AAUW 'Leadership into 2000' 2-2-90ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and APPRECIATION AAUW, Boynton Beach Branch DI -splay and Handouts AAUW, Coral. Springs Branch Site, Registration and Treasury AAUW, Plantation Branch Registration AAUW, Boca Raton Branch Publicity L AAUW, Palm Beach County Branch Program AAUW, South Broward Branch Hospitality AAUW, All Branches "in Cluster 6 Program Planning CLUSTER 6 BRANCHES Miami, Tamiami, Key West, Puerto Rico, Coral Springs, South Broward, Fort Lauderdale, Plantation, Pompano Beach, Palm Beach County, North Palm Beach, Boynton Beach. Boca Raton *AAUW*AAUW*AAUW* AA-W W.. r fflo t P:equity for women. pU rALIon and self-develam t over thelifespan, and posifilip CIM -1 ef a' chanu. Am Edur-31-iona 'UW l% F e aLi; mrovidw- funds to increase the capab"ity of A A'U'W I t ow :-4 T" t a 4: n its goals 2nd serve its members and society$ I A Advotcacy Fund, provides fund' rt system for woman seeking U W1 L e :Q r 1 :119 a n 8 SLID001 Judicial redress for sex discrimina,til'on. LEADERSHIP I NTO 2 4, AMERICAN gSSOC1ATION OF' U�xsrrY WOMEN CLl1STER 6 MCET ING Saturday, FebrUarY 2* 1990 Coral Springs City Centre Coral Springs, Florida SCHEDULE 8.- 3 0 a.m. REGISTRATION 9:30 a.m. PLENARY SESSION Welcome -- Janice Stalcup, Pres-Ident Coral Springs Branch " T Moving Toward 2000" Convener : AlIce McKee, Associatlon EF President PLACE.- Meeting, Rooms A & B 10:00 a.m. CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS A. "Women: Decisions'. Decisions' Decisions! Education, Career,, - and Famlly" Convener.- Annette Van Howe, Division Women's Issue Cha lr PLACE: Meeting Room A It r B. Leadership in A Diverse Community" Convener: Barbara Knapp Division Training Coordinator PLACE: Meeting Room B C. "Presidents? Council" (For Branch Presidents) Convenero.. Patricia Robinson, Division AAUW Pre si'den t PLACE.- Classroom 11,-45 a m LUNCHEON L - ' "Fe-1-1.ows and Scholars: Creating Choices for Women" Conveners: Helen Landers, Division EF Chair, F Dorothy Shutt, Division Strategic Planning Task Force PLACE.- Meeting Rooms A & B 1030 p.m. CONCURRENT WORKSHOPS D. "Community Initiatives in Education Conveners: Eg-le Gallagher, Lead supervisor Community Education., Broward County Public Schools; Mickey Shiley, Division Community Co-chair; -Pamela Houze, Branch Education Chair and Treasurer, Fort Lauderdale- and Judith Bontrager, Division Education Committee PLACE.- (TBA) E. "Pub'lic Policy Meets Women's Needs" Convener: Helen Zientek, Division Public Policy Chair PLACE: Meeting Room A 3:00 p.m. TOWN HALL Convener: Gloria Kuchinskas, Division Vice President Program PLACE.- Meeting Rooms A & B CLOSING : M -M POP owl MR IL I H. Tia 11 J M. rtt L' IL I AN Ame . 34 ■ wl IRE oil �® m I I aw 14 6-, is I Fes" Ate,'.•. __,