Junior Recognition Evening May 18, 1992ABOUT' AAUW
T] ic� An -i( Association of University Womel1 is the
eldest and largest organization for wornen in the United
Stz.rtes. Founded in 1881, AAUW is dedicated to the ad-
vancernent of w0 i,iien, promotion of lifelong learning
and in aplementa t ion of positive ive societal and community
changes. "Today there are over 190,000 riiembers.
Locally, the North Palryi Beach Branch is an active
organization of approximately one hundred members. it
was founded over thirty years ago. Monthly meetings
are held tlae third NAmday of each month at 7:30 P.O.,
usually iii thc_� North Palryn Beach Library. A wide variety
c )f prograrais are offered.
Spectal interest (4roL.11-)s dI.S0 meet monthiv. "1,1-aey it iclude
;till gat 'l ea 'I'ime, International Relation as, Women in Lit(-,,r-
ature, AAU V SLil)per Club, and Girls Night Out.
lnterested women with de,�srees from accredited col-
leges and universities may obtain either membership or
activity it af'c )rmatim from Sally Bailey, 845-8340.
\\'c,- ,h icerely iippreciate the assistance received from all
c 4 t he North Pi l m Beach Branch members. c_ on imi t tee
} 1� ail l )ers� �r as it rc 1 al �l �o )ir atc d o)fficcrs this vc•ar. We espe-
c j� 11y co ►r �gratulate Mir Fcluca00)1aial 1=oL,111dation co -
(A rilirs, Judv Pli(_%rman and Marion Knapp, for a success -
I'111 f undraiser to complete the Thelma Obert Research
and Projects E'ridowment, our news 1--)ulletin editor, Sue
Slone, for accurate and timely inft.)rmation, our tele-
phone con-m-iittee chair, Bre(-,,zy I=reeman, fc )r keeping us
i1 ii'()rmcd, (-rracl our hospitzality chair, Naonii Rothstein, for
progr( ri i ► ;- 1l Ip )()rt.
American Association of University Women
North Palm Beach Branch
Junior Recognition Evening
Nando's Restaurant
Monday, May 18, 10�J2
The North Palm Beach Branch of the
American Association of University Women
vice President Membership:
is pleased to Donor outstanding high school
Junior women With high academic
achievement and leadership in their
C,heryll Plotkin
respective schools.
Our New Officers Are:
Recording Secretary:
Dorothy Davey . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jupiter Christian
Cannelloni Mornay
Lesly I iarrington . . . . . . . . . . . . William T. Dwyer
Salad Maison
Tina Jabali . . . . Benjamin School
Breast of Chicken Picatta
Ice Cream with Fresh Strawberries
Erica Kaminester . . . . . . . . . Suncoast High School
Coffee — Tea
Kirsten Larson . . . . . . . . . . . Jupiter High School
Angela I-ong, Treasurer
Sara Terrell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . King's Academy
Devon WeaverPalm Beach Gardens
Leah Wcber . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardinal Newman
11c �Ily Cleare
Sally Bailey, President North Palm Beach Branch
Recognition of Outstanding Junior Women
Valerie Ferrara, Chair, Recognition Committee
Keynote Address: "Life's Many Choices"
Dr. Modica Uhlhorn,
Officers North Palm Beach Branch
Superintendent of Palm Beach County Schools
installation of Branch Officers, 1992--93
Sall Bailey 845-8340
Judy Piern��an, Mayor, Village of North Palm Beach
vice President Programs:
Cheryll R. Plotkin
vice President Membership:
Dolores Yeaw
Our New Officers Are:
Recording Secretary:
1-iarric:�t Freeman
Sherry Lary, Vice President Membership
JoAnn Endorf, Corresponding Secretary
C,orresponding 5(,;c,rc.tary.
Angela I-ong, Treasurer
.)(-)Ai ii i idorf )r[
11c �Ily Cleare