1992 AAUW Convention Schedule 'Take the Initiative' 10-16-93n Schedule
1992 AAUW Con%7entio
West Palm Beach Ramada Hotel Resort
"Take the Tnitiative
Friday October 16th
egistl,ation and credentials W1
#45 PM R , .1, A-agler
N o (-,)- ri t 0 7 'Beach (Breakers, WOrth Ave,
2:30 - 6PM - Bus tour to Palm cl-tails.)
Museum tour, Hibel Museum tou.r & CO "
4-030 - 6PM - Hibel Museum-tojjr & Cockta-il Party
- Concurrent PreConvention Sessions
8 PM rri I orientation. (includes slides f rom Brancbl,'
First limers A_
it -is Householder, Parliamentarial-I
mot ions Dor -id make motiOrNs
mot Ilow to write resolutions, write at
and amendments to motions.
Executive Committee Meeting
E, F S al es
8. 10 pm Con-vention Opening
Beth Norris South Rpt antic Regional Director
Bernard -- AAUW Leader on Loan "Take
Saturday, October 17th Credentials
?"7 9:45 Registratiol-I and
(-.30AM - I-j+a-tives MeE.,,tillcli3'
7:30 -8*-
30 - Cluster Represe L I
8 -- 9-:30 Breakfast with the Directors
8 - 10 F.,F Sales
jo - Noor, First, Business Meeting iqlss EF Sales
Noon. - 19:30 Registl-r-ltiOrll Credent
1.230 Lunc�ieon with Keynote Speaker
concurrent Workshops
2 3 -4 15 r 4- iging America
"Shortchanaing n<s'irlss sho Uchar-
I!n fr nt writing experience.
"LE,,,arn to Earn - Hands on gra 't, 4 Bring
n a, -It fj:.om an expei: lt
-low to write a successful ar
Le girl d . funding, Cal'01 Darling
o1jr ideas & learn I -low tO air' d our
Y IV . your opportunitY to i-xnderstan
V,.,tjjj-.rjg our Differences
i a AAUW.
role in strengthening Florid,
diversity plan and its in Tec-hniques to use in
"Lobbying it's easier than you think!" )y
Nikki Bear, UL AA -UW Lc)b'L
lobbying to mFtke it easier, N ci-011-ect" - 1,ea,rn why
It Challenge, 0
3 Cs of Membership: -to()
1 AAUTW & recruit them for your bran(
young peoj_)1e j0J How to -use
No �, -1
r1ing with Coalitions—double you.r' power 6
achieve your goals and double your i III -) ac t
otiler groups to ac it women f ighting sexual
tt $$$ in a women Winning.
Wofnell F*ghting, ampu's
d Yjarrassment on C
dis(.'.rjmination an
5 - 4:30 coricurrent-1 Workshops (repeat)
shortk-hariging AmeriC�!
silo rtchangl-T-19 It 9 Grant Writing (Repeat.)
art, to Earn 4-uence otil.., I lVes
pa- ?q Learn I -low paradj_gfils f 1.
JL• AAUW Leader on Loan W e
1-13 and y Berriar( If ideas fol. w"omen' s. Hist0l- j
1 Bri-ght --ennen
"March into History i I! Beth Norris Jean D).
"The International Connect-Lior, ( ol I e g e
vuiting ?_15
amPllzn� Conn(ection" Ideas for Vec
"Making the C,-- personal contact.
& University members through V R&D g rant
Nomen in the Workforce" - News anci Status OF State -L -�n