AAUW is planning an evening of folk music (PBP) 10-13-89Environmental Network coordinator. During this time, pat has attended four regional and conferences presented workshops at two of them She has attended five Association conventions his been a panelist and p nelist and small group leader at the 1989 convention. In a • dd� tion pat addi- tion-, the Florida Division at th Hazardous Waste Alert Conference and the W °men's Energy Conference in 1979. Pat is a water and wastewater chemist, biolo- gist and teacher currently ed b employed y Peroxidation Systems, Inc., and was their 1988 Achievement Award winner, In addition, she is a member of the Water Pollu- tion Control Federation, Florida Water and pollution Control Operators As • tion, Executive socia - t Women of he Palm Beaches Ka Kappa Iota and D' Kappa Delta Zeta sororities, Child Care Advisory Committee a Westminster Presbt ' Church and Crossroads Advisory Committee at Palm Beach Com College, College.