Matilda Gardner (PBP) 2-7-90Instructor Lerma Malone, will hold self-help classes for peo- ple with arthritis at Jupiter Hos- oital's Wellness Center. The Fantasia Fashion Show Luncheon at the er Jupit Hilton on Ho- tel was a sell-out a month in ad- vance and a huge success, accord- ing to Babs Ferguson, chairman. Leona Malone was co-chairman. Peter Phelps, executive director and Elin Ozdemir, program direc- tor, greeted guests. "It was a great honor to be chosen as the Arthritis Foundation 1989 Celebrity Guest," said Chris Noel. "I appreciate the opportunity to support and work with all the volunteers on behalf of this most worthwhile organization." Noel is an actress who appeared in a - B.L. Stryker episode, in China Beach and with Elvis Presley in Girl Happy. She entertained the troops in Vietnam and has written a book, - 6F THE PALM BEACH POST Sevgin McAuley, a native o . %Istanbul, Turkey, will speak at the American Association of Universi- ---- -- tag on Monday at 8 er instructor Leona Ma- is entitled 66Turkey eceived special training a returned last Arthritis Foundation, is trip to Istanbul, Self -Help Classes on d her family. ]ginning Feb. 2 at the will be held in the >pital's Wellness Center. f the North Palm rse is designed to assist 303 Anchorage )ping with arthritis, ex- alm Beach. For in - If -help hints and aids, Tillie Gardner at techniques, exploring and stress and sugges- v to handle pain. rse is limited to 25 and vations are necessary. information call 478- Babs Ferguson of Juno Beach is chairman of "Fantasia," the fourth annual fashion show luncheon to benefit the Arthritis Foundation. Leona Malone, Jupiter, is co-chair- man and Dorothy walker Bush is honorary chairman. Chris Noel will be the Celebrity Guest, with f ash - ions by The Gardens of the Palm j Beaches. The Jupiter Beach Hilton will host the event Friday, Dec. 15. Both chairmen men are arthritis itis pa - tients and not only know theimpor- tance impor- tante of the foundation but feel its needs. Admission tickets are $25. � For information call the Arthritis � Foundation at 478-1.166. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1.990 N Luncheon, f'ashion show to benefitnee y infants Layettes and other items for by chapter are: Agnes Gregory, Boca needy infants will be funded by the .Raton,. president; Bonnie Pape, Ri- third annual Luncheon and Fashion viera Beach, vice president; Loret- Show to benefit the Christ Child Society of Palm Beach. The show to Banaszak, North Palm Beach, will be at Jonathan's Landing Club- secretary; June Young, North house in Jupiter on Saturday, with Palm Beach, treasurer; and Mar - cocktails reception at 11 a.m. lene Genovese, Boca Raton, re - Loretta Banaszak and Marie cording secretary. Emswiler are co-chairmen. ■. Fashion coordinator Rose - Meyerow.ich will present resort wear and spring collections from area boutiques. Tickets are $25. For more information and reserva- tions call at Walters 626-7041. The grist i Society is a national organization dedicated to ; provide for needy infants and to supply layettes and other items to Maurawood Home for unwed moth- ers, St. Mary's Hospital and Birth- � line. Marie Enswiller, 626-4695, will furnish information on the so- ciety. Officers of the Palm Beach 6D THE PALM BEACH POST WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1990 STARS": SENIORS TAKING P STAR- OF THE WEEK MATILDA GARDNER atilda "Tillie" Gardner has always loved working with children. She was a bridal consultant for 32 years and enjoyed plan- ning weddings for the brides-to-be. She and her husband; Jerry, live in Harbor Village in Old Port Cove, North Palm Beach, and they are the parents of three children. Mrs. Gard- ner, who is in her late 60s, is very active in several organizations. :.. g 'Y. '..:'.'.«:'.:•:•4 She is a board member of the Friends en d s } the Li- brary, i- brar �y, serving as publicity chair- man, a n and d is in- volved i ` volved with the book sales. She is w publicity chair- man - man for the American Asso- Matiida Gardner ciation of Uni- versity Women and a charter member, organizer and fund-raiser for the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Northern Palm Beaches. Mrs. Gardner acts as secretary to her husband, who is president of the condominium board of Harbor Village. At the condo, she also plans parties with innovative themes, such as a Greek party with a belly dancer. The Gardners like to travel when they aren't serving their community. Mrs. Gardner is a muscular dystrophy patient and writes articl&s on the handicapped for various publications. "I am living because I have the will to live and also to walk with the aid of a cane," she says. "If one can remember that God is always with us, our faith will help us do what we want to do. My faith and love of God give me a special awareness of all my blessings and family." GINNIE IV CMULLEN ■