University Women plan to hear different drummer (Post) 2-21-88�, F�, 6enewfiti.u.neh n
Univu,grsity- Women plan
tO hear ditterent ru,,mmer
A fashionable group, it was not a
bit unusual f or the North Palm
Beach branch of the American As-
sociation of University Women to
think fashion when planning its an-
nual fund-raising event — until this
Raising money in a new style,
I [ifter eight years, the women have
decided on a "Matinee at the Caba-
'et" for 1988.
Translated, the spring benefit
ill forego the usual fashion show
,.-oute and present a luncheon at the
Palm Hotel in West Palm Beach,
with lively entertainment by the
''Palm Beach Junior College Pace-
setters, a group that specializes in
popular and jazz vocals.
Proceeds from the March 5
event go to the branch's Education-
al Foundation Program, which in -
.eludes the Thelma Obert Endow-
ment and provides scholarships for
higher degrees, for return -to -the -
work -force studies and for commu-
nity -betterment projects.
Thelma Obert, a resident of
orth Palm Beach, is a f ounder of
his branch, as well as the North
alm Beacir Public Library.
PBJC'S Pacesetters will benefit
om the luncheon as well. Some
oney will go to that group to help
ith travel expenses connected
th its appearance at Expo '88 in
stralia this summer.
inda Rosenbaum of Jupiter is
of it chairman.
he "cabaret" opens with a re -
tion at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be
ed at noon. The donation for
day is X22.
- rizes will be a
;;in attraction is a
taly Hibel music
eservations and
-ilable from Anne
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-Thdrna �6er� inn l�a�ss�►p, gh�r-leu C-rresingc�
Thel 11401:9 niece.
Guest �F &0on KnapQ. &rrar)ne farjchauscn , kfin
• rncas�.
Sue lone,
(�(q�^IQ4 �}X�eU, and lnrs. Wea�d,