Page 1 What a difference four years makes (Gulfstream News)CISAZLZS CUNNINGMM
Water, Sew
Work Start
Post Staff
g: Foreshadowing a final breakdown in negotiations for a franc
3 to serve the Town of Lake Park, the Ross Bros. Construction Co.
night repeated that construction,of a $1,700,000 water and sewer
M. '` system had started Friday afternoon. The plant will be located wit
lock north of the town limits slid adjacent to the FEC Railrou'
Simultaneously, Charles A. C
'Y ningham, representative of Jo
MacArthur, Chicago financier an
.tM� *weer of 80 per cent of the prop•
Will Cost $15
aer•ld Stift writer
�r a 15 million dollar
rent on Singer Island
rf Riviera Beach and
on both the Atlantic
rad Lake Worth were
ed here Friday.
rd will he an exclusive
luh and marina, 800
al sites, hotels and
nts. a modern shipping
nd other facilities.
south end. Cunningham said
plans are in the making for }
bridge across the northern end
of Lake Worth, connecting
both MacArthur and Singer
islands with the mainland.
engine p -A
An application, Cunning'
said, is has been made
U.S. Engineers for theo''�P� A °"•��,
added that bulkheii, e L
the lake frontag� C�o4P Lvf fur'
established and s Gdc,.�rs tt1s�
start in the nay 9' 1f f �� �P40,
He quoteeFP
Staff Photo by Bob Rab
0CHECK--CharlesNTS A. Cunningham, vice president Co �19�-'
ers Life and Casualty Co. of Chicago and ren---
�OI,t �y
and John MacArthur, its presid^-'
own ofLake Park for ti F�iown above, let+ L COL��� se of Ter
muton. NCY gISHOn Catholic �`Ocln the lnclud��� e�s�s'
1IIS 1:X J C of the alnner 'Pa' -Bishop' Fce gunsts J • 1'e first, e4� O�
�.D•, a 109"gotel. I
0� Underwo was host at Colony Mr_ and 1�I>: �,allaghe1•� s. ands';°t ass ij.%R
-Boom lat rrla�he fill Calmoll, � `�ueht k _,m°0 l�
� The Palm Beach Musicarn- .of land located in the v 1�1 ,h�'i� CO tiec0"(1 dje Zr'Q r ranehl►7e
1�� )h. Ca es, '
s e a s o nt here ela tfor
year, may a on of Lake pen anent site ark t for
l; tt ehh F • il'n
• move to a 10 -acre tract in Lake theater that presents 111 ' Mees•
Park, The Gulf .Stream News comedies and operettas 0*0 Tcord Near
learned today. famous theater in the ro� V
An offer has been made to Charles Cunningha. Lake
[he Cleveland owners of a tract preside^• -* Parr
Early Answer .�`'
� o ff- Us a.ngouncement N a a 1a
Fq�l by Charles A. Cunning- v ��5 SARK —Negotiations be
ISI _ vice resident of Bankers . `,
_ c ] and Casualty Co. Chicago, Labe Pmvo sc o t� oc'n commissioners and the
o you �� t interests on the pro -
lz 4 . owed the property. all LAKE PARK — Town coin C, �pOa�• ( ��e rab otf etea �r turn sewerage the better
d y aocated within the bound- a 1r"cfor
U of North Palm Beach sioners Monday night took un Vl�� ti �tolgiD ttirut, and �reements were reach-
e study a proposal by the MacArt r; iiia cA .v o 4ity of points in ques-
ai°, owner of thets , art former Tesdem - r which the newtion.
The meeting ing was held at the of -
holdings would have an exclusive �fices of Town Atty. Edgar Harrill -
30 -year franchise to serve the town s t ton between the commission and
with water and a sewerage system.t representatives of the John D.
a The proposal was made by MacArthur interests.
oo d Charles A. Cunningham, represen- MacArthur, owner of about 80
tative of John D. MacArthur, Chi- per cent of Lake Park, made the
cc >~ 4 cago financier who recently ac- franchise proposal through Charles
• pr G� quired some 2,200 acres north of A. Cunningham, his personal rep -
the town limits and 1,500 lots with- a re":entative, several days ago.
5�0 in the town itself. 1U Mayor Frederick Freed, report-
ing• Cunningham was promised an �. f the 25on or
Friday's ore changes said,
early answer by Co ynn, on Chair- the oommissioners desired,
(�vv man.. HowArd<A. Flynn, who em- °� PP
e�e1 (fit/ phasized that the commission mately 18 were agreed upon."
could not act on the spur of the The remaining points are to be
e moment on such an important mat- worked out by the respective eng-
O ter. ineers, Freed said, opining that
The proposal as submitted con- t •• the .final draft would be ready In
about 10 days or two weeks."
k tains n offer to construct and The points cleared
�w maintain a water and sewerage syr eared up at Friday's
tem serving the town and adjat meeting, he said, were mainly con-
cerned with the disposition of the
,. •'+a� :�. -;<:;. ,;�;. existing town water system. The
CLOSING THE DEAL FOR TRANSFER OF 970 acres of Ross (left), txr� MacArthur interests have an -
Lake Park Property d Johrt Schwencke, both of pounced that construction is ua-
p p y is Charles A. Cunningham (seated Beach, Inc., purchasers of the property derway on a $1,700,000 water and
ight), who signs the contract for John D. MacArthur of is George English, Fort Lauderdale attornesewerage plant to the north of the
Chicago who recently purchased most of the town of rented MacArthur in the sale. town proper.
Lakes Park and adiabent lands. Standing are Herbert