 persons be- fication, traveling swim team, longing to 12 different associ- planning and construction of ations, societies and commit- playgrounds, organized recre- tees who worked hard to make ational activities, traveling the Village a better place to junior golf group, in depth live. And the council feels study of waterways, village they should receive national tenth birthday celebration and recognition." recreational facilities bond is - The mayor said the num- sue. ber of persons who now are These were accomplished, active in the fields of recre- the entry notes, despite apathy ation, beautification and cul- and lack of ability of the ture actually may be more government to finance facil- than 729 and he hopes no one ities wanted by the various has been missed. Helping the mayor and vil- groups. lage manager complete the - "Public spirited citizens led entry were Councilmen David the way in organizing com- C. Clark, Allan V. Everard, mittees and societies whose Herbert A. Watt and Vice- interests were in a variety of Mayor Thomas R. Bell. activities," the entry says. "Residents have a special "For the most part the groups pride in their community and have become permanent or - I'll venture that the majority ganizations even though the of our estimated population specific job for which they of 9,360 could be included in were organized has been com- any count of civic participa- pleted, as they decided to tion," the mayor added. continue the building of more The Village recently cele- expanded facilities and a high- brated its tenth anniversary. er level of activities." There were 3,720 residents in. 1960. Members of the groups North Palm Beach Water Plant Mayor Tom Lewis C9 &4j, o,/.< Oc, fi! '7- , 1 g 4 i raised funds for their proj- ects. Their efforts have result- ed in considerable public no- tice for the village, the entry says. The end result, according to the entry, is, "one of the most complete and compre- hensive programs of recrea- tion, culture and beautifica- tion in this area. In most cases our citizen's groups are involved in a continuing type of activity, and as yet their interest and efforts have not waned, but have become stronger." Eleven communities will win the "All -America City" title. A screening committee will select 22 Finalists which will be considered Nov. 12-15 by the All -America Cities . jury at the National Confer- ence on Government in Mil- waukee, Wis. Winners will be announced early in 1968. Three representatives of each community in the finals will elaborate on outstanding civic achievements in their areas. The awards are in their 19th year.