Installation Dinner 1978Oj'� '.I � V A �T H 1 of THE O-F UN IV'ERs TYoMEN ,AERIo AN ASSocIATION INST ALL AT ION D INNER 15 1978 �a�' � PROGRAM HAT FASHION3 ONE HUNDRED YEARS 0 a century Of through Join Us in a JOurney in t ime s- e the change 13 styles* obsery headcoverin agents ®f change ha of women ae reflected In the �m 0 f PROGRAM' 1 ..,,Priscilla Bennett I Presiding**** Barbara a Abbott a Inv o c at �, on .. • ......� Off icer.. Ginger I re at all at i on of O �bers.•Betsy Weston � Welcome t© New Mega �. �y u pierman program • ....... • d i Tortellini S al a'ci �ili� e�. Green ,, ,,It,, uu ehroom Sauce V e al Scallopini Ve get able s � �rual�ed � tralb®rr�.es. ills Ice Cream am w ith. Fr e s Van � Beverage L7 1977 - 1978 .....:..Prisc president jlla Bennett.� Cloyed 1st Vice-Pres•........Leo a e_ res. ********Betsy Weston 2nd Vic P �a�i�nir Recording Sec. ®• * ... •Laeila R � a Correa* Sec®........ M Ybelle Dade Treaaurer ....®......Judith Babcock OFFICERS ` O BE IN S T A,LLED ...... Leot a Cloyed 1 gt Vic® -pre a ... e ling 2nd Vice--prey*.......Susan D Y Treaaur er............® ®Sue Slone �-�bcock Judith B�► Jean Groff Glenns , Betty Robin (Cover) Judy peirman Betsy. Weston f Carolyn BrawleY MaY'ian Heath '17 �Ee