Harriette Glasner, Feminist Fighter (Sun-Sentinel) 2-10-89Activist, 8 3, to'
receive 19 8 9
Susan B. Anthony
Special to the Sun -Sentinel
arriette Glasner,
graceful and elegant
at 83, answered
phone calls on Tues -
IF[ day, using her un-
abashed curiosity tempered with
her empathetic nature.
One caller wanted the American
Civil Liberties Union's Palm
Beach/Martin County chapter,
which Glasner founded in 1963, to
help hire with a parking problem.
Glasner took five calls in three
hours from friends at Planned Par-
enthood of the Palm Beach Area,
another organization she founded.
Using- a small notepad balanced
on her knees, Glasner sat in her
spacious condominium high above
West Palm Beach's waterfront. She
discussed ways to get teen-agers to
their appointments at the abortion
clinic, and whether Planned Par-
enthood had enough in donations to
pay the full cost of the abortions
the penniless girls needed.
On Saturday, the
South Palm Beech
bounty chapter of
the National
Organization of
Women will dive
Glasner the 1989
Susan B. Anthony
Award because she
has "displayed
courage in the
cause of feminism,,"
according to NOW
chapter president
Gloria Alpert.
On Saturday, the South Palm
Beach County chapter of the Na-
tional Organization of Women will
give Glasner the 1989 Susan B. An-
thony Award during a luncheon.
Glasner will be honored because
she has "displayed courage in the
cause of feminism," according to
NOW chapter president Gloria A1 -
But a newcomer to the county
might never realize that Glasner,
who looks the perfect socialite in a
red crepe dress decorated with
gold and ruby jewelry, is a respect-
ed women's rights activist who has
spent 40 years as a full-time
founder, president or volunteer in
at least 12 organizations.
The groups advocate the wom-
an's choice in abortions and the use
of contraceptives. They fight to
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