Installation Dinner 1971f .l� gy .. ,l 4 NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH OF T H 13' jU.MMUST ASSOCIATION OF TITIVEMSITY ,-,4'WMT INS TYLLLITI ON LUNCIMON !,,,IAY 229 1971 AB­71LTSON Be DUNCAN, III .BOUT ' 4 11,1r. Dtuac= is head of the de— partment of English at Palm Beach Junior College where he has taught 23 years. A South CLIrolinijz by birth, he took his A.B. caid 1VI.A. Degrees from The University of South Carolina nd I-ras done advanced graduate work at the UnivOrsity of North Carolina and thn. University of Birmingham England. 1,1"r. Dutican has studied at the 4 Shake spe Inotttute --.:,tStr-:-_),.tford.- Upon -Avon in Ezb'­1,-u1d and is recog- nizQ;d as one of tl-ie scholars on Shako upearee In wido demc:aad as a speaker throughout Florida, Mr* Duncan is a iaoi!abor o' Phi Rho Pi, tiD national honorary speech fraternity in the United St,,Zites. A popular book reviewer and li- terary critic, he is the author of poems, short stories q nad literary articles* hmTU Fruit cup Chicken Cordon Bleu Baked Potatoes Peas Garden Salad Hot Rolls Nut Roll Beverage -PROGPLAD.11 Prosiding; livIrs Jamie s Fisher Iiavoc.-J.tion. olilrse Keith Cloyed I Installation of officers......... ivirs, - t,Willicm Abbott TIrs, Robert Atherton Vlelcoiao New Members , . # * a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mrs., Edward Flyrm Introductions.................... LIrs * John Rigg , Jr. Guest Speakerq*004060*00040**0906 I1'.1r, `,,-V"-,tson B. Duncan, III "Headings from Penn Ccmdfl by Jecua Kerr OFFI Cis 1970 - 1971 PresidOnt* 9 * 0 0 a 61"Irse J�Ulles Fisher lst Vic(, -.0) Pres66008000600009*0094# i.!Irs, Jollma Riggg Jra 2nd Vice Pros,* . J�jjrs, Edward Flynn Recording S cc. L1 David Colbert T Corres. Sec,,,,.X,.TIrso Howard Groff 1Philip Woolley 1 OFFIC.-Z-'JRS TO BE UTSTALIED Presidemt**,,**9*Hrsa Houe--Xd Grof:E" 1st Vico Fres..1-sjrs. David Colbert Recordin.1- S ec Jae s Lyons 0 Corrcspondin- Se�* 0 * a 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 * I-Irs, Floyd Brc,-Ivirley DIMTE,,"R C 01,2.11ITTEE Mrs. Joseph Heath I'Irs. H. Blaine Doming lairs James Barton I/Ir 0 William Abbott Mrs. Keith Cloyed Mrs. Philip Woolley 14rs. David Colbert Ivirs J wiie s F orgh�m KI r s -Tuldviard Flyi-ca Mrs. Robert Atherton VIrs,s Howcxd Groff