Teacher brings classroom to students (PBP)TemAacher brmgS e'assroom and Tillie Gardner of North Palm Beach and Babs • • --a 1 1 kee w®rk b hone1 u 11S u Exceptio n�.Y pp p uv students a year tuned in to school until the are read to return to class. Y Roth- personal development with Roth- for the and luncheon scheduled for 11:30 a.m. Satur- Rothstein, one of 35 teachers who By LARRY KAPLOW homebound program. The students are work with students at home or in the Palm Beach Post Staff Writer unable to attend school, so Rothstein tries hospital, was named Teacher of the Year WEST PALM BEACH — Naofni Roth- to keep them up on their work. by her local professional association, the stein sits at the switch with five students "It's hard because they have no visual Council for Exceptional Children, which, on her algebra party line. aids," she said after class. "It's so hard to has 200 Palm Beach County members. She faces a speaker phone, her stu- read if they're understanding." Rothstein, 61, of North Palm Beach is dents represented by red lights on a large The teleclass students turn in home- one of 10 finalists for the group's state console. As they work through math prob- work to teachers who visit them at home. award. She was nominated on the basis of lems, she tries to persuade them to write They take tests their classmates in school her teaching and the volunteer and fund - down their calculations. also take. Though the students don't usu- raising work she has done with the Coun- "I need to write it down, and I'm your ally see each other, Rothstein said one of cil. teacher. You can't see it, but it's here," her classes agreed to meet at a mall. This week is statewide Exceptional she says, holding up her scratch sheet. The program is a little-known part of Student Education Week, commemorat- The "teleclass" is part of the Palm Beach County School Distri.e.t's hospital/ the district's Exceptional Student Educa- tion Department, and it weeps about 2,000 Please see STUDENTS/513 VVIL keep u in te ee ass STUDENTS/from 1 B ing the teaching of students who are homebound, sevgrely physical- ly or mentally disabled, emotional- ly disturbed or gif ted students. There were about 20,000 of these students in Palm Beach County schools last year — about 4,000 of whom are gifted students. Rothstein's job, unfamiliar even to other special education teachers, takes her from the helm of the "teleclass" in a booth just big enough for her and her desk, to the homes of ill or injured students and to the juvenile psychiatric hall of a local hospital. Rothstein moved to Florida 14 years ago from Newport News, Va., where she taught emotionally disturbed children. She substituted and volunteered in Palm Beach County schools before she began teaching gifted children at Belve- dere Elementary in 1983. She has five grown children and four grandchildren. "It's very rewarding to help someone in a crisis," she said. "We make a critical difference at a time in a child's lif e that can of f ect the course of their entire life." After seven years in the home- bound program, she has taught stu- dents with broken bones and can- cer, and others with emotional or addiction problems. "You come in at a really crucial time f or the student," she said. They "can lose a half year or a year of academic life." One of her students, Jahn Eich - f eld, hasn't been to class at Bear Lakes Middle School this year. Be - f ore making the move from ele- mentary to middle school, his leg was broken when he was hit by a car while riding his bicycle. He takes social studies, science, l and Tillie Gardner of North Palm Beach and Babs English and math by telephone and Ferguson of Juno Beach will serve as co-chairmen. Arthritis Foundation's Fantasia fashion Roth- personal development with Roth- for the and luncheon scheduled for 11:30 a.m. Satur- i stehome where they also stein ��n at h :. review his other work. Proceeds from the Saks Fifth Avenue fashion 7 teacher rf or every e s like the Y "She h show, with a silent auction and luncheon, will be G9 d. Th e re course Iave,he said. i used to finance programs for people who have arthritis in the North Palm Beach County area. someone to ask when I have a A ticket is $30. For information, call (800)654- question." 1046. He says teleclasses are not y much different from a regular class though "they can't see what you're doing." He got caught once during class with his television on. Leona Malone i chairman of the Ar - Students qualify for the home- , thrills Foundation's �3bound program when they are go- i ! Fantasia fashion or more than�l5 ing to miss school f ► I Show and luncheon. days. The program focuses on core 1 e arts and -- The Patricia Robinson Named Unit s been funded with individual gifts from members and branches to thank Pat for providing significant leadership during her presidency. As of this publication date, the contributrions will exceed the required 1$2,,500.00 amount, courses, such as anguag math but the. teleclasses also offer and Tillie Gardner of North Palm Beach and Babs Spanish, - physics, marine biology, Ferguson of Juno Beach will serve as co-chairmen. Arthritis Foundation's Fantasia fashion nutrition and psychology. for the and luncheon scheduled for 11:30 a.m. Satur- The challenge is to keep school show day at the Palm Beach Gardens Marriott. skills and self-esteem from flag- Proceeds from the Saks Fifth Avenue fashion ging while the students recover. show, with a silent auction and luncheon, will be "When a child finds himself out- used to finance programs for people who have arthritis in the North Palm Beach County area. side of the normal s process, rocess, A ticket is $30. For information, call (800)654- youre dealing with self-esteem, with not being able to compete with 1046. Dinner at PGA National The American Association of University Women, North Palm Beach branch, invites potential members to its dinner/meeting 6:30 p.m., Monday, at the PGA National Member's Club, 4500 Ave- nue of the Champions in Palm Beach Gardens. A tour of the PGA spa will follow the dinner. Call Cheryll at 842-4773 for more infor- mation. --- --------- ---- '48 Your Source for Help io and Hope, 16ARTHIXITIS FOl1NDATIONO i SPONSORS SELF HELP COURSE Designed for hcople of all ages who have arthritis Course Material Includes: Relaxation Techniques • Class runs for 4 weeks • Coping with Arthritis and begins on Feb. 20th • Exploring Depression s •Stress- and Motivation ® Registration Required . Dail Life Management and seatingis limited to 25. � g • How to Handle fain TO REGISTER CALL: 478-1166 JUPITER MEDICAL CENTER 121.0 South Old Dixie Hwy., Jupiter (NO CHARGE)