High School Senior Recognition 1988ABOUT AAUW The American Association of University Women is the oldest and largest organization for women in the United States. Founded in 1881, AAUW is dedicated to the advancement of women, promotion of lifelong learning and implementation of positive societal and community changes. Today there are over 190,000 members. Locally, the North Palm Beach Branch is an active organization of one hundred twenty members. It was founded twenty i{if years i, ago. Monthly meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 8:00 P.M., usually in the North Palm Beach Library. A wide variety of programs is offered. Special interest groups also meet monthly. They include Art at Tea Time, International Relations, Women in Literature and AAUW Supper Clubs, Interested women with degrees from accredited colleges and universities may obtain either membership or activity inf ormat 'ion f rom 0 r I.y Ie ( a r,,,, u 6 7 NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH 1987-88 BRANCH OFFICERS President Sue Slone Program Vice -Pres. Ann Moore Membership Vloce-Pres. Molly Cleare Recording Secretary Leona Malone Corres. Secretary Shirlee Johnson Treasurer Ellen Finnerty 1q8F AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR RECOGNITION Monday, April 189 1988 80,,00 P.M. Obert Meeting Room NORTH PALM BEACH LIBRARY Speaker Mrs. Freddie Jefferson Palm Beach Junior College THE NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH CE THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY WOMEN IS PLEASED TO HONOR OUTSTANDING HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR WOMEN WITH HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND LEADERSHIP IN THEIR RESPECTIVE SCHOOLS STACEY Eo BEAULIEU Palm Beach Gardens National hleri t Finalist PRIDE winner, Science Presidential Scholar Semifinalist 1st place calculus team m Miami State Invi t- ational VICTORIA BROUSSARD Business skills French student Suncoast SUSAN BUSHNELL Rosarian Academy First inhher class National Honor Society Recipient.- Rosarian Academy Honor Society Scholarship Rosarian Academy Academic Sch- olarship ch®ofarship ANGELA DI CKERSON North Shore Ranked #1 in her class Cand President, SADD edinner NPB Essay competition BWhat the Con- stitution Means to Me" CATHERINE Di MARE Benjamin National Honor Society National Art Society Artistic talent received awards locally and state level JENNIFER. LOEFFLER Jupiter National Honor Society Band, 4 years E1. S - Anatomy & Physiology Honors, 1987 SHARILYN RUTH LONEY Jupiter Christian H, So Choral Ensemble Ha So Choir Volleyball and Basketball teams TRACEY (MURPHY Cardinal Newman Editor, School Newspaper Mt. Holyoke reginal essay contest, 2nd place Participant Cornell University's outstanding high school student's Summer School JULIE RYBKA King's Academy Ranked 5th i n class Ranked #1 tennis player at school National Honor Society Lead in school play President, Christian Club