Installation Dinner 5-15-89Y'kJ F i t. r Yom. •.�-i C� � � .r 41 1104, lipp + Apr fi -W!:;;O000 i � a ` --moi` � • ' Y s 4 '♦l ►^' r ki JAI -AMA— 441w, . J/ �'� � ` 2 is y.j��i►� •r p -� J`. S' d ` 1 - y 1 i t A luncheon meeting of the American Association of Universi- ty Women will be held at 6:30 p.m. 4 ; ■ Monday at Nando's Restaurant in The invitation is out, Com Palm Beach. The following new An the gala dinner -meeting officers will be installed: Marion the .American Association of Knapp, president; Helen Zientek, Versity Women, North Palm 1 vice president in charge of pro - at the Hilton Inn, Singer 1 grams; Sally Bailey, vice presi- Mondayat 6:30 p.m. dent -membership; Elaine Hoop, re - Watson Duncan III will r cording secretary; Jo Ann Endorf, tfi�e book, All I Really Ne, corresponding secretary; and Mol- Kfiaw I Learned in. Kindergc ly Cleare, treasurer. by Robert Fulghum. The following new members New officers to be installe will be inducted and honored: Marion Knapp, president; I Louise Dott, Gayle L,anden, June Zientek, vice president, progi Mishey, Patricia Robinson and An- and Elaine Hoop, recording s nette Tandero. Cost is $20, Call tary. Molly Cleare, 626-6725, for reser- For reservations send a check to Molly Cleare, 4427 vations. Watson Duncan III will be th chia Circle South, Palm Beacr guestspeaker. dens, Fla., 33410. THE PALM BEACH POST FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1989 7