General Meeting February 29901
"Hands Across the Sea" is Doris
Karlik's. theme gong. Accompany
ing her husband Steve on a business
trip, to Eindhoven, The Nether -
lands, Karlik, who is president of
the Palm Beach Gardens's wom-
i an's Club and the Exchangettes,
made woman's Club business a top
i priority. Meeting in Eindhoven
with members of the International
Woman's Club, which is composed
V of women from different nations,
a the club and Karlik agreed to cor-
respond and exchange ideas. The
group presented her with a copy of
=� its cookbook and the Palm Beach
Gardens Club sent its cookbook to
- 1 the Netherlands.
The Karliks combined business
with a trip to Faris and then trav-
elled on to Munich. They were in
®� Munich when the wall in Berlin
k was "broken." The excitement and
` boy was rampant in all of the area,
$ May,K '
Karlik said. In
arliks were
in Hong, Kong when the students
marched in Beijing, China.