Installation Dinner 1974PROGRAM z. Fres idling ®..Mrs . Robert Saylor Invocation......Mrs. John Rige Welcome New Members... Mrs* Robert Gordon Installation of officers...... Mrs. James Fisher Program... The Madrigal Sin _ vers t� S . �`�.,?'.:oa. �h.SnrM ..if.,,. {.e 4�,r: �', � a, .. TKixi+. �,a_?7r''�`�t�.t�:.�i.a�'•1::: .. _ .. .?c �..4;' Ice Cream with Crushed Strawberries ;:..::.. �.... OFFICERS President* Mrs Robert Saylor 1st Vice Prese: Mrs, .John Vantrease 4w 2nd Vice Pres.: Mrs. Robert Cordon Recording Sec.: Mrs. Leon Rogers Corresponding Sec.: Mrs. Hugh Flannigan Treasurer: Mrs. James Barton ` OFFICERS TO BE INSTALLED Is t Vice Pres Mrs, Charles James 2nd Vice Pres.: Mrs, Williams Campbell Treasurer: Mrs. William McAna l ly i Lr