13th Annual Luncheon 2-4-89�'r 11l I d 8 NORTH PALM BEACH BRANCH OF THE ' AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF iINIVERSITY WOMEN THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY LUNCHEON JONATHAN'S LANDING CLUB HOUSE FEBRUARY 4, 1989 PROGRAM Welcome o m . . . .Jane Havill Presiding Invocation. . . . Patricia Sharp Luncheon - Introduction of Honored Guests North Palm Beach AAUW The Past.. . . . . Lu Lehmann The Present . . . .Sue Slone The Future, . . C . Judy Pierman Pizzazz - Palm Beach Gardens High School Choral Group, directed by Kent Taylor MEMBERS WHO JOINED BEFORE CHARTER RECEPTION t Nancy Benjamin Sue Gibson Kay ,Tones Denning Joyce Ladd Frances Olson Helen Phillips Stella Strauss Ginny Thomas MEMBERS WHO JOINED IN 1960 LaRue Dahlberg Helen Shick Phyllis Sjolander LONG-TIME AAiJW MEMBERS Bernice Beverstein Luisa Rosso Blanche Brewer a. Marion Knapp Betty Moore FOUNDERS Dorit Beery Patricia Sharp Kay Hart Thelma Obert Virginia Thomas CHARTER MEMBERS Barbara Abbott Mary Jo Barnett Dorit Beery Mimi Churchill Lea Cloyed Elizabeth Crabtree Olive Dower Jean Emerson Kate Gildan Kay Hart Lu Lehmann Thelma Obert Betty Robin Fran Rodman Catherine Schilling Patricia Sharp Nancy Sunshine Eunice Tiedemann Regina Van Duzee Patricia Keller Winn PAST PRESIDENTS Barbara Abbott Priscilla Bennett Virginia Eng Anne Fitzpatrick Kate Gildan Betty Sue (Kohlmeyer) Hammond Jane Havill Nancy Fisher Holland Lu Lehmann Thelma Obert Judy Pierman Jean Groff Santos Libby Saylor Patricia Sharp CURRENT OFFICERS President . 0 . Sue Slone V.P. Program• . . . . •Ann Moore V.P. Membership . • Sally Bailey Recording Sect'y. Marion Knapp Corres. Sect'y. . • Mary Haesche Treasurer • • . . • Molly Cleare ANNIVERSARY COMMITTEE Co -Chairs Jean Atherton Lea Cloyed Marian Axley Jane Havill Betty Moore Thelma Obert i 'i