AAUW will conduct a panel, 'Dropouts-What's Being Done' (PBP) 2-18-90Panel to discussdro16F IHE PALM BEACH POST SUNDAYp FEBRUARY 18, 1990 N'Pouts
The American Association Of UniversitV
Women will conduct a panel titled"Dropouts
■ Th
ViV . at's Being D,
one,,)y at 8 p.yn_A,,TondaV Fn -
The American Association of b.
at the Obert
University Women will conduct a ru Mom of the North Palm -Beach, Li -
panel, "'Dropouts — What's Being' brary, 303,A--,nehorage Dr.
Done," on Monday at 8 p.m. in the Partio-
cipants will incluae State Rep. Marion
Obert Room of the North Palm Lewis ®f the House Education Committee- Isabel
Beach Library, 303 Anchorage Logan, director of the Palm Beach Count ►,
Drive. The public is invited. For DiStrict Dropout Center; Dan Alfons Y School
more information call Helen Zioen- 0 1 1
tek at 624-2018. of the North Area •Alternative , Prl-n-ccipal
School o" the
Technical Education Center and Jim Peg
The participants in the panel
discussion will be: State Rep. Mar- cher at Eisenhower Elementary Sc� 9, tea -
discussion Lewis, who serves on the House public is invited. For more inf - hool. The
Education Committee; Isabel Lo- len Zientek at 624-2018-. ..oj, mation, call He-
gan,.director of the Palm Beach
County School District Dropout
Center; Dan Alfonso, princSchoolal of
the T%T
Area Alternative ;
Elvin Thomas, instructor at the
Vocational Technical School of the
Technical Education Center; and
Jim Pegg, teacher at Eisenhower
Elementary School.
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