Installation Dinner 1976AA7urW lq,7� NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH o f the X11,1ERICAN ASSOCIATION of UNIVERSITY WOMEN INSTALLATION DINNER May 174 1976 PROGRAM Presiding, . & 4 0 & * 0 . Mrs. Al Eng Invocationf, Mrs. Keith Cloyed Welcome New Members. 0 0 0 0 0 0 & a 0 a Mrs. Robert Gordon Installation......... too*0** 04 T -Ars. John Vantrease Programa oo...ms, Norine Rouse K—ENU Florida Fresh Fruit Cup Roast Sirloin of Beef Baked Potato Sour Cream & Butter Blue Lake Green Beans Tossed Mixed Green Salad Hot Dinner Rolls & Butter Coffee Tea OFFICERS President ........ , Mrs . Al Eng lst Vice President............ Mrs. Charles James 2nd Nice President.......,.... Mrs. Robert Gordon Recording'secretary.......... . Mrs, Dale Williams Corresponding secretary....... Mrs. Edward Weston Treasurer..................... Mrs. William McAnally OFFICERS To BE INSTALLED 1st Vice President............ Mrs. Edward Sharp 2nd Vice President.....,...... Mrs. Bernard Seufert Treasurer.................. ... Mrs. Blakely Babcock I DINNER COMMITTEE TArs. Charles Eaile (cover) firs. James Barton Mrs. Steven Karlik Mrs. Edi4rard Weston Mrs. Henry Cleare -1 i