1982-35 Award Bid to Boynton Restaurant Supply+ =i RESOLUTION N0. 3582 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF BOYNTON RESTAURANT SUPPLY, INC. FOR KITCHEN EQUIPMENT FOR THE NORTH. PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB IN THE AMOTJNT OF $8,515.00 FROM ACCOUNT N0. 63.1-572-62.11, BOND CONSTRUCTION FUND ACCOUNT (KITCHEN RENOVATIONS). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Boynton Restaurant Supply, Inc., copy of which is attached to this Resolution, the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance appropriate Village officials are hereby dire bidder of this acceptance, The monies are to Account No. 63.1-572-62.11, Bond Construction Renovations). is hereby accepted by with its terms. The :ted to advise said be expended from Fund Account (Kitchen Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8th DAY OF JULY 1982. b ~_ MAYOR ATTEST: EPUT VILLAGE CLERK . .' -r~,~, ~~~;~~~;ior~•C _ b~dd,-r, cues ~'=c'~:re that no of^er person other than r` bi~c'ee h^rc~:r Y:a^.;ec t,.; ~. ,.,y ~ncrc`st in this pYUpOS2tI or 'iY. th~r contract to b^ ta~en, ",tug !ac:'.° S;'i1;.'.:- ut?;/ CO^`?OCt'(`^ 'di=~. __ny (,+tiCr 7C'r50'1 OY p2YSOnS na'<-ing ~. .'?il!15 .. -~+ ~ "' ~;....' :. 'Y1C'~ aCC~ 15 1'I .. rCS~ {;., i~i;,ir ~^~ 1Y1 thD':t CUI'; JS:UO Or 741%` 11CCt^YS.C `'_:rtllCY C^C':.'"CS '_^a!`_ ''t!' hits CiAr[+F;I"V ex,atnined t}I^_ S=%~ClTl~d- ±~:'~~. %:I;C :S "Lh0Y0 :D:^'Y 2`dI!Il ~lc'.r ',~`; :^. lt5 7Y'OV?`i?OfIS fln:~ W' "~:f thE'.(~Ud~lt,Y~ L,}~i12 i!n c'~•.._ ni^.'~"serial c,. 'cc' fer. 'L1 c. CJn~i:,.rSi O^C-.'. {C•"+hPr C~/_'Cl c'.YCS +''IB+ h? pY0~D5e5 t~0 furnish t}1C artiCl L'S C3II:C . iq;-~.; oC;'nr, ~~r-:C SOL in th15 pY0pO5dl `or tale follol~;ing price, dnGl QL'?1'ZL*8'S - '~., :: g- cnr`+rn !`^ '~hn i:r{~C- 75 ]i5'~e.'!. belGW are ttV_!i':~lelii:llln 1.;~0 $~:!tF -, ~~ = °-.r. '_ ~ ., o ,...rY ~ MODEL no.: ~~~~_?I~' d~ S~~'`~„ x ~ ~~, ~-l DELIVERY: !-L~n?~CS". _ ~~.U__. o +:_ PRICE: ~ °~~_ ~~.~ _. :..-~"'EED J\IFOR'~'~ .._., :OP-!)r"3'-.r '=-CK S/S SHELF 1 ') P ") DELIVERY: _L( Il?f~KS ~'%~~- ~. O PRICr: ~~_~.~.,~- -- ?. G!?/1'. `r_-TCP 3Ft5Sr ~r.'?TN F.I-SP=" ^)R1ERS - P~UBLE DECK S/S SHELF n ~'P~.'vL'F/1CTUR_R: r,*'~a! Y?J~ivt~ ----- - MODE'_ K0.: } ~ ~ ~ ~_ ~.~_ ;ln, . ,;~~_ ,1,r,~. 1 (3oyN~vN ~es~-uR A-w~" sv~~?~v CD ----r . t~'S r( !~ R I C E : -_J_lv-t Jr - d ^C NET TQ_AL PR'_Cc; r,{i i ~ ?~.~ - -~ ~ -- // ._ ,~•. ~/ 1~ ~C~ ?~u~1~1~ G~ o~~~ec~'v~GA~ ~~~' G~i'i~P~rS !"1 ~. -'!PYS fn~Jtt ~±<!~:C '1' -".SIC Sn~'.rn ~~rOV'.CC'd b°'.OSJ thE' C~ea'fr'S fll'.~ trc C~°-ln V<t1 ~E, ~~'c.. -_'- .-~ c_ ~ ~_~. ,ron :,.~ a~;c: Brice at the option of the Village of North ?, f• ,. .. - \ .., a ~,r ac.. r_ sere s he r ght to bu,~ h o .. c: ~ e. , ~ t ,;;;^:r• ccx13' :.trt~.c'e-in value, anv c: the vehic':es listed in t:^.s section. Ore (1) Voican Broi':er - #"34~ L ~ ~(~ Cne (1) ~'u'.can 10-U~~r ;e~~ '^ange with two loti~~er over ~ L~~ 7o se? these trade-ins, c_:.~ac* Stese SanUu_ y at the North Palm !'each Country C1~„b 901 U. S. 4ighway #-1 North Palm 5eac^, FL 33403 0 _n,_ __ ~ ~ !!ffcc~rs u' ,.,rpor~,.~~e„ er h!rrrbers :'artnersi;'p: ;,w=~. 1"?7LE ADDRESS (• ,wl'n ~ i~~ ~r('r- ~('rtS•ofN+ ,~351^1.1~ ~7i51~~- IGrn r- __ - ~ __-_ ~1 F 3 ~~ ! ~ Y' 'lJ_Ir:l: : ~Tt~sl f~ f /~ ~ ~~l}l /1L A Ca f ~ ~_~~1 . 1~f1 ~ ~ f'(~A [~ _r" ~ ~~ ~_ . _ .. _.._ __ _ ` . _ i,. (} ~i ? '~ FtS51~. Sf. ~ .j,'!fCis C'[', rJ i/'O IIfR ~u 11 ~~. f~A~l /`G 710 /'~V~ ~~; _-__. ._ _ S_= f r ut,~: ~~~+i ~' orpo c_rr~cD ~Y: ~n~ ! < ~----- ~' ;~, J~r~[S l: _ _1_~_+. _ _ _._ - en O -7- u~~~ Nc. r~tr,ersh~p ~~~ v