First Parade of Homes, (aerial view) No. Palm Beach, 1956FIRST PARADE OF HOMES, NO. Oct. 1956. The 17 houses are that PALM REACH, 1956. This already year's Parade of Hoines -- the first historic picture shows all that existed Palin Reach County show of this type of the Village of North Palm Reach, ever staged. A��199A7 North Palm Beach NORIT11 PALM I31�:.�('lI. htiilt oil some 12 square illlles ()i' lall(1 bought and develope(i in I)y ILA. (Bob) Ross and Richard Ross, The developers also illst�dle then' oxvil seta e and watel' treatlllent plant ill 1956 -tile first such complete treatillent plant to be built in Palm Beach CoulltN'-alt a cost of about 81 llllllloll. The Developers also donated free of all cost a 10 -acre tract to the Palin Beach School Boa1•d as a site 1,01' the Nortil Palm peach ,-;cllool which now exists. ists. Since the first homes \x -el -e built 111 1956, the village has bl-mvil to 1,523, hollles, alld a population of 6,529 3, and the value of all construction in the now well-kilown municipality is in excess of 1:6 million. The Ross brothers were 1957 Willllers of the coveted National Assn. of Mollie Builders Award of Merit f'ol• nei,(41lborhood development — the first Florida company to win this prize. Prize.