Annual Holiday Dinner Dance 12-29-66pigitred above are Mr. and verslte Women hurl Decem- the mtsiā‚¬ of ,l.1 . Burrows Mr-s- Eugrw- I..ehmann and bet 13 at the Brazilian i.ourt and Mr. group. 4lrs. Lehmann Mr. and Mrs_ Donald Dahl- in Palm lkk' C°h, !Npmhers of is preAdem of the N'VB berg at the anrsoal holiday the urganl7ahan and thtii ?j ,A U W and Mrs. Ounald dinner daw :e al the North huwbutkd,, e'njrj }'ed dinwtr and Ilah'lherr u- bairmun Of this PaLrs Bea[,fi hranvh of the danejnq in thu lovely ,dining event. AweritzriAsw ialion of l :nj- rnnFn, patio and gardens to